Why do white males even bother getting a degree in stem?

Why do white males even bother getting a degree in stem?

Because most of us actually finish the degree out instead of dropping out into a liberal arts degree or gender studies degree. Not saying that some of us dont drop out, but its less than women.

Why do they all have crazy eyes? Was the illustrator trying to warn us?

Adding art to STEM

the fuck

kek, this had a kick starter page

It's propaganda
genuine, literal propaganda

Why do we allows Americans to exist when they do shit like this?

When will we address the disgusting gynocentrism of women? Seriously they way they mindlessly try to overthrow men is terrifying.

Interesting bit to notice: the book isn't about how to be a good STEM/steam worker. It's about how to be a STEM manager. So once again they don't want to do STEM type work, they want tangential jobs with STEM pay but not with STEM responsibilities.

The "technologist" is a Pajeeta. Can't make this shit up.

Women already enroll and graduate at higher rates than men in the United States. There is nothing that stops them from choosing to major in whatever they want. Title 9 is used like a blunt tool to enforce equal distribution of funds not only in sports, but increasingly all club activities in universities.

If women were half of all STEM graduates, it wouldn't be enough; then it would have to be half of each part of STEM. What happens after that?

I don't understand why an inequal distribution of sexes, races, ethnicities or any other arbitrary distinction is so offensive to leftists (specifically those who pound gravement to protest and complain online). It's like they want to enforce homogeneity, yet they always praise diversity (of outward appearnce).

*Looks at Image*

Today's word is ... Egalitarianism!

I think the latest buzzword is equity, but I may be a couple years behind the times on this.

>I don't understand why an inequal distribution of sexes, races, ethnicities or any other arbitrary distinction is so offensive to leftists (specifically those who pound gravement to protest and complain online). It's like they want to enforce homogeneity, yet they always praise diversity (of outward appearnce).
It isn't in all cases. Ever hear a feminist complain about the gender ratio in trash removal or sewage line repair? STEM jobs are perceived as being easy with good financial compensation. If not for that faulty perception or if they paid like jobs at Wal-Mart, you'd never hear "More women in STEM" ever again.

>a bunch of women of different races
I sleep
>including arts with STEM

I don't know if I buy that. Can you explain where this percieved "easiness" comes from? I'd think it comes more from the relentless mocking of liberal arts degrees and the percieved prestige of STEM than anything else. Then there's the whole push for "we need more people in STEM." This is all conjecture though, and I don't really know what their (the majority, not "leaders") motivations are. I suppose it could be as simple as being offended because they've been told it's offensive.

I actually heard this shit being pushed in a radio ad in a convenience store off campus today. it's disgusting.

>think STEAMTEAM is just a cute name at first glance
>why not STEMTEAM though
>suddenly realize what it means
>fucking women want arts in STEM now
Does this shit actually happen in America? What the fuck do you guys have in your water?

Whatever it is, it's turning the frogs gay. And reducing the fitness of aquatic animals. And feminizing men. Oh right, it's xenoestrogens introduced from birth control being excreted by women.

Apparent equilibrium between males and females is just off the table. It's always either one is dominant.

'God' decided this. Men have their place in society, and women have theirs. Equality is not natural, and it will never happen.

Are you saying this as an observation or are you implying something else? Also equilibrium doesn't mean equality. I hope this image will illustrate the meaning to you. It's a system in equilibrium; where d1 and d2 are not equal, the sum of the applied forces and the reaction force at the pin is zero. For another example, a chemical reaction in equilibrium will have some combination of percentages of reactants and products that isn't 50:50, or 100% on either side.

Are you saying me getting a degree in computer science right now is a waste of time?

>the virgin CS

Fucking kek

Someone has to do the actual work.

Insult being a code monkey, because all I did was debug pajeet code. I told management it would be cheaper and better to just hire more Americans and quit using outsourced coders. Though they had other ideas.

My thoughts too. “Leaders”... with no stem ability themselves.

Plus, how many years of psychological abuse did Sandia go through in high school. Remember, she's the caucasian blonde. I can't imagine the level of 'sand in vagina' jokes she had to endure.

They see STEM jobs as desk jobs in air conditioned offices. Without understanding the stress of doing knowledge work, it looks like sitting around all day in comfort to them. Once again, there is no feminist outrage over the number of men working at the sewage plant.

>I don't understand why an inequal distribution of sexes, races, ethnicities or any other arbitrary distinction is so offensive to leftists
Modern sjw leftism is a mind virus used to destroy civilizations. They don't have a reason, they just do whatever is most harmful to society becahse that's how they've been trained

How many black woman are legit mathematicians? There has to be at least one I figure.

Didn't you see that movie last year where the US landed on the moon only because of brilliant black women mathematicians?


The one on the right looks like the pol frog.

>pol frog


My fucking boomer grandpa was shilling for this movie nonstop this thanksgiving. He and his literal jew wife wouldn't stop raving about it because they knew I was studying to be a mathematician.

It is the cringiest shit I have ever seen. Pure propaganda. Of course, the moral of the story boils down to: all black americans problems can be explained by whitey keepin' a brutha down.

his name is pepe and his existence predates /pol/ by years

i dont care about the wimminz shit just keep your fucking A out of our acronym

It's already expanded beyond that, though usually with R = Reading instead of Religion.

What if we just keep diluting it to the point that people continue to just use STEM to refer to its original components and not give a fuck about the rest of it?

I propose PISS STREAM:
Politics Intersectionality Sexuality Socialism Science Technology Religion Engineering Arts and Mathematics

What the fuck is a technologist

fucking disgusting

It sounds like a technology evangelist. They produce things like pic related.

Know Your Role, user!

>One set of organisms has XX chromosomes
>The other XY

>"Clearly, they must behave and perform the same :^)"

Kill yourself

It was a figure of speech. What I'm saying this that we've reach a point in our society in which it's either males dominate females or females dominate males. No equality. No balance. No equilibrium. If we want our species to survive we have to stop this regressive gender shit and move forward with what really fucking matters.


It is so sad that they got replaced by eight function calculators.


Man that's racist

You know where you belong. This is not your board. Back to your own kind now, user.


It's always existed. In almost all societies throughout history, men have the appearance of running the show, while women wield soft power in the bedroom. Society is too multifaceted to make a blanket statement like men dominate everything or women dominate everything. Some societies afford women more overt power than others, but it's never entirely one way or the other. If the genders are biologically different, it doesn't seem like a stretch to say that they have different priorities and goals in life.


Okay I understand that. But in a rational secular society males and females should be considered of equal social status.

Do you mean legal status? You should really be very specific with your words here to prevent misunderstandings. Social views are the sum of individual views, which are based on personal interactions, which are strongly influenced by biology.

weasel word detected.