How do I get an undergrad degree if I'm only interested in math and a very small part of math that isn't ever...

How do I get an undergrad degree if I'm only interested in math and a very small part of math that isn't ever explicitly extensively required for a math major from anywhere

By fighting through the parts you don't like. It's not fun or easy to do, but you'll just have to. Or you could just cheat.

You pull on your big-girl panties and either do what it takes to get the undergrad degree or demonstrate such great potential without one that a Masters program accepts you.



>if the image is has a girl the poster is a girl

So I should just end my life?

It's not as bad as it seems. Especially if you find one or two people in the classes you hate to study with. I had to swallow my pride a couple times and do that just because it was so much easier to ignore my work and shitpost.

But I'd rather just use that time to study the things I actually am very interested in


If you want me to tell you that there's some magical cure to your situation where you don't have to do anything you don't like AND you're still even moderately successful in an undergrad, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

Well what's the point of undergrad then? Absurd.

To earn a degree.

To weed out the people who are too lazy for a graduate program.

it's called engineering

I'm not lazy though

I disagree whole heartedly .

I don't care about that kind if math

Then do the work, get your degree and prove that you aren't. This isn't hard.

yeah sure why not
if you're contemplating suicide over an undergrad degree you were worthless anyways

>I'm not lazy though
apparently you are, faggot
if you weren't, you'd push through a few years of garbage and cruise through the rest of your life

It's insane you're so brainwashed . It feels like you're not even talking to me

do you need one?
just find a simple job that lets you practice the math you like to explore in your free time
clerical work and editorial work is conducive to that sort of lifestyle well

What jobs like those don't already require college education?


Stop watching anime.

>why dont you waste your time faggot? What are you, lazy?

What mental gymnastics are you doing? If I've self studied all this shit I'm pretty clearly willing to put in work

Everyone has had to take modules they didn't enjoy - my undergrad course had a mandatory module on graphene (I don't understand why). You just have to grit your teeth and get though it.

But why?