Toothpaste and chocolate

>toothpaste and chocolate
why do white people love eating this shit?

stop eating food packaged in condom wrappers

>white people gargle ghost pepper mouth wash because they're insecure about twitter memes

Why are you so desperate for replies?

It makes the best ice cream flavour

Because they cant handle REAL spic.

I'm sorry your taste is unrefined.

mint chip is ice cream for people who don't like ice cream

tastes like bullshit

Best cookie coming through

When you can't smell peppermint, you have dementia.

viscount represent

>it's another racebait thread

>telling you that it's not mint flavored jizz

Am brown, can confirm I enjoy them as well.

>Not using Colgate as a garnish

>eating degenerate ice cream flavors
Vanilla will gas you all.

Well, after Rum Raisin it is the second best flavour.

plain mint or plain chocolate is better

my town must have a bunch of registered sex offenders because i never see girl scouts except outside of grocery stores once a year

Will smelling peppermint every day prevent dementia?

No it isn't.

Having had tequila ice cream recently, mint chocolate chip can officially eat all the dicks.


Good choice, though I'd like more choice and mental flavors. Has anybody ever seen orange flavour ice cream? Why is that not a thing!?

Its a flavour in NZ

Bruh they should sell a half and half of these two flavors. Ben and jerry shills listen up

MATE I haven't had that shit in 20 years. It was my favourite
shit, do you remember that hideous goody goody gumdrops green puke ice cream?

Girl scouts only sell cookies in February where I live. A lot of places only do one full weekend (friday through sunday) a month, usually between January and April.
>t. father

It should build up a tolerance.

Nigger too stupid to understand peppermint chocolate

>black people can't handle food with taste.

baka senpai.

This one place in san Francisco i went to had a flavor called Dragons Breath. Essentially cherry ice cream with jalapenos in it.

They're so fucking thin, I end up eating them like doritos at Christmas

Regret every fucking year

mint is fucking disgusting
anglos were a mistake

first 3 are tasty, after that they start to get pretty disgustening

this desu
chocolate is meant to be married with warm spices such as cinnamon or cardamom

I thought I had that memory repressed. Now it's all swelling back up and I'm ANGRY.

>activate pod of thin mints
>throw a flashbang and suppress half of them
>they still crit half your soldiers in full cover
s u f f e r i n g

No taste is "meant" to anything, fuck you

But it's not toothpaste, it's mint-flavoured fondant you stupid fuck.

Canada has that orange and black licorice ice cream, I've always wanted it

Yeah. Growing up my younger sister always wanted to get it too. Ugh.

>there are people in this world that legitimately do not like altoids

It's disgusting