I have a 99th percentile IQ

I have a 99th percentile IQ
What books should I be reading and why?

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When you put it that way it's not really very impressive.

I have 500 IQ and I don't read books because they're for lesser minds

Pic related, in my experience high IQ people are retards when it comes to culture and politics.

read some Gould senpai

>reading the book instead of just watching the show

what ever you want?

IDK maybe like... dresden files

>watching the show instead of just reading plot summaries on wikipedia

I only watch the summaries on mr skin.

Statistically speaking, none of the people responding are going to beat your IQ.

Why are you bothering to ask anyone here?

Surely you could figure it out yourself.

My diary, senpai.

I'm willing to bet that someone with an IQ as high as yours already has a well-developed idea of what his interests are, and is very capable of discovering interesting books on his own :)

I have a 99.9 percentile IQ

I am smarter than yoo :)

problem bro?

>falling for iq meme

even if IQ was a meme, if you were given a choice would you rather have 150 IQ or 70 IQ?

Classic response from a verifiable brainlet.



You have a 99th percentile iq and you don't already know? Kek.


this is just racist


99 is just below average

>99 is just below average

>reading plot summaries on wikipedia instead of picking up a sense of its plot from scattered posts on Veeky Forums here and there of people who've read the Wikipedia/other posts on Veeky Forums of people who've read the Wikipedia

Literature is for brainlets, desu

How many of you have taken this one? 99th percentile here. Feels good knowing I'm a literal genius and part of the cognitive elite.

Its sad that you think that knowing a lot of words makes you smart

>verbal-linguistic intelligence test