Has science ever came up with one piece of evidence or proofs that the earth is actually "round...

Has science ever came up with one piece of evidence or proofs that the earth is actually "round?" All there is are just images and countlessly debunked theories like the pendulum and corialis effect. Is there actually any definitive proof?

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Everyone telling you the earth is round is lying.

Everyone telling you the earth is flat is lying.

Everyone telling you the earth exists is lying.

Everyone telling you anything is lying.

Nobody knows because you don't know.

Because nothing actually exists.

No people, no things, no earth, no nothing, at least not in any form you can imagine.

Because all that you think exists is only what you imagine. Your senses do not exist, you are in fact blind, deaf, tasteless, nosedead and unfeeling.

You are the author of your own illusion.

You are fooling yourself. Conversely, you can change the world to whatever you want, if you really want.

But the point is, in reality there is nothing but you, so there is no 'truth' to prove.

lake pontchartrain causeway, you can also measure buildings falling under the curvature by looking at them
>inb4 it's the lens
telephoto lenses don't distort the picture in any noticeable way



>has science ever came up with one piece of evidence or proofs that the Earth is actually "round?" All there is are just [evidence and proofs of the earth being round that I choose not to believe in and will never believe in.] Is there actually any [proof that I will believe in?]

You already answered your own question, troll. You will clearly continue to refuse to recognize any evidence anyone presents you. This is apparent because instead of challenging any of the readily available evidence on the internet, you offhandedly dismiss it by claiming it to be fake and debunked, even though it is accepted by science and society. You even use the fact that it is generally accepted as common knowledge as evidence it is faked, claiming conspiracy.

Unless you ask an actual specific question, or challenge a specific piece of evidence, all this thread will ever be is bait baiting bait. And will eventually get deleted or pruned no matter how hard you bump.

>You are the author of your own illusion.
Damn, I must be really smart to invent all this math and shit by myself.

That picture is crazy, I live right by this bridge and those pylons are spaced pretty far apart yet look right next to each other because of the zoom / distance, the same goes for those green signs which are like mile marker signs or w/e.

It's funny because globies actually believe this is proof. LMFAO. It's obviously the lens retard, even if I were to stipulate that its a real picture, the round earth model wouldn't even support this, earths curvature wouldn't be visible at such a short length like that, see pic related.

>hurr durr ur only listening to what you want durr
Still don't see any evidence, and no, it's not that I don't just believe in it, its like I said the two proofs I posted have been debunked and disapproved not ONLY by flat earthers, but real scientists as well, the pendulum has always been known to be flimsy and purely theoretic.
So give me real proof.
>inb4 muh timezones


not a flat earther but that bridge and water mass isn't long enough for visible curvature.

curved bridge lmfao
i love round earth propaganda

I know right? These idiots will eat anything up their schools will tell them. He doesn't even know how bridges work.
At least your honest, most globies aren't honest.

Looks like all the roundies dipped after they got BTFO, typical round earthers.

>Lens distortion
>on a telephoto
weak bait

this bridge is 38.35 km long

The Earth is round, just like a flat disk is round. We don't see anything in 3 dimensions, it's just an illusion.

It's literally a curved bridge, keep ignoring facts globie.


Every single photo that is taken clearly shows flat and no curvature, disproving the round earth theory. If it really was 28 miles long that means there would be 28 feet of curvature, only looks curved because all the pictures are taken at a level angle of the curved bridge, you can even see the water is level in the pictures he posted.

It's weak bait, stop feeding the globie troll.


Wow, so many flat earth redpills in this thread, its funny how no round earthers have came and even posted one real piece of evidence, this is what happens when a round earth science geek actually gets confronted with flat earth intellectuals and not just retards on facebook who don't know science. They have no argument, end of story. They always run.

There are a number of things wrong in that first video at least. Enough to cast doubt on the "proof" that it is debunked.

Should I watch the other two?

>Every single photo that is taken with a wide angle lens clearly shows flat and no curvature, disproving the round earth theory.

Southern celestial pole and pole stars have never been significantly explained by flat earth theory.

No, I will not accept the explanation that it is like crepuscular rays, those go away from a light source and don't explain why you have different stars in the south. Also doesn't explain why the southern celestial pole rises in the sky the further south you go.

Eric Dubay is the top of the line when it comes to actual scientific flat earth theory, so why not just explain what is wrong with his video?

And also, let's see your proof that the earth is round, there's been countless proofs that the earth is flat, there's still never been anyone in this thread to post one piece of evidence the earth is round.

Okay, so the second video was MrThriveAndSurvive, who makes such terrible videos with such shitty logic that I can disregard it and the third has nothing to do with the experiment.

So maybe I'll just pick apart the first one in a bit.

Also, please explain my picture posted along with the video, why is a full image of a 28 mile long bridge showing no curvature if the earth (ROUGHLY) curves at a 1 foot to 1 mile ratio? 28 feet of curvature should be pretty visible lmao

>curves at a 1 foot to 1 mile ratio? 28 feet of curvature should be pretty visible lmao
8 inches per mile squared, allegedly.

Anyway, I hope you realize what you see in the photo is approximately 2.4miles of the bridge.

Are you globies ever going to actually post any evidence? I'd think that if there was actually a round earth, that'd be huge like an incredible discovery, there should be one piece of proof right? Lmfao!

When I finish discrediting your evidence.


This shit bait has been argued to death on /x/, it doesn’t need to be here


/x/ is for paranormal, this isn't paranormal it's a discussion on the science of round earth, don't derail my thread though, it's breaking the rules to make posts like you did, or just saying sage.

The payload fairing was deployed at 177km, the orbit it was boosted to before they started the views of starman stream was 7000km.

Your misinformation is showing.

Here, I have made a corrected version for you to use the next time you post it.

You don't have to thank me.