It's actually really good you know

It's actually really good you know

I'm an insecure 12 year old so I can't be seen with anything popular. Sorry

Haha you forgot the sriracha and bacon upvoted anyway :)

Will avocado prices fall in the next two years?

It's fine, but doesn't have much of a flavor. Avocados are too pricey for where I live anyways. I feel like people only like avocados because they're fatty but somehow 'healthy'.

Avocados are great, but amerilards overrate them.
t. chilean and avocado expert

They are healthy, though. Lots of fiber and vitamins, while low in saturated fat

i haven't come to Veeky Forums in a long time but like 4 years ago people liked sriracha. this /jp/ user called ticks claimed she made it popular. what happened

Nah, not toothsome enough

I tried the "avocado mush" style once and it was pretty lame honestly? I've grown up with having thing slices of avocado instead on bread and it's much tastier desu

You shouldn't eat that much wasabi, user.

Yeah no point in investing

Probably not that far, even if they stop being really popular they still take a long time to grow and have a short selling window.

I feel the same way. Unless you're making guac there's no need to mash

4 years?

Same. I prefer sliced avocado on toast or on sandwiches. Unless I'm making guacamole or some other avocado based dip or spread.

>tfw have been doing this for almost two decades now
god damn hipsters ruining my favorite breakfast

How does someone else, entirely separate and unknown to you, ruin your breakfast? Are you fucking stupid?


he's tripping on ck, you already know the answer

i had them in spain with tomato and its really good, i eat them like that every now and then. i imagine avocado only would be kinda bland.
to be specific they would just throw a tomato in the food blender and use the tomato pulp, olive oil, avocado, pepper and salt to make the toast

>salt and rosemary bagel from jewish bakery
>one half baba ghanoush or hummus from lebanese guy
>other half ripe 'do thickly sliced with dusting of togarashi and black pepper
this shit is orgasmic
thanks immigrants

>thanks immigrants
Wtf I love immigrants now.
They can have my country

nah nigga let them do your dirty work and steal their food

they can have food shops in the shitty new haven suburbs

How do I do avocado toast, I've never even heard of it outside of Veeky Forums
Just slap avocado on toast and that's it?

Ewwwww why would you spread peas on toast blegh

Yes, some salt too if you want it

why is this a meme

normies are surprised it tastes good so Veeky Forums must hate it

good toast. mash avocado up but leave some textutre, add black pepper and maybe a squeeze of lemon.

should really be topped with eggs tbqh tho

don't forget to be a milllenial and ruin the economy with it


>prices of avocado in my neck of flyover were 4/$1.00 in 2016
>unexpectedly an emperor with no clothes loses the popular vote but becomes orangeman in chief
>avocados cost $1.88/each today at my flyover walmart

I've sworn off orange juice and orange fools for the rest of my life.

Olive oil, salt, pepper. Chop the avo in a bowl with a spoon - you're not making guac, so just get rough chunks. Use good bread, toast it, butter it. Add radish and a poached egg if you feel fancy, top with more olive oil, salt, pepper, and chives/green onion.

i had smashed avo on toast this morning and now I can't afford my mortgage

the meme is real

>1.88 each
you lucky bastard, they're 2.50 each in the fingerlakes

Nobody cares about some /jp/ loser is what happened

So is every fruit and vegetable except pizza

too much, it's already rich and fatty. doesn't need salt, olive oil or butter

only for americans. soy/corn has had a way worse environmental impact than avocados

>Unironically liked avocados on toast way before it became trendy
>In 2006 someone told me I was "pretty weird" for eating it
>Now it's a hipster food, they cost a $1 more than they used to in supermarkets and every cafe has it on the menu but charges $15 for it

It can't become unpopular again soon enough.

$6.00 each here in Japan :(

Fucking amerifats made the avocado prices get as high as tgey are right now. Also, Palta Hass>Palta fuerte.


It's divine.