Countries with more gender equality have fewer female STEM grads

COUNTRIES WITH GREATER gender equality see a smaller proportion of women taking degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), a new study has found.

Dubbed the “gender equality paradox”, the research found that countries such as Albania and Algeria have a greater percentage of women amongst their STEM graduates than countries lauded for their high levels of gender equality, such as Finland, Norway and Sweden.

The researchers, from Leeds Beckett University and the University of Missouri, believe this might be because countries with less gender equality often have little welfare support, making the choice of a relatively high-paid STEM career more attractive.

The study, published in Psychological Science, also examined what motivates girls and boys to study STEM subjects, including overall ability, interest or enjoyment in the subject and whether science subjects were a personal academic strength.

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>making the choice of a relatively high-paid STEM career

There is your flaw. If you want money, you don't do work, you help rich people defy and control the laws.

Well, it doesn't change the fact that STEM pays more than Liberal Arts.

Girls don't want to be nerds, they wanna be sexy thots. When everyone looks like a fucking jawa, then girls will study what they actually want to study.

disclaimer: I hate jawas.

The needed to really perform research to figure this one out?

Well it isn’t hard to explain. When given a choice, women opt for easier majors. When your conservative catholic, hindu or muslim dad decides then he will be choosing high paid, hard STEM or medical majors. Women rights is a meme. Biologically they were never meant to have total control. Men, be it daddy, brother or hisband were the ones to have the final say in their decisions because women never evolved to make decisions on heavy subjects. I mean you could fool a chick into thinking your 5 inch dick is 8 inches easily and you expect the same person to make a good decision?

The push for STEaM is trying to change it so there is a need for more arts professors so they get paid more.

>fool a chick into thinking your 5 inch dick is 8 inches
hehe. this man speaks the truth.

There is an interesting dynamic with people seeing results of studies, statistical analysis, and other things and then use a completely untested and less probable counter-argument to discredit them.

"The reason this study came up with these statistical outcomes is because of tax strategy."

It doesn't really matter if the "disproval" of said study is extremely weak and much less well-founded than the study. As long as it provides an ideological escape hatch people will latch on to whatever bogus magical explanation they can.

This is found extensively in psychology's low sample size studies. They can discard 90% of them to never be published but rely on statistical likilhoods to eventually get a result they want. Even if it fails to reproduce or be anything other than statistical noise, they can use this magical and untrue result to keep the ideology "pure".

So they can say, "Well those empirical results are easily disproved by stereotype threat, which in 1/100 studies, which is the only one published, which is statistical noise, we found that doing X before a test raised the scores 5%.

Basically everyone should be afraid of bias. In modern institutional science this is the eagerness to do large scale searches for a "fixed" result.

So 1000 studies are done on how to improve test scores.
Of these 1000 studies,
5 get any impact on test score versus normal.
2 increase it

the two tests get published to show that test scores can be improved by screaming "bazinga" before the test.

This is used to discredit test results.

This study fails to replicate but is used for a decade to show that "science shows test scores are easily changed".

This is a fundamental flaw to science publication and especially social science studies.

>mass scale worldwide search for X result
>some statistical noise will get X result out of Y attempts
>only publish the statistical noise that goes with ideology Z
>now "science" shows Z

Did they need to? No. But it's a good thing. We could have had a thread like this a week ago and argued for hours because there was no empirical evidence. Now when someone brings up gender equality in the STEM field you can whip out your giant dick, slam it on the table and yell "LISTEN HERE THOT." then proceed to not say a single word and just throw this study at them. That's why this was important. We don't even have to argue about this anymore.
For people that need an overly long explanation of the crisis

This isn't so much a crisis as a lack of reproduction of experiment by independent researchers.

This was a cool video. Thanks.
Yeah, it covers that.

It became a crisis because the results had been in use by real world institutions for a very long time. People changed their entire behavior on the idea of ego depletion and other beliefs. These false studies still have huge effects and are believed as science by many influential people. It's a huge fuck up that does immense harm.

>I mean you could fool a chick into thinking your 5 inch dick is 8 inches
teach me meister

So it's just girls' fault? Does it really matter? Is it really gonna make a difference if STEM was 50/50 perfectly equal?

Okay sweetie check your facts.

1. Men and women are the same at STEM.
2. Women need to be represented because of their different perspective and skillset due to being women.

Yeah sure but if they don't wanna study STEM then whatever.

That's sexist. You just gave up on a little girl who wanted to be an engineer with a wave of your hand and a "whatever". This is why women avoid the field.

I'm not the registrar at a university, it's not up to me.

>victim complex
your the sexist one sweetie

>The study, published in Psychological Science

but now Veeky Forums can't trust those findings it cause it was published in a psychology journal

women are horrible at estimating distance and space.

>less women engineers
this is a good thing.

This isn't anything new

A very interesting statistic. Over the past 10 years Female Teen Suicide rate has doubled in America (2005-2015). Seems interesting that the more equal the genders are the more unhappy women become on subjective polling.

No genders are exactly the same, with the exact same needs and interests. This goes for races as well. >Thinking a penis changes your mind
I have got news for you sweetie it doesn't. A penis is only a sex organ, it changes nothing about the way you perceive and dissect the world. Goes for skin color too, evolution stops at the neck you poltard.

I knew people said Veeky Forums was bad but Jesus Christ this place is toxic.

>the only difference between a man and a woman is a sex organ


low effort

Nice quads bro

Low effort

They made their bed, they have to lie in it.

I imagine turbo autists are reading this comment and thinking it's being unironic.

>correlational study

>this place is toxic
I love how liberals and sjws think this place is toxic yet a black barbershop or mosque have men who say the exact same shit as /pol/ yet you guys don't consider them toxic.


Countries with more gender equality

have fewer female STEM grads but ...

have more female STE((([math]\mathcal{A}[/math])))M grads

The main purpose of STEaM (I put a lowercase because I have zero respect for it) is so the professors in the "a" have jobs. There are 2 opposing viewpoints in academia now, the push for STEaM and the European/Global one where gen ed requirements are dropped and we focus only on classes pertaining to your major. Since college is mostly a scam for all majors not in STEM, medical, or some business/law majors, I doubt the push to make your bill lower has any support from schools and student loan companies. I once told my history professor who bitched to us why we weren't up to pace on reading assignments. Flat out told him I don't need this class outside of it being a gen ed requirement and it is at the bottom of my totem pole of concerns ( I place my STEM classes above all obviously).

[eqn]STE\Bigg(\bigg(\Big(\big(( A )\big)\Big)\bigg)\Bigg)M[/eqn]

Why is my latex borked on Veeky Forums ? I don't see the equations no more, just the plain code.
Is it due to the Block Fix ?

If "Arts & Math" in STEaM is replaced by "Applied Math", then it's ok

Let's put it this way....

They wanted to call it SMET before it was changed to STEM.

It should be SEM to quite honest since engineering incorporates alot of tech in it's own right. Hell, just call it SE since Math is science.

Math isn't science, it is the language of science, but it doesn't use the scientific method, so it would be unfair to call it science.

Math is not science. Science is a process of making predictions about reality. It's all inductive. Almost all math is deductive and it based entirely on abstraction.

Four objects have six unique pairs.

How doesn't math use the scientific method? They have to prove their hypothesis. It's not like social "sciences" where they can't reproduce the same results in a new experiment.

The emphasis on the "a" is literally what they want in STEaM. It's exactly the mirror image of modern women and niggerish blacks who must have EVERYTHING centered around them.

[math]{\color{red} A}[/math]rts are filled with [math]{\color{red} A}[/math]ttention seekers

>correlates with
>no correlation coefficient

>a black barbershop or mosque have men who say the exact same shit as /pol/
gtfo a/pol/ogist

I sincerely hope that sharia law gets implemented, if for no other reason than to finally have all the women shut up.

>I mean you could fool a chick into thinking your 5 inch dick is 8 inches easily
This. Women are awful with measurements. Must be the small hands.

Why is your A Jewish?

>gender equality paradox
Why better myself when the government ensures that I win no matter what.

Sharia is what beta cucks need to keep women in their place. Only True Alpha Males are able to dominate women without being dependent on retarded laws from a retarded book.

(You) are a beta cuck. Kys

>if you have little interest in a subject and are bad at said subject then you won’t pursue it
Who knew

Also, nice quads OP

>I sincerely hope third-world Stone Age law gets implemented, bcoz wimmen
found the Beta Prime

>a little girl who wanted to be an engineer
but that's the thing, they don't want to be engineers

>gay person
accept they are gay

Why aren't they all becoming hardcore programmers

I just came here to check'em