What is the difference between a philosopher and a poet?

What is the difference between a philosopher and a poet?

Is there a punchline coming?

A poet makes beautiful stuff
A philosopher asks why this stuff is beautiful and if it matters

A philosopher stuffs stuff down your throat
A poet just stuffs it

the latter is slightly more homosexual than the former

I don't have a philosopher in my garage.

philosophers are homeless people that yap YOU CANT KNOW NUFFIN and are eventually killed for shitposting too much

poets move the demos into emotions they can never experience in their own lifetime

A poet makes something beautiful
A philosopher engages in thought experiments and gets back problems

The poet tries to get his head inside the heavens; The philosopher attempts to get the heavens inside his heads.

philosphee is srs biznizz



One isn't a viable career and just writes pointless, self-indulgent passages and the other... oh wait...

Aristotle's philosophy was poetry.

penis size

Pretty accurate.

One writes philosophy, the other writes poetry.

Both are distinct forms of literature. Stop being an illiterate.

See the Republic, specifically Books III and X, for a classical example of a philosopher distancing philosophy from poetry.

>they're different i swear stop being gay

Philosophy is creating a concept.
Poetry is making the concept user friendly to the reader.

Some do both.

>yeah dude hegel and keats are like, the same thing lmao.

what the fuck are you even saying

Same user

Personally I work in a warehouse.
I had a very dramatic life, and although I appreciate being in Peace, the monotomy makes feeilings and thoughts from my past catches up to me.
...So I write experiences, ideas whatever.

I started poetry (shit tier), because it goes well with drawings and is a more communicative way to express a concept than analyze it.

What is art, if not a way of communicating ideas, thus an indirect teaching proccess?

Btw I write in Greek, my everyday English is meme-tier.

Initially read this as "What is the difference between a philosopher and a goat"

About 1" of avg penis size. Sorry wimmin.


whom are you quoting

Poets are actually useful


A philosopher dies his life; a poet lives his death.

I could explain that little aphorism of mine, but I think it'd be more enlightening if you just thought about it for a moment rather than dismissing it as juvenile nonsense out of hand. I'm sure the thought isn't original with me. Indeed, maybe I've accidentally stolen it from somewhere. Alternatively:

The philosopher expresses the beautiful arbitrarily; the poet expresses the arbitrary beautifully.

Of oourse, there are a million contrasts you might point out that lack this sort of chiastic symmetry, but while pointing them out might be philosophically interesting, it would not be poetically enlightening. Maybe that can also tell you something about the difference between poetry and philosophy.

One has to be able to write well to be good
One has to think well to be good

Philosophers write philosophy

Poets write poems

One likes to suck cock the other fails at getting pussy

Live an ethical life.
yo yo yo and a bottle of rum
being ethical is lots of fun

According to Plato's Apology from Socrates he asked what the poets meant by their poems and also asked bystanders. Socrates was surprised that bystanders had better explanations for the poems than the authors themselves. Socrates said poets don't compose with knowledge but with inborn talent and inspiration like seers and prophets who say many fine things without understanding what they say. Poets thought they were very wise in other respects but they weren't.

underrated post
this is actually quite beautiful you should ... write a poem