Why is Zizek such an asshole?

Why is Zizek such an asshole?

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cuz he's an edgelord

>marxist is a soulless creep

huh wow woudja look at that

Zizek is an attention whore, a beneficiary of the system he purports to hate.

>That there should be this isomorphism between Žižek’s thinking and contemporary capitalism is not surprising. After all, it is only an economy of the kind that exists today that could produce a thinker such as Žižek. The role of global public intellectual Žižek performs has emerged along with a media apparatus and a culture of celebrity that are integral to the current model of capitalist expansion

Because he's a continental philosopher, what a stupid fucking question.

Can this meme stop?

It won't stop until continental philosophy redeems itself in the eyes of the world.

That whole interview was really edgy

>What is your favourite smell?

>Nature in decay, like rotten trees.

>Nature in Decay™
>The new fragrance by Zizek

It's his personal cologne.

>after the revolution there will be no intellectuals because we'll kill everyone who wears glasses

Refreshing honesty from the commies for once.

>u cant say capatalisms is bad when ur using ur iphone that is a hippo chrissy lmao

>When you try to inject yourself into a conversation with pre-defined replies from leddit but still manage to fuck it up

You don't have to like your family. No one chooses their family.

My brother and I don't get a long. He has brought me nothing but negative things, and when he dies it will be almost as though a stranger has died. Does that make me a bad person? No.

It doesn't make Zizek a bad person either.

>Does that make me a bad person? No.
It however does makes you sound incredibly young and naive.

>My brother and I don't get a long.
A long what?

I like the citations on Zizek's Wikipedia article, superb.

>The Guardian
>His own facebook page

The most dangerous philosopher in the West indeed.

Maybe his parents were just shit?

T. poor imitation of Stirner.

>It however does makes you sound incredibly young and naive.

I'm 27. My older brother was sadistic and abusive. Even my mother doesn't blame me for not liking him. You couldn't be more presumptuous.

what does your brother do now? do you see him at holidays and such?

This explains a lot.

my mother was a classmate of zizek in college, she says her memory of him will forever be how his wife was abusing him. he had to serve tea as a little bitch when her friends came to visit and wasnt allowed to sit with them at the table

And you think this is comparable to Zizek, who was born into a wealthy family who gave him money hand over fist so he could pursue two doctorates after getting kicked out of his 1st degree? the guy is a fucking spoilt brat who got everything he wanted because he was a only child.

He doesn't work. I think he has some deep seated psychological issues. I see him at christmas and some other similar family events and occasions. It's always a bit awkward, but he doesn't push my buttons as much as he used to, because a couple of years ago I lost it at him and threatened to knock him out, and he isn't in great physical shape (crippled back). But he was a huge bully and has basically pushed everyone in his life away. His own daughter won't talk to him, nor his son. He's a lot older than me, so his children are adult aged.

He used to push my mother around when I was a young kid, and then that transferred to his wives.

I kind of feel sorry for him in a way, though. I don't hate him.

Jesus, this is a fucking blog post.

To be honest you know literally nothing about Zizek's parent, and how they've treated him in his youth: wealth is only one factor, it won't make a parent ''good'' only by itself.
I guess you just get off on feeling superior to other ''naive and young'' people on the internet.

>And you think this is comparable to Zizek
I know next to nothing about Zizek's family life. If he had a good family life, then he is ungrateful to say such things about his parents.

All I'm saying is that you don't have to like your family.

Nah it would be the equivalent of setting up a knock off iPhone factory in China and deliberately designing them so that they obsolesce after a few months.

Why are Marxists always so twisted and psychopathic?

>tfw in the time it took you to post this apologetic shit Zizek probably regurgitated the same two jokes he has been running since the 80's and published them in the new yorker
*Scene cuts to black*
Muh death drive

Well, you haven't accused him on those grounds, haven't you?

Listen to this
This is the sound your goalpost made when you moved it so far up on your ass.

>What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

>Indifference to the plights of others.

at least there is a pattern

Is a nice smell desu

>le if you are not all love and forgivness you are inmature meme

*sniffs* i zhink zhese anons are *tugs shirt* pure ideology

>le if your parents give you money they are angels meme
Materialism autism in action

>Somebody in a position of privilege should lecture those who are systemically oppressed
Berniebroism in action

Žižžžžék íš śhīt œk

>systematic oppression
It's getting spooky in here


and when did it ever cast off its "greatness" and sink into the sea?

This. Slovenia is not known for its child-rearing skills

Around the 60's, blame France.

If it's any consolation, I feel sympathy for you and your family.

But Stirner loved his mom.

I can't imagine being this pleb.

They don't hit them hard enough?

The smell of his fat necrotic flesh heap of a body arouses him.

Don't worry, you'll definitely understand after working as a barista.

make an argument anytime, retard.

The dude is Slavic. I know plenty of Slavs and the parents of these unfortunate children were either drunk all of the time or incredibly abusive. Beatings often involved whatever object was around at the time.

We already had this argument though, you lost.

Beating children with your hands is retarded. You're making them associate being touched be a loved one with pain and punishment.

Can you even elaborate on what you are trying to convey without ideoligical rethoric?

Slavs are only a linguistic group, you uneducated subhuman.

>Implying there is any distinct differences between cultures.
>Implying their varying ethnicities matter to the rest of the world

Beating children in general isn't all that great unless they did something truly serious. I'm black and my mom would slap us for literally anything.

We aren't talking iPhone socialism, we're talking third $600k house levels of Socialist.

People who didn't deal with arbitrary violence from an authority figure as children usually have a hard time becoming truly God fearing adults.

>you need the beat the shit out of your children in order to indoctrinate them with my favourite ideology

Nice post, user

Do you remember Laclau and Mouffe? No? because they were the Zizek of the late 80's early 90's, but they weren't media savvy and faded into irrelevancy, and then all of their followers abandoned them and switched to worshipping Zizek instead.

Who would want that to happen to them?

Thanks. You have nice manners.

>More recently, in a 2014 interview with David Howarth, Laclau stated that his relationship with Žižek had deteriorated due to the latter adopting a 'frantic ultra-Leftist stance, wrapped in a Leninism of kindergarten'.[13]

Dude needs to sort himself out

>when you try to sell your mother for a sequel to a shitty movie.


what about contacts?

>a thinker like zizek won't exist because he won't have as convenient a platform to spread his ideas


I knew this guy was a joke all along, ofc he also hates Trump.

low quality bait

>OP unironically condemning a man for not crying at his mother's funeral

he just likes to be provocative, don't take it too seriously

This doesn't really surprise me - Zizek claims capitalism to be "pure ideology", completely dismissing the idea that people have their own, non-collectivist ideas

This, everyone knows you use slippers

>mfw thingken of him hurting

It's kinda true though. Conty philosophers in the 70s were some of the worse people on earth. And they got away with shit because they fooled the hoi polloi into thinking that it was part of their eccentricities.