People who listen to audiobooks are the downfall of modern society

People who listen to audiobooks are the downfall of modern society.

>implying some soulless businessman listening to 1491 in his car is intellectually relevant

People who use social media and are the downfall of modern society.

Autistic shitposting teenagers are the downfa... Actually nevermind.

Lmao I can't take it anymore

You must be great at parties. I bet your excuse for being single is that the girls are just not "smart" enough for you.

I listen to audio books on my 2h ride to and back from university. I have a bad temper and cant stand the bumpy road or people talking while I read, especially in a foreign language. A point can be made that audio books promote the listening of more mediocre and commercial books since something more academic is more difficult to listen to then read. That means that simplistic and half baked ideas written by the pseudo intellectual pundit class are more likely to attract a bigger audience then before. However I find that there is plenty of good work to silent to out there, like Michael Lewis. His work is more focused on telling a story with interesting characters at the middle of it, sprinkled with some jokes, but there is no denying that its vary informative as well as entertaining. If audio books get someone who does not read usually to listen to any half substantive book then I would consider it a good thing.

You should calm your tits Howard Beale.

Yeah an cliffnotes were when I was in high school. I'm just glad people are consuming some kind of literature at all, at this point. I just interviewed three girls to work a front desk in an office and they were all so fucking stupid it was legitimately terrifying.

Wow!! This is the direction that our country is heading into...BAKA....

It is scary. I mean people say they don't have jobs, but no one is talking about how as a business owner you can't find anyone worth a shit. It comes down to a mixture of dumb people breading, but also just access to education: which the cheapest and more accessible form of is books.

Do i really have to pay the price of a normal book to get a decent audio book? I work 12 a day in the soundproof cockpit of this tractor.

Inb4:, there are no good classics on that site.

>he's not on private trackers

Oh fuck lol. I bet ya all also despise ereaders for being not classic enough? LMAO, pretentious intellectuals never change. Say what, do you read all yer books in original language? On paper?

>private trackers
Public ones fulfilled my needs, until they started closing, but I'm an autistic loser with zero social network, so it's kinda hard for me to get invites.

You can interview and get into Redacted, the music tracker. That has a ton of audiobooks and epubs in addition to the music. Anything it doesn't have, you can put a request in once you have some buffer. From there, you can get into Bib which is an ebook private tracker. I actually use Red more for audiobooks though.

More information

I have no friends or social network either. I climbed the private tracker ladder using pure autism.

Audible is pretty good. You pay 8£ a mouth and get one credit and with that one credit you can buy any book no matter the length or price. You could get "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" that is 57h long and costs 30£ with the one credit you get each mouth. Also in the UK they have a deal where you can pay 18£ for 3 credits, idk about other places. I know I sound like an advertisement.

In the US they don't allow me to buy more credits. If they did I'd use them but they don't so they loose my $.

Share your wisdom please.


I don't even know how there's a market for these.

I like to savor every word when I'm reading, and I like to do it slowly. This destroys any of that.

What do you listen to while driving? The sound of traffic and tires? Radio? Why would listening to audiobooks be worse option than listening to music?

What do you do while commuting? If you can focus to reading books, you either live in autistic country like Japan or Finland or you are deaf.

What do you do while jogging/exercising? Why would listening to audiobooks be worse option than listening to music?

What do you do while doing menial tasks for an extended period of time? Focus with all your being? Why would listening to audiobooks be worse option than listening to music?

Face it, audiobooks are a lot better option than listening to radio or music. More intellectually stimulating than listening to radio or music, podcasts are the only viable alternative, but desu im not aware of many regular ones that are worth listening.

Summer's come early, I see.

>Summer's come
Surely does

I really can't tell if you're serious here or not. This is just a fucking stupid position.

we need to have a little chat OP

Because unlike books, music doesn't require your full attention. Books do, for most people. Music is more of an experience, sometimes to bring forth a mood etc etc.

Personally i get distracted when reading, from time to time. I can't imagine how it would be with audiobooks.

Also what if you want to "rehear" a part? You can't just "reread" it like you would do with a book.

this might sound crazy but you can reverse audio files

Is there even a point to having a private tracker for ebooks? I've only ever been disappointed by libgen when looking for really obscure shit that I doubt a private tracker would have torrents for anyway.

Let's senpai

u do realize on the audible app there's a little button that let's you skip back or forward 15 seconds

wut did u dudes cop from today's 2 for 1 sale? so many good choices, i still haven't decided

pirate them

>Because unlike books, music doesn't require your full attention

If you listen to shit, sure

the stuff on offer is complete trash

why, just cuz it's not top 100 hits of the wester canon shit everyone already has? did you read guns of august yet? spqr? how about the courses on "daily life in the ancient world" and "cultural intelligence" , also piketty is in there, as well as some ok business/career books like "how google works" etc.

>pop history garbage even further degraded by the audio format

gee i can't wait

none of that is remotely appealing to me. listening to some of the patrick leigh fermor stuff they have on my commutes right now

>pop history

yeah ok and what do you consider non-pop history?

not that poster, but what are you talking about? can you not distinguish between real history and bill bryson

where the fuck did you come up with bill bryson? who the fuck is bill bryson?

>what if you want to "rehear" a part?
holy shit

> (You)
>where the fuck did you come up with bill bryson? who the fuck is bill bryson?
probably your favorite author you fucking pleb

If you're telling me I'm somehow causing society to collapse by listening to history books idly during my 1hr [total] commute, you're just retarded.

yeah but piketty isn't REAL history doncha kno

he's literally not

I listen to them while I'm working.
I still read physical books.
What's the problem?

What're some dope audiobooks you guys have been listening to?

i just finished Blitzed. kind of funny to consider methed upped nazis flying in GB skies.

goethe's italian journey

oh shit there's an audiobook of that? must cop

Yes, it's full of retail quality ebooks. And what it doesn't have, you can request.

Are PTs really the only way to pirate audiobooks? I'd love to listen to some during my commute.

you can torrent them easily

It might be more complicated than that

How so?

Not OP, but I listen to lectures from the teaching company on my commute, which works pretty well because the commute is about 35 minutes each way and the lectures are all 30 minutes each.





mad much?

I'm destroying the world one audiobook at a time and there's nothing you can do about it pleb.

The 500 year text bubble is collapsing and storytelling is returning to its roots.

Deal with it.


I used an audiobook for the first time in my life last week to start The Gulag Archipelago

I quite liked the guy's trans-atlantic accent but I couldn't concentrate on anything and it was going way too fucking slow. I just bought the first volume and started reading

What's a good site for free audiobooks? Libgen doesn't offer any.