How much can you read in one day?

How much can you read in one day?

Around 200 pages before I think it's way too much and remember I have to do something else.

If the book is amazing I can do 300+ but it doesn't happen often.

I read a book a day

How can I do it?

It is easy to do if you follow the 67 proven steps.

Never read more than 50 pages a day for personal reading. I put absorbing and reflecting on a book above haha 1000 books a year get on my level lads type shit

Here in my garage I have seven new bookshelves.
How many bookshelves do you own? I even bet your bookshelves are filled pleb books like The Greaty Gatsy or 1984. But if you follow the 67 proven steps...

you can be like me.

Unless it's something particularly dense, I usually do around 60-100. If it's something I really enjoy I could do 200+

Doing research for university, with a close deadline and no other option, I can read 15 hours a day, and skim through 30 specialized works, so like 12 000 pages everyday.
On my own, I read extremely fast, and I'm able to read, for my own pleasure, over extended period of times ; I guess I'd say 400 pages a day of fiction.
But I'm the fastest reader I know. One reason I could give is that I don't "hear" the words in my head when I head, so my speed is only limited by my eyes actually seeing the words.

Fuck, not you again

Depends on time constraints. Generally between 50-150, although I did read both Karamazov and The Wings of a Dove in a single day, albeit for classes.
In school I read far more.

Doing research for university, with a close deadline and no other option, I can read 15 hours a day, and skim through 30 specialized works, so like 12 000 pages everyday.
On my own, I read extremely fast, and I'm able to read, for my own pleasure, over extended period of times ; I guess I'd say 400 pages a day of fiction.
But I'm the fastest reader I know. One reason I could give is that I don't "hear" the words in my head when I head, so my speed is only limited by my eyes actually seeing the words.

I can read 30 hours a day, and skim through 400 specialized works, so like 120 000 pages everyday.
I read extremely fast, and I'm able to read, for my own pleasure, over extended period of times ; I guess I'd say 8 000 pages a day of fiction.
I'm the fastest reader I know. I don't "hear" the words in my head when I head, so my speed is only limited by my eyes.

teach me senpai
i can't stop "hear"ing the words
my eyes hurt and reading comprehension goes straight in the dumpster when i force myself to go fast
>being a brainlet is suffering

like 700 pages.

You're fucking stupid. He can't read 12,000 pages a day

3 western cannons

I said "skim through", of course I don't read "12 000 pages a day", I "skim through" 12 000 pages a day.

I don't know what to tell you, I've never heard the words nor voiced them. I've just been reading since forever, I guess you get better and better as time goes on? Close your browser, open a book.

Doing research for university, with a close deadline and no other option, I can read 1 hour a day, and skim through 300 specialized works, so like 12,000,000^17 pages everyday.
On my own, I read extremely fast, and I'm able to read, for my own pleasure, over extended period of times ; I guess I'd say 13,500 pages a day of fiction.
But I'm the fastest reader I know. One reason I could give is that I don't "hear" the words in my head when I head, so my speed is only limited by my eyes actually seeing the words.

b-but I unconsciously sound them with my larynx even though my mouth is closed and I breathe through my nose, I hear the inner voice in my head because of phonetics when I see with my eyes, if I say 123 or aeiou in my head on repeat it takes away the enjoyment of reading even if its non fiction because it becomes unbearable even though I've stopped subvocalization completely

not the earlier poster, there are too many brainlets with this problem short of getting into an accident and altering my brain through trauma I don't see how anyone could do this

>b-but I unconsciously sound them with my larynx even though my mouth is closed and I breathe through my nose
>not being a mouthbreather

>not the earlier poster, there are too many brainlets with this problem short of getting into an accident and altering my brain through trauma I don't see how anyone could do this
It's not like you have to.

but reading with subvocalization is SO FUCKING SLOW

>One reason I could give is that I don't "hear" the words in my head when I head, so my speed is only limited by my eyes actually seeing the words.

I thought everyone read like this until recently. I have to consciously 'say' the words as I read them in order to hear them in my head.

It does make fiction a bit better desu, I can give personality to characters by imagining their voices but I still prefer my original method because I absorb more.

100 pages in 8h, I'm a really slow reader

It depends really.
In the past I've read over 600 pages in a day, but usually I want to take my time and savour the book, resulting in 200-300 pages on average.

Do you think in words and sentences? I don't. Most people who "hear" the words they read, tend to also think in sentences, I gathered, from asking people.

No, I can if I want to but it feels unnatural. I can't really explain it, it's mostly just thoughts in abstract concepts.

Doesn't really help me though, just makes it harder to translate thoughts to words, even for simple concepts.

Same here.

>we have evolved beyond language

>tfw you become so smart you shoehorn round to complete mental retardation

at least I'm better than the normies

Depending on the book. I'll usually try to read 20 - 50 pages a day though.

I can't read.