The TA called the lowercase delta a sigma just after I correctly said it was a delta

>The TA called the lowercase delta a sigma just after I correctly said it was a delta
>Now the whole class think I'm an idiot

I mean seriously, alpha betta gamma sigma ? What the fuck is this shit ? Come on.

>it's an "instructor can't pronounce [math]\xi[/math] so he just calls it zeta" episode

>professor mistakes theta for phi
>I correct him
>nothing else happens because professor is a functional human being and I'm a semi-functional sperg
Was 3 years ago. I miss that professor.

You still understood the professors point . Unless you have something substantial to say shut up

I too remember being that tool who would correct the professor when he she made the slightest fucking mistake

>he she
Almost, soyboy, almost.

because he was wrong. are you illiterate? do you just let your prof and TA make mistakes without clarifying? that's even worse than interrupting them.

Wew. You're too far gone

t.butthurt TA

handwritten greek letters are a mess

>It's another "people still insist on using ΞΎ instead of something easier for everyone to write" episode. Everyone knows damn well they haven't run out of greek letters to choose from.

>pays money so a grad student can teach him


>lives below minimum wage so he can babysit undergrads in remedial math courses
even worse

TA calls the discriminant, b^2 - 4ac , the determinant.

Get on my level plebs.


>Not knowing that symbols are just symbols and anyone can just call their symbols whatever they think fits best.

Top kek, someone has never invented notation in his life.

Wait so you do that?

Why do people struggle with it so much? I also noticed classmates that can't write it, so just write a z. Only thing I can think of is that they never learned how to write cursive so can only make basic shapes, since they also were unable to read my notes written in cursive.

But the discriminant IS a determinant, brainlet.

[eqn]\begin{vmatrix}b & 2a \\ 2c & b\end{vmatrix}[/eqn]

Ahh yes

-\frac{1}{a} \begin{vmatrix}
c & b & 0\\
b & 2a & b\\
a & 0 & 2a

>professor mixes up centripetal and centrifugal force


>[math](a+b)^2\neq a^2+b^2[/math]

>"Well that depends on the ring hurr hurr hurr"

tryhard undergrads are the worst

You need to me even more tryhard than them to counter that, e.g.
[eqn](a+b)^2 \neq a^2 + b^2 \text{ a.s.}[/eqn]

*to be
just noticed it lmao

ahh...i miss my undergrad days

They allowed you to be an undergrad before high school?

But what is wrong with that? It is a useful fact that [math] (a+b)^2 = a^2 + b ^2 [/math] in [math] \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} [/math].

It is the algebraic way of expressing they have the same parity, which is a very useful property in some number theory problems.

gravity, tension from a string


>hurr durr what be newton's third law

>He use symbols to communicate on the internet and calls them "letters"

Ah, American education. "Writing and reading is useless", amiright?
Seriously, you guys have a fucking problem. Niggers in the colonies had a better education, and we know how it went when the teachers left.