Just picked this up for $1 at a yard sale. Is this a decent translation?

Just picked this up for $1 at a yard sale. Is this a decent translation?

Nigga you've already bought it why are you asking now?


Why would you read something translated by the lead singer of anal cunt?

Does it matter my man? I always buy a shitty translation first so I can enjoy the good translation even better and pick apart why one translation works and the other doesnt

I don't know if this is bait, but it will take you at least 1 year studying Spanish for understanding the writing style of Cervantes.

Im not learning Spanish just to read a book. Just wondering how this translation stacks up against Grossman's

>«La libertad es uno de los más preciosos dones que a los hombres dieron los cielos; con ella no pueden igualarse los tesoros que encierran la tierra y el mar: por la libertad, así como por la honra, se puede y debe aventurar la vida».

Yeah putnam is top tier

You did good Frankie. GOAT translation. Now clean your fingernails, I almost gagged.

Why the fuck wouldn't you?

This book is a thousand pages

Why should one read it?

This post is ten words.

Why should one read it?

Because it takes a second to read

Whereas finishing a 1100 page book would take a significant amount of one's time, why is this book so worthy of that?

I'm not American so why would I want to learn Spanish?

one should read something because it is short

>there's no difference between 1 second and 400,000 seconds
:common sense:

>you should only read something if it doesn't take you long to finish it

I had no idea this gentleman translated the works of Cervantes.

It's a fucking classic for a reason you god damn pleb. Edmond Dantes is one of the greatest literary heroes who fucks up some hating ass niggas.

>Edmond Dantes