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This country deserves Trump.

Who gives a shit what students think? our society gives too much value to the opinions of young people.

Stop watching the news.

baka jus wat i x-pected from yall racis ass honkeys

Seriously, too many people watch the daily corporate mandated propaganda channels we call "news"

>As a poet, [Lorde] is best known for technical mastery and emotional expression, as well as her poems that express anger and outrage at civil and social injustices she observed throughout her life.

Ewww. Outrage is the plebbiest emotion.

what's the most patrician

Outrage, but about niggers and Jews.



Why don't you have any compassion for brilliant authors who were oppressed by the system then? Everyone knows about Shakespeare, there's no need for huge pictures of him hanging everywhere.

Unrequited Love is definitely up there
Regret too, probably


Leftypol here.
I don't care about this. Even though I'm edgy and free-thinking and cool and definitively not like liberals I'd never react against anything like this, because idpol is dumb.


>A self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” Audre Lorde dedicated both her life and her creative talent to confronting and addressing the injustices of racism, sexism, and homophobia. Her poetry, and “indeed all of her writing,” according to contributor Joan Martin in Black Women Writers (1950-1980): A Critical Evaluation, “rings with passion, sincerity, perception, and depth of feeling.” Concerned with modern society’s tendency to categorize groups of people, Lorde fought the marginalization of such categories as “lesbian” and “black woman,” thereby empowering her readers to react to the prejudice in their own lives. While the widespread critical acclaim bestowed upon Lorde for dealing with lesbian topics made her a target of those opposed to her radical agenda, she continued, undaunted, to express her individuality, refusing to be silenced. Fighting a battle with cancer that she documented in her highly acclaimed Cancer Journals (1980), Lorde died of the illness in 1992.

Hahaha, holy shit.

Hopelessness that brings anxiety instead of acceptance.

How do we separate modern left-wing politics from identity shit?

We need alternatives to the current political field of neoliberals obsessed with minorities and LGB vs neoliberals obsessed with "conservative" values.

>Concerned with modern society’s tendency to categorize groups of people
>self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet"

that's a man in a drag.

>you will never be an over-privileged American who defers their protestant guilt onto the rest of the world by fetishing the 'struggle' of black people and homosexuals because you're so out of touch with reality.

Feels ok man

I don't see how statements like that on the chalkboard do anything but lower the self esteem of women. I now it was years ago, but I'll try to make a point anyway.
If you take that as some radical truth, then you also assume most people view women as powerless. Meaning if a women is taught this mindset, she assumes most people value her much less than they probably actually do.
But what do I know? I'm just a CIS WHITE MALE VIRGIN.

Imagine being the resident Shakespeare specialist at Penn. What a total humiliation. He probably spent a bunch of lecture time talking about racism in Othello or sexism in Hamlet too, and this what he gets. His own students have have downgraded his life's work in favor of a cracker-hating, Marxist, lesbian hack.


Childlike wonder & curiosity.

Unconditional love.

I go to Penn
should I find the professor and ask them about it?

Neurotic existential dread and it's accompanying anxiety.

Unrequited love
Existential dread

All Shakespeare portraits are shit. Dickens wished none of them had survived so we would be forced to focus on Shakespeare's works, not how he wore his hair.

unending, unyielding, 24/7 suffering

Why do women's rights and racial equality movements always coincide with decline of civilisation?

Really, though, the most patrician emotion is that of aesthetic ecstasy brought on by an encounter with the sublime.


the only true answer

Bow down faggots

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Why hasn't any self-respecting student torn down the picture already? This is an embarrassment for the whole university

That poem's an unstable combination of teenage edginess and actually quite goodness. I like it.

Kill, kill, kill the white man
Kill him until he is dead
Kill, kill, kill, the white man

Couldn't the people who actually care about literature in that department defend him on social justice grounds for being a homo?

Who cares about some dead white author, but maybe when they start removing the marxists propaganda the cucks will try to stand up but will just end getting fucked

Shakespeare's portrait died for this?


I've stopped getting irritated about stuff like this. It's needed.

These events need to keep happening before the stubborn moderates finally abandon the left and cure this identity politics contagion.

I welcome it now.

I don't get it.

>Killing yourself.


>Killing your children.

I assume this is political related? E.g. Drumpf gets elected and liberals think their kids are going to die from his policies.

>Who gives a shit what students think? our society gives too much value to the opinions of young people.

This. If you're under 25 your opinions are shit and no one ever needs to hear them.

this all would have ended if there was a viable third party.
Both the republicans and democrats have now become two sides of the corporate coin. There is no party concerned with the actual wellbeing of its citizens.


I want to fucking axe these poeple.

Righteous anger and divine wrath


She won at minority bingo.


Who would win? A playwright and poet responsible for most archetypes of modern protagonist and villains, widely recognised as the greatest ever contributor to the world of literature, OR a woman that's entire bibliography relies on her being born with more melanin in her skin than white people.

>implying Shakespeare didn't just adapted Plautus for a British audience who originally adapted Greek Old Comedy for a Roman audience
not mitigating his significance on the English language but there is a large tradition behind Shakespeare that make his contributions to theater seem more like reinterpretations.

Well of course, most of his works couldn't be original because of the speed with which London theatre at the time required new plays to be performed. The same can be said of most great writers and poets - Keats, for example, borrowed most of the basis for his poems from Italian poetry, just as Chaucer took huge inspiration from Dante. The point is, as you said, Shakespeare intepreted and finessed the collective ideas of hundreds of writers before him to a point where they could be consumed and understood by the majority of the globe. For that alone he is revolutionary, and far above a dyke like Audre Lorde who spent most of her literary career whining about people being mean to her.


That would be awesome. Post about it here. When could you ask?

>Veeky Forums is left-wing
>Veeky Forums defends shit like this

Why exactly?

>women are powerful and dangerous
Yes, why do you think societies control them?


Literally Rupi Kaur tier.

i have really struggled with whether and how to respond to this. The execution of this message was very nice and respectful, and I genuinely appreciate that. The premise, however, is problematic. Maybe not inherently, but within the context of the sexist society we live in. Men are allowed, and often feel compelled, to think out loud at women, to share unsolicited not necessarily informed thoughts at women. (And usually these men, unlike you, don’t even seem to recognize that their thoughts may not be useful.) Women on the other hand aren’t allowed to be as open. So, if you want to not just be respectful, but actually be anti-oppression, it is better (IMO) not to respond to a woman’s work with the types of thoughts that other men pawn off as insights, if you know what i mean. again, i appreciate your honesty, but i feel obligated to point these things out.


For maximum profit show the prof this thread & get him to post.

Obviously it's contempt