That smell that food gets right before it goes bad that's just a more intense version of what it normally smells like

>that smell that food gets right before it goes bad that's just a more intense version of what it normally smells like

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You'll never make them better. I freaked out half my family by doing this. They thought I was a chef.

>olive oil instead of butter

Dude, don't fuck with the proper recipe. Trust me. Being some asshole with butter doesn't make it better. Drizzle you shitty butter over it after its fried to perfection.

People who think they know shit when they obviously don't are the reason your food tastes like garbage. They middle management, but with food. Which makes garbage food.

>he doesn't know what a smoke point is

pardon my dropped articles. I'm sick of fuck ups so I type like Zoolander.

>he doesn't know what clarified butter is

My last meal was linguine alfredo with bay scallops with garlic bread. Linguine with a family alfredo, parm-reg from italy and a garlic bread on ciabatta.

Retarded good.

Rancid tofu is the absolute worst shit I've ever smelled, I had a container that fermented and when I tried to open it I got bukkaked by the liquid shooting out

The date said it was ok but I should've paid more attention to how bloated the package was, and after the smell didn't go away for a few hours.


who fucking uses ghee in italian food? That's indian, dumbass.

How's clarified butter working out for you?

saturated fats are king


>refined oil has high smoke point
>other refined oil has higher smoke point
>"hurrr backpedaling"

I live in flyover Michigan

>go into meijer store
>see 120 dolar scallop bag in frozen
>its marked down
>90 dollars
>say to butcher
>"Hey, you call me when you have to throw this out - a day before
>"Ill pay 10 dollars"
>get called

Easy as shit, its a month+ of scallops at three times a week

Well olive oil burns really easily >thinks pure butterfat is exclusive to any one regional cuisine
Are you retarded? Ghee isn't regular clarified butter btw. You let the solids brown before you take them out. That's what makes it ghee and not just clarified butter.


jk that sounds delicious. homemade alfredo sauce is really on another level of delicious

That doesn't sound too great desu

>One of my Scallops is about 20 past 4

did that really need to be in 2 parts?

>work saute in italian restaurant run by chef who was recently recognized by the james beard foundation
>sear all my scallops with clarified

I keep a bottle of it on my station *literally* just for scallops


>You'll never make them better.

Literally just the most basic form of cooking to saute the shit out of something.

Just like pussy

I am jelly user

I'll take a picture next time, but the fond from the scallops was just sheer flavour.

>butter in a pan
enjoy coughing for 10 minutes

what's better, Meijer or VG's?

>hot pan
>leaves olive oil sitting in it

why does Gordon Ramsey cut scallops in half?
is he jewish?

Fermented tofu is an actual dish known as stinky tofu, it's the foulest shit I've ever smelled, didn't have the courage to try it.

Depends on which olive oil you use.