You're about to go on a week long business trip with several hours in transit...

You're about to go on a week long business trip with several hours in transit. There's no wifi and you've only got room in your carry on bag for two books. What do you take?


Whatever books im reading ofc


Your mom's pussy.

house of leaves by mark z danielewski,
and 1q84 by haruki murakaki

i can read those over and over again without getting bored

>>yes i know i probably have a shit taste

Holy fuck dude

Finnegans Wake
King James Bible


Mason & Dixon

what im currently reading

>when you're such a luddite that you can't figure out a way to consume a few megabytes of text in the 21st century
My kindle

>several hours in transit
>no wifi

Oh my god, what an ordeal. How would you like, even cope, without looking at your phone for five minutes?

That's not really the point, but we're all so proud of you.

It's just endlessly amusing to me that millenials think that "no wifi" is an actual concern.

We got you the first time. You're special, I promise. You're not nitpicking to jack yourself off.

I bring all of my books with me since I'm not a backwards luddite hipster savage stuck in the dark ages so I carry my e-reader with me.

>>pleb detected

Have fun staring at a small screen while I get to enjoy books the same way my ancestors did.

How cucked do you have to be to require an expensive tech gadget to do something as basic as reading a book?


>not wanting to be a luddite savage

i know the moment i clicked on this thread that you faggots would start argue about ereaders

Just my notebook and pen. It's a good time to create rather than consume.

I bring my copy of the Will to Power because it's long as fuck and I still haven't finished it.

Infinite Jest
Another copy of Infinite Jest

An ereader

I wanted to point out that the "expensive tech gadget" does not read books - I do, but then remembered, that I actually have this very same gadget to read the books aloud to me, without bothering to download audiobooks.

Upton Sinclair - Oil!
Anthony Burgess - 1985

Entirety of Veeky Forums archives. I want to embrace myself into the memes.

mp3 player loaded with some lectures and audiobooks.
book: don't like reading 'proper' stuff in public places, so let's say some pulp novel, Le Carre or Mario Puzo, James Clavell or something.

Good movie
Also bringing a book is probably a good idea

doujinshi so I can savour the sweet reactions of normies

I have actually done this with Oil! Great slow train read

My Kindle? It's full of horror. Why would I bring something taxing on a business trip? Maybe on vacation I would bring my physical copy of Trivium or some other book.

Ever since I bought the e-reader, I stopped buying books and instead started downloading them for free. I have saved literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars since then.

This. Kobo + 1000s of pirated epubs.

maybe if people's brains were an app...

people would use them more...

whatever books i am reading at the time
how is this a question? a business trip is not a desert island

This is the perfect answer


because I havent read them yet

Go on

Have fun staring at paper while I listen to bardic poetry in the same oral tradition of my ancestors

but you looked like a faggot while doing it

came here to post this

Best answer

How is the means in how sense data is received relevant to the information itself? I've never understood people who lean one way or the other. Just do what pleases you.

Will Smith Jr.

two copies of the tractatus

You Must Change Your Life, Sloterdijk
The Aesthetics of Disappearance, Virilio (dat dromology)

I can't read fiction when I'm on the move.

How will peopl know that you are their rightful Lord and Master if you are not carrying around a cloth-bound first edition of a Veeky Forums-approved novel? What if you encounter the people who bullied you in elementary school?

A fountain pen and moleskine notebook, of course.

Milton's Paradise Lost.
Augustine's City of God.

no people had bullied myself into the elementary school
why do you ask

Harry potter 1.
Harry potter 2.