Veeky Forums prelim

what’s the answer?

a1plus atwo plus a3rd make s up 3/4 of the square

3/4ths * 47e^ipi


that’s not even correct you moron

ya a1 point to 1/4th of the rectangle and a2 point to 1/4 and a3rd point to 1/4th

the area is 3/4 times the total area

lol fucking idiout

ur missing a piece,


i like this puzzle

it say a1 plus a2 plus a3

ur just mad i solved the wang conundrum before u did faggot lol

learn how to write a conundrum, Wang

the A’s point to the shaded regions


What is A_s supposed to be?

the area of the larger square

What's the graph supposed to be?

I didn’t write the problem, but I’m guessing it’s the four curves within the square and intersecting with the circle.

haha no response, huh?

The problem with that is the df/dx=e^x thing next to the graph. The graph's derivative clearly decreases as time goes on.

Wang’s probably just testing us. The other curves are clearly transfomations of e^x

I don't believe [math]f = e^{x}[/math]

I see it now. Rotated 180 degrees...
wang you menace

Fucking WANG

Yes but are they rotations or reflexions? There is clearly not enough information to complete this problem.

My theory is Wang fucked up the problem and now he's frantically recalculating the result

I guess it could be on 2nd though... if little square has unknown side lengths. I assumed 1/2

I disagree. This actually does look solvable if wang allows for some basic inference. I think the curves are just e^x rotated. I’ll figure this out during my next break.

Who will be the first to solve Wang’s conundrum?

Is it just gonna be a shit ton of geometrical analysis or is there something blatantly obvious hiding in it?

He's draw the curves as if they are symmetrical across the diagonals, but e^x doesn't have this property

what a fucking mess, scribble scribble

ignoring the exponential shit that only adds noise to the problem without actually adding anything interesting, the problem is very easy, if somewhat laborious.
I'm too lazy to write a complete solution.
Find 4A2 + little square area (may ways to find it, trivial if it's a circle, with exponential is a simple matter of integrating), so you get A2 as a result.
You already have the "leaf" area with a small computation, and already knowing A2 the result is trivial.

>the state of Veeky Forums
Wang here checking back since I posted this. Do I seriously need to spell things out to you retards? None of you are even remotely correct. This is all perfectly straight forward and doesn’t require any recalibration. Still, I’ll dumb it down a bit for you tomorrow.

This isn’t even my most difficult conundrum.


>Negative area

You can stop now

hehe, Wang...
