Is he right?

Is he right?

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Meditation, however, might be a solution.

a study proving, at the very least, a correlation of meditation and an efficacy on the world at large.

of course until an islamist attack happens, then it is all about thoughts and prayers yet again

And how many schools haven't had shootings over those years?
Checkmate atheists.

you know that most of this board hates this pseudo-science guy

the more photos I see aabout his tweets the more I question how the fuck did he get a PhD

he got it by being a nigger

But we wouldn't know if it did stop it.

Atheist here I realize prayer is a stress relief behavior in the religious so its kinda being an asshole telling them not to pray.

Yes and no.
He's right that prayer doesn't prevent school shootings, but he's wrong in implying people who say things like "the parents of these victims are in our prayers" are trying to use psychic communications with God to magically stop bullets in midair or something. I'm pretty sure when people "pray" what they're really doing is letting out their feelings about the topic and taking time to express their hopes for less suffering and more peace. It's not dissimilar to what you might involuntarily go through while under the influence of psilocybin or LSD. This sort of experience is pretty irrational and abstract, so the notion of "asking God for things" is really just a very loosely approximated shorthand for trying to characterize what's going on.
Anti-religion public figures like Neil deGrasse Tyson aren't doing themselves any favors by making statements like that, most everyone reading them can probably tell he's using a ridiculous strawman.
David Lynch pls. Nobody wants to join your transcendental meditation cult.

He is smart because he didn't say prayers in general but only about school mass shooting.

Yes he is right and this orange president with his prayer... You are the fucking president of the USA, you are literally the most powerful man on Earth, you can literally change the life of millions peoples whenever you want and what is he doing ? Prayers ?

>you can literally change the life of millions peoples whenever you want
Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

It's also insufficient to stop speeding trucks splattering crowds but that doesn't matter because islam is a religion of peace.

The other option is to lock down all American K12s as closed campuses with security checkpoints, like many in urban cities do (LAUSD being the largest), searching everyone for weapons. This would also require transparent clear backpacks and uniforms, to ensure no violence can plausibly happen on campus. Every school would have at least one armed police officer on duty at all times, much like an airport or courthouse.

This is happening slowly in fits and starts (schools have realized that eliminating exterior variables on campus means higher student compliance and higher test scores), but doing it from the top down would prove to be unpopular and have pushback from people who don't want schools to become prisons. It'll take at least another ten years for all those people to retire, by which point Trump won't be President. Doing it now would be counterproductive.

I'm serious about this. It's not just about school shootings, but due to how schools themselves are funded. Locking down a campus is only a small capital cost, setting up checkpoints only requires metal detectors and a few officers. The cost of that is likely cheaper than what the school and school district can gain from increased test scores, which determines their Federal funding. Transparent bag and uniform requirements are effectively free since they can legally charge students for it, and boot them out if they can't afford it (as is the case with Mexico) which also eliminates the low preforming students who drag the school's scores (and money) down.

donald trump eats chumps like you for breakfast

but its also kinda being an asshole to say "thoughts and prayers" after every shooting but never actually do anything to solve the problem

this is the gayest thing ive ever read. and no, he eats fast food and diet coke for breakfast


Mass shootings are good though. It means more insentive for gun control.

The "problem" is so absolutely immense nobody wants to actually confront it. This is the most practical solution but it requires a total reconfiguration of nearly all schools in America, one which people on the left wouldn't enjoy. More gun control doesn't work either, especially when truly successful gun control means keeping niggers from having guns, but this is a thing the SCOTUS would strike down through Disparate Impact. But both are largely treating the symptom, not the problem.

What would compel someone to wake up one day to murder people? Society can isolate people, and then they are all alone without any help which is how things like this begin. Changing that would require building our cities in a more pedestrian-focused fashion, dismantling most of the K12 system (which does not encourage peer-to-peer activity), and in general having more trust and faith in each other. People would have to create new, shared spaces (like libraries, parks, and common rooms) where grievances can be aired and everyone able to discuss thing with each other.

Of course, this doesn't happen because most people prefer privacy - that of suburban communities, their private automobiles and their personal pocket computers. Society itself has largely failed to maintain itself here, and random murder sprees are a consequence. It'll probably get worse as times go on, remember that people today are rich because the economy is good right now.

>Is he right?
heil Tyson

democrats do want to do something about it. you can argue that their proposals are bad, but they do want to do something. republicans want to do nothing

Neil DaNigger Tyrone got BTFOd

Hahaha, as though public education wasn't already enough of a joke.

Restrict what media can report about the shooter. to reduce ther chances of copycat effect.

Then change schools to stop producing the kind of asshurt that drives people to shoot people.

The purpose of prayer isn't to change the outcome of natural laws, that is superstition. The purpose of prayer is to change the individual.

So in this case praying for others who were shot helps you reflect on their lives, what is important in your own life, what you can do to help out in these situations.

>you can argue that their proposals are bad, but they do want to do something. republicans want to do nothing
Your use of the phrase "their proposals are bad, but..." mistakenly implies wanting to do something is somehow a "good" thing and wanting to do nothing is somehow a "bad" thing.
When an assessment of an unfortunate event is that reacting to it with an attempted "solution" will cause more harm than good, doing nothing is the "good" option and doing something is the "bad" option. In fact there are many unfortunate events in life where reacting to them with an attempted "solution" will only make things worse.

I think the solution is more about bullying and mental health problem, than guns.

i already said
>you can argue that their proposals are bad
which is what your post did. i don't see your point. doing nothing is not a solution or even an attempt at one. if you think the democrats proposals are bad then come up with something better. to do nothing is cowardly cause they don't want to piss off muh NRA

>doing nothing is not a solution or even an attempt at one
Which is good, not bad, when involved with situations where solutions will only make things worse.
>i don't see your point
That not doing something isn't bad and doing something isn't good. Your assumptions about those two premises are wrong.

That’s a perfectly legitimately reason user. I agree with you to an extent. My problem with this was that there are no extensive background checks done to prevent people like Cruz to buy weapon. Apparently he lied about not having a mental condition, which made me surprised that we take people’s word as fact when purchasing a weapon. I’m not saying to ban guns at all. Trump removed the regulation that required mental background checks to buy weapons and cut funding for mental health services too. If we’re going to treat to the problem as a mental health issue, our actions have been counterintuitive to that approach.

you are wrong in assuming that every possible solution is bad. its cowardly to just say "oh well there's nothing we can do about school shootings" when this shit doesn't happen in other countries

I'd like to see his research, I very much doubt it's been peer reviewed effectively.

Other countries lock their nutcases up in facilities, not just give them drugs and kick them back into the public .

Trump removed a ban on people that get Social security mental health benefits from owning firearms.

Currently anyone that has been involuntarily committed to mental health treatment, because they are hazard. To themselves or other, are banned from owning guns.

Obama's social security ban would have targeted the elderly and disabled. Not Edgey McDouchbag the school shooter.

Other countries had a small fraction of the US' crime before they had strong gun control.

The USA has a problem deeper than access to firearms.

>not just give them drugs and kick them back into the public
this does not describe most school shooters

didn't he rape some girl? why are people still listening to him

Realize that majority of the people shooting schools have no disregard for the ban at all.

They are criminals and criminals do not follow the laws.

no not at all

it's quite obvious that if a religion forbids and has a strong emphasis on not killing another person, strict adherence to that religion will limit the amount of killing

the impact of religion on human behaviour is deep and can be studied through the scientific methods he advocates

doesn't change my point that doing nothing is cowardly

please leave your house once in a while

not an argument against what I said

A lot of them were on or had been on a prescribed mind altering substance.

Yeah, he's right.
Zero evidence that prayer prevents FURTHER school shootings.

Australia had the same problem 22 years ago.
They solved it within a week and haven't had a mass shooting since. Not just school shootings.

The democrats only ever want to do one thing and won't talk about any other solution. It is obvious that they are just exploiting tragedy for an agenda.

There have been mass shootings in Australia, and non firearm mass murder events. They fudge the reporting because they adhere to the FBI definition of 4 or more DEAD victims. So if 3 died and more lived. Then it isn't a "mass shooting" to them.

being for more gun control is actually pretty politically toxic. it doesn't help them win votes, quite the opposite

So Europe locks away anyone who is taking psychiatric drugs? Wow, you guys are hardcore.

you are being gaslit, most americans do not approve of people carrying around ar-15s

Strawman argument.
Place the bar anywhere you like.
Australia doesn't have a mass killing every 60 hours or so.
I've no reason to believe the percentage of deranged people in the population is any less there than in the US. (Well, maybe somewhat less.)

They don't like open carry idiots who walk around the grocery store with their rifle. Most americans don't care if people own them and use them appropriately.

the thing is that if you just look at the polling numbers, then yeah most americans want more gun control. but they don't vote based on that, its like their 7th most important issue. whereas the people who are anti gun control make that their 1st most important issue, so they have more of an impact even though they are the minority. also you can't understate the power of the gun lobby

do you think americans support the fact that this 19 year old with a violent history had a massive armament?

meant "overstate"

Australia had basically the same crime rate before gun control.

The UK still hasn't returned to a pre Troubles gun homicide rate. Despite the IRA giving up and gun control.

yeah well the boomers are dying out

But did he do anything that would have legally barred him from firearm ownership?

Domestic violence, felony conviction, involuntary mental health confinement?

>you are wrong in assuming that every possible solution is bad.
I did nothing of the sort. The burden is not in any way on me to prove every possible solution is bad, the burden is on you to show one attempted solution that's irrefutably better than the alternative of not taking action in the first place.

The NRA has proposed locking down all schools and doing , a change that most Dept. of Education bureaucrats already agree with and are implementing for their own reasons. Obama himself supported it.

If it's the thought that counts, all this ties back to Republicans tying K12 funding to test performance via the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act.

Where's the evidence?
Lying nigger

Boomers aren't the only ones who own guns.

I can't wait for him to prove himself a bigger piece of shit than Bill Nye.

You know what is also insufficient for stopping bullets from killing school children? Smug anti-prayer tweets.

>The "problem" is so absolutely immense nobody wants to actually confront it.

The ISSUE is that the Democrats are the true cause of school shootings and the dysfunctional society
But of course, Dems have made things exactly the way they want, so they will absolutely refuse to bring back communities, end mandatory schooling, stop drug pushing, and end the bureaucratic shitshow that is public schooling

All the solutions which are totally doable in a white/homogenous society are impossible in a mongrelized multi-racial society. How many of these shooters are mixed race? Most of them?
Republicans know that the Dems just want to grab all the guns, they don't give a shit about solving the problem... so nothing ever happens.

>Society can isolate people
Modern multi-culti, multi-racial society, with noone living in the place they grew up, is what isolates people.
The other thing is that the teachers/students in these schools may have done things to deserve a shooting.

Prayer doesn't seem to stop spics from hopping the border and laying their drug addled baby anchors here.

he didn't actually write this, did he? He can't be trying that hard to stay relevant

Australia is 1/10 of the U.S. population and is completely surrounded by water much easier to enforce a ban under those conditions. A ban in the U.S. would just lead to a huge gun smuggling market across the Mexican border

>Society can isolate people, and then they are all alone without any help which is how things like this begin
This kid fit the typical profile of a failure reject that was bullied. First kid they interviewed said “we used to joke around about how he’d do it. Pretty crazy he actually did it”. For as much as leftists bitch and moan about society, they’ll never admit that society creates the conditions for this to begin.

People will counter-argue “I was a bullied loser and I never did this”. Not everyone reacts to things the same way. If he would have committed suicide the conversation would be completely different.

Well he was adopted, and both his adopted parents died too
Gotta wonder what drugs he was on

This honestly. If schools didn't operate like prisons and place themselves in an adversarial position against students, I really doubt we would be having this problem.

>dems are the real school shooters

the burden is on you to at least attempt to find a solution instead of just shooting down what other people come up with. otherwise you, like the republicans, are acting like a cowardly negative nancy

Many people with PhD's and getting PhD's say stupid bullshit like that. They just don't get noticed on the same scale.