From dumbo to genius?

hi /sci i have 96 iq but i reeeaaally want to be a matematikan or a scientist or a engineer... is there a way maybe to become a genius by brain workout like muscle or maybe overcome my low smartness with the power of willpower like naruto? thx /sci its first time for me here would like some good answers and nice friends

IQ doesn't matter, just learn random shit and expand your knowledge.

>IQ doesn't matter
fuck off brainlet, IQ matter in everything when discussing your capability in fields, I would refuse to even be near anybody with a sub 110iq, let alone you or OP's low iq, fucking morons
don't ever post on this board again

It's going to be really hard, but I'm sure it's doable. If you are below 83 tho there is a hard cut off there. Really low iq people are incredibly diligent, but they can't come up with tasks.

The main challenge you will run into is the lack of creativity due to low iq. Practicing math won't be too much of a challenge, so school should work as long as you put in the work.

But then in the job market what is necessary is creativity to solve problems that don't exist yet, and solutions which definitely don't exist yet.

Don't see it as discouragement tho, like I said above 83 you can do it. But it will be tough, that's a call to action if you like challenge.

I'm definitely stupid AF FML but I'm also lazy so I'm really fucked

Your best bet is to forget IQ and just build an outstanding memory
IQ seems to be, by definition, the ability to solve problems you don't know how to solve
However a strong memory can be over over represented in some fields compared to problem solving

This. If you put in the hours you can become certified in most fields. There are plenty of people in the 130-140 iq range who refuse to work hard. Half of success in school is diligence and time management

IQ its shit an unaccurate.
Being smart consist on the capacity of using logic.
Wanna be a scientist, an ingeneer or mathematician? Those follow a logical path. You might not have the knowledge to be one, but you can learn, i reccomend you to start from the most basic things to the most advanced ones. Read and watch about the thing you are interested, so you familiarize with the vocabulary. Try to stablish relations between subjects, that should stimulate your imagination.its not hard to think. Everyone can do it. And if you actually like it, it will be hard to you to give up and get bored, which its pretty good.


one) IQ is not really a good measure of intelligence.
that being said.
two) 96 is not low.

if you can memorize enough things you can make yourself appear smart to normies and brainlets

as opposed to what? I'm genuinely asking

OP, your best bet is to invest all of your brain power into memory. You can try to learn things the normal way, but it's going to be very fucking hard along the way. If you memorize this and that, everything will click together. If you have problems with memorization or concentration, take Adderall. 30%-40% of college students take it to pass their exams. Just don't abuse it.

Oh look. A 120 iq pleb trying to make fun of 96 iq mega plebs

How can't you brainlets see that he is doing an epic LE TROOL LOL


>thinking online IQ tests are legit

you could maybe be an engineer if you study hard, not a mathematician though


No hard feelings, but I'm 140, and I find it really hard to interact with 100 to 110s. Especially when they want to go on about how great they think socialism is, hoo boy. They just can't see where it all leads, the poor fools.

just because it's never been implemented properly doesn't mean it's not a good system.

Nah dude

you literally need IQ to learn shit

False, higher IQ just makes it easier to learn shit, doesn't mean an average IQ person couldn't learn the same shit if given more time.

I experience similar difficulties interacting with ghetto-types who don't speak well. The reason it is difficult to communicate is because different levels of intelligence are concerned with different things. Their language is also a little more primitive.

And yes, I know your post is bait.