Enlightenment is BULLSHIT

I think enlightenment is bullshit. I think it's just a state of mind, a perspective that you can enter into and reside in, and that's it.

I think nonduality is retarded. It's escapist crap for people who are too sad to live their lives.

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>just a state of mind


but Big Red Son is for real


no one cares about your superficial hot takes

>I thought illumination was having cool anime powers.

You got memed. Siddhartha was a nihilist. The hare krsnas are the ones who can astral project

where do i start with eastern religions?

Check out Anticipating China by Roger Ames and David Hall, it highlights a lot of the presuppositions underlying the Western philosophic tradition. A rigorous read but very clear and it'll help keep you from making stupid claims like "Siddhartha was a nihilist" (though the book doesn't deal with Buddhism).

That Buda was a nihilist wasn't my claim, but A.C. Prabhupada's. What does he know?

The idea that Buddhism is nihilistic isn't exclusively a Western misconception but featured prominently in classical debates between Buddhists and non-Buddhists in India. Just cause he's brown doesn't mean he has privileged knowledge on the matter.

Living your life with illusions is a choice. Either way is fine, both have +\-'s

That you're agitated by the idea of "enlightenment" says something about the -'s

Don't turn this into racebait. Buda didn't believe in the Bhagavan. Thus, he's a nihilist in the eyes of the brahamanas

There's nothing wrong with nihilism, it's not proscriptive.

Boy OP that's such a neat opinion. It sounds like one you formed after reading a lot and thinking a lot, and totally doesn't sound like one you just instinctively reacted with and then posted here because why?

just a joke I thought you were claiming authority on his part - "what does he know?" - cause he wears a robe and flower garlands(I kid I kid). I suppose in his eyes the buddhas a nihilist but I would still push back against that regardless

I agree OP Veeky Forums users are always so passive agressive, just tell in what you disagree with him instead of doing that

I didn't know sarcasm was a variant of passive aggressiveness. I feel like I'm learning a lot today.

No problem user, now tell your disagreements to OP

Not that user but I'd say his first complaint can be reduced to his second. The idea that "enlightenment is just a state of mind" - and I'll say here that enlightenment carries a lot of semantic baggage that is inappropriate to Buddhist discourse in the west - is really just short for "enlightenment is just a subjective state of mind contra objective reality." This leads to the second complaint that nondualism is "retarded" and "escapist" and I'm surprised he didn't mention "special snowflakes" and invoke that whole rhetorical stance. Honestly I'd be able to better respond to this complaint if I was more sure what exactly it was.

I've got you desu. I see you came from the same place as me. I have good source about secular humanist buddhism, clearly the closest buddhism to the earlies buddhism, youtube.com/watch?v=yd1rCCWX0bo
With a highly edition to cut any pause in the exposition, the videos are cattered for self-diagnosed ADHD-suffering redditors like us.
As it is said in the video by the expert, Stuff like rebirth and caring about ''completely eradicating defliments'' are not important to be a good buddhist. Please upvote if you find this message helpful.
With metta. Namaste.


wow sarcasm I bet you sure know the true ways of the world :) It actually sounds more to me like he put a lot of thought in and had the courageous to express is contention which I for one happen to find interesting and care about :)


>The hare krsnas are the ones who can astral project

Care to expand on this? This sounds cool af

Enlightenment is bullshit
'living' is bullshit
Stop spooking yourself

I imagine he's thinking about dualisms in the way Alan Watts exposes them and that whole strain of thought that goes by way of sort of contextualizing chaos as apart of reality as opposed to chaos as something that one should not have their reality partake in at all. I'm not an expert Buddhist, but the complaint he's making seems a common one, though not so definitively expressed, because it only gives acknowledgement to dissonance to state to say "all is one" which transcribers of Eastern thought tend to do.

>I think enlightenment is bullshit.
>I think it's just a state of mind, a perspective that you can enter into and reside in, and that's it.
Contradicting statements? I know it doesn't sound like much but realize that PTSD is also a perspective one can enter and reside/be trapped in it.
>I think nonduality is retarded.
It is, non-duality implies duality which contradicts non-duality.
(This is a more semantic problem, it's not non-duality but simply the void.{Though westerners like us struggle with these words because we use it for other stuff, 'the void' is the best way IMO to say it easily without explaining words too much}).

Having said this all:
BULLSHIT is definitely a part of enlightenment.
>PROTIP: enlightenment is just a word like happy, sad, satisfied and depression.

>too sad to live their lives.

Living life is a symptom of sadness.