"MUH 97 PERCENT CONSENSUS" is NOT a valid argument.

Other urls found in this thread:

"Al gore is a retard" is NOT a valid argument against polar Ice sheet steadily disappearing over the past two decades.

While we are at it, isn't there actually supposed to be some kind of opposite of peak glacial, where all ice on Earth melts away anyway?

Al Gore and the whole global warming brigade are bad people that have no problem making crazy claims and using them as justification to tax you and regulate companies.


reminder that an appeal to a recognized expert authority making a statement generally recognized as true by their field is a perfectly valid inductive argument

oh but it is child

White people are disappearing comparatively fast, yet (((scientists))) don't care.


what are you on about?

Because only the alt-right cares about what race is the majority or the minority.

Also pic related, woman getting btfo by a nigger. Who said niggers can't do any good?

Open your eyes

As if that factor is not one of the most important things regarding the wellbeing of a nation.

don't say things you know aren't true, it's bad for you

racism is wrong

>that have no problem making crazy claims and using them as justification to tax you

And to make themselves rich.

> gets beaten to death by peaceful refugee dreamer

Shouldnt youj be busy telling people about how this most recent shooting was a false flag operation by the jews? How do you have time fir this right now?

You are literal nazi. Remember 6 billion.

No, it was just a crazy spic, democrat voter btw.

Had Gore won, we wouldn't have been facing the next extinction event.

Sure we would, by definition. At most, it would be a different one.

>Posts video that proves Algore wrong in an attempt to defend Algore

Who gives a shit what Al Gore says? It isn't like he is a climate scientist.

Maybe, but neither of us are experts on climate and if the climate experts think that this is the case, then... My biggest concern is, would a statistician be happy with their models? I don't know this.

So he was off by a few years. That does't negate the underlying point

>some guy made a specific claim
>he was wrong
>Climate Hoax!!! Reeeee!!!

>Who gives a shit what Al Gore says?

Lots and lots and lots of people who see his movies, read his books, hear his speeches and, most worryingly, design policy based on his "science."

>It isn't like he is a climate scientist.

A point his fans seem to miss.

All of us are probably sufficiently well trained to look at pictures from space and see if the arctic ice cap has been gone since 2013, though.

Models that repeatedly give predictions that do not math reality are flawed. Same for popular politicians.

>sea level rise
>extinction level
The fact our species is still here after Toba proves nothing short of a dinosaur meteor can get rid of us.

>the word that hypocrites throw around to feel better about themselves



I think you meant to say prejudice.

Actually, he was a white nationalist so

Does Al Gore still have fans?

Honestly, I only ever see climate deniers bring him up, only to shoot him down.


Wtf I love niggers now

>design policy based on his "science."
Again, Al Gore isn't a climatologist. No-one reasonable is designing policy based on what he has said.

Policies are designed by politicians, in response to political pressures in the population, which ARE, in fact being influenced by what AL Gore says and the scary shit he makes up in his movies and books. Whether any ore many of those people would fit in your definition of "reasonable," I can't say.

We is the cockroaches of vertebrates.

>Come at me, bro.

Koch sucker
Koch sucker
Go away
Nobody wants you to shill today

>97 out of 100 mechanics agree with x
must be true
>97 out of 100 agree
must be true
>97 out of 100 climate scientists agree
must be a conspiracy

There was no 97% agreement that the North Pole would completely melt in five years.
There is a 97% agreement that humans are causing climate change. The predictions in how bad and how quickly it will affect the world and local regions are done by relatively small groups.

Fuck, do you know the number of times I have heard someone say "a mechanic told me x" and they take it as true?
One fucking mechanic and they change how they drive or park their cars because he's a mechanic.

>/pol/ climate thread
>OP posts pic of fabricated Al Gore quote
>immediately changes topic to race-baiting when people start calling him on his shit
never change, /pol/

sure beats muh 3% con-sensus

Reign it in you alarmist dipshit, extinction event? Go ahead an paint me a scenario where in the human race as a result of agw becomes extinct. You would be hard pressed to do so even for the collapse of civilization, new world order and social reform ; certainly.

I like how you subtly implied that taxation and oversight of the private sector is bad.
Oh you america, never change.

sea ice doin great leftist btfo

Luckily sea ice isn't even the biggest problem.
It's the glaciers that aren't having suitable gain/loss cycles, just losing their shit instead.

Imagine a world where the war would be on global earming where we would have supassed elon musks electric car production...
Instead we voted in bush... Now we have a war on "terror".
Wow the choices we made

range =/= thickness

So this picture proofs that Gore is retarded. But that's it. Period.

Climate change is real. Grow up already and accept it.

>Luckily sea ice isn't even the biggest problem
It varies greatly on yearly basis and therefore is a gigantic factor compared to glaciers and whatnot. Sea ice has 10 times the albedo of open water.

Well, that part is true at least.

Funny how the (((alt-right))) defends their corporatebois destroying white Lebensraum.

I'd rather not take risk...

He is a white nationalist and he supports trump, hes not a democratt by any means.

You can do all you want after you GO BACK to europe.

America belongs to Amerindians.

>Global Cooling, 40s-70s
>Global Warming, Now, probably weening off within 10-15 years
Vid only shows a trend from the 80s until now. It seems very misleading.


I dont think they have earlier footage. It is not midleading to publish your data.

This isn't footage. It's animation. You can animate anything you want. Any dataset that you have. They chose to animate based on what suited their narrative. And that was the motive of my argument.

We do have information prior to the 80s. Hence the
>Global Cooling 40s-70s

Surely, from this, it wouldn't be unreasonable to suspect the fact that they are cherry picking evidence to push a narrative. And that is outlined in the point I made.

The threat of global cooling turned into the threat of global warming. And I suspect the warming is going to die off and then they'll change it back to cooling, so on and so forth. And I think it's just now Climate Change (which would be a more accurate term).
This "global warming" is portrayed as a potential, irreversible catastrophic disaster and that if we don't tax corporations (as that's their only solution to "fix" the problem) that output excessive amounts of CO2, the entire planet will become unsuitable for life, the oceans will rise, cities will be flooded, climates will change.

I don't disagree with what's happening, I disagree with their solution. It seems to be more of a political motive than a scientific one.

Maybe this solution will help corporations be a little more innovative.
But it will be at a significant cost, because that cost will be transferred to the customer and eventually, ultimately, people like you and I will be paying for climate change.

was meant for (You)

>We do have information prior to the 80s.
We have much less data from back then.

>Surely, from this, it wouldn't be unreasonable to suspect the fact that they are cherry picking evidence to push a narrative
Given you have zero evidence, it's completely unreasonable.

>The threat of global cooling turned into the threat of global warming.
Global Cooling was never broadly considered a threat. Stop getting your information from shitty blogs and news sites.

>And I suspect the warming is going to die off and then they'll change it back to cooling
You seem to "suspect" an awful lot of stupid things.

>And I think it's just now Climate Change
It was always climate change. The name didn't change.