What did google mean by this?

What did google mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/#q=best american authors
google.com/#q=best british authors
google.com/#q=best african american authors
google.com/#q=best african authors

Why is Richard Spencer on there?

No idea. What happens when you search it?


I see what they're doing

Try searching for 'famous authors'. That'll calm your racial hated and 'redpilledness'

>It's real
Holy shit really made me thunk

I get the same results. I doubt this is intentional though, Google's algorithm is just stupid sometimes

I guess google is confused because any time people use the words "white male authors" they are doing so in the context of trying to promote authors who don't fit into that category.

oh wow u cracked the code man xD

No I like being mad!

googe white anything. white inventors, white mathematicians, etc.

maybe it gives you people who have written about 'whiteness'

>That'll calm your racial hated
Extremely unlikely. I have a moral responsibility to exterminate white people from the face of the planet

(((I doubt this is intentional though)))

holy redpill xDD


Ok seriously, how the fuck do you explain this?

what went wrong?

>t. /r/plebbit

Maybe you should head back
Last I looked your board needed help btfo-ing the Zionist DNC

Google's search algorithm reads "white" as a color, not an ethnicity

they all write about white males

This is probably pretty close desu - from the screencaps it looks like each is linked to an article about "are we reading too many white male authors" or similar

Try "couple" vs "black couple"

>three black authors who write about race and Richard Spencer
I honestly lost my shit this is hilarious.

It's because race is more likely to be mentioned in articles about black authors and someone like Richard Spenser. Like, a journalist is more likely to bring up "white male" authors with Paul Beatty than with Stephen King. Spenser's a neo-nazi so whiteness is going to be mentioned in conjunction with him a lot etc

>american """"white""""

I wish there was somewhere to discuss books about the internet without frogpsters sperging out about how their entire identities are in jeopardy because they ask loaded questions and are disappointed with the fucking google results

Quiet, shitskin.

>white authors
>loaded question
check out r/books faggot

Back to /r/the_donald cuck

That's because people looking for such typically type in "authors that arent white males" and the algorithm just looks for closest connections.

imagine how many stains are on that outfit now

you need to be more specific

google.com/#q=best american authors
google.com/#q=best british authors
google.com/#q=best african american authors
google.com/#q=best african authors

The first white male authors search isn't an image search, yours is. On mine it shows both as it likes to show me image results further down the page.


ok so don't blame the jews if you take that shit too literally, but this isn't just a shit algorithm they have proven many times that they have an agenda.

google is shit

>Stephen King
>JRR Tolkien