Any ideas for easy, low calorie snacks that can fit in a lunchbox? Bonus points for protein

Any ideas for easy, low calorie snacks that can fit in a lunchbox? Bonus points for protein.

With these criteria, so far, it seems like Cottage Cheese is king but was hoping to vary it up.

Rice Pudding also seems to be surprisingly good, just a little low on protein.

Grilled chicken strips

ants on a log

If you are worried about calories, why are you snacking?

I weigh and calculate my calories daily. Snacking is something I'm prepared to budget for; pic related.

My problem is that I'm always in a rush in the morning and opt for a quick, calorie dense breakfast cereal which can sometimes leave me hungry.

Low calorie snacks will allow me to still get a quick breakfast, but save me the hunger throughout the day by eating a bite or two strategically.

This week, I was gifted a chocolate bar (the Maltesers Teasers in my spreadsheet) so what I did was ration it out: 1 square per hour, with 21.4g total.

Next week, if I snack on something with lower calories, then I'll be even more set.

Thanks for the ideas, keep em coming.

Instead of treating the symptom why don't you just fucking go to bed and wake up 10 minutes earlier.

Lazy, not a morning person. Even if I did, it also wouldn't let me nibble throughout the day.

Make overnight oats so you don't have to think about doing it in the morning. It will be much more filling and is still quick to prepare.

what are good recipes for overnight oats that don't have any added sugar and are low cal? all I see is the youtube assholes making their meme versions

Nibbling is for losers. Can't stand people around me who can't handle not mashing shit into their mouths every 45 seconds.

Thick bacon wrapped asparagus with soft poached egg and pepper sandwich?

No added sugar? I don't know what a meme version is. Try mixing with melted coconut oil. Nuts (hazel and almonds I like) and dried fruit would add some flavour and sweetness, though I hate dried, could just add fresh afterwards, blueberries I think are good calorie-wise. I wonder if a squirt of orange juice would help caramelize the oats, some fine root ginger pieces would pair well, then orange zest afterwards, and natural unsweetened Greek yoghurt and glass of water to drink to be filling. Cinnamon powder may work well in the yoghurt. I dunno, making this up.

boiled eggs?

make tuna melt but use cottage cheese instead of mayo

how about not fucking snacking between meals you fat shit?

Steam cooked poultry or fish with maybe a light sauce like tamari.

>oats, milk, ground flax seed, cinnamon, sliced up banana in a bowl
>let it soak overnight
>eat in the morning

It's not complicated

>ground flax seed
Enjoy your estrogenic man tits my friend

Beef jerky! Hummus and pretzels, pickles.

One trick to avoid snacking is to drink a lot more water or tea.
We always have weekly soup in the fridge, so I can warm up a cup instead of opening a bag of chips.

>Rice Pudding also seems to be surprisingly good, just a little low on protein.
>a little low

You're not losing weight because you aren't doing keto. Only ~75% of calories in protein are actually absorbed due to the metabolic expenditures that are necessary to break them down into individual aminos.

i wanna see her benis