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It becomes a breakfast cereal

Broth. The other choices don't even make sense.

It woul;d technically become a broth.

If you think of cereal as adding a liquid to solid, soup/stew is basically the same thing. In essence, cereal is the solid part of the soup and milk is the liquid, hence it would be a broth.

a cool porridge

Neither, cereal with milk is just porridge that hasn't had time to settle. Porridge in turn is just a soup or stew.

*bashes you on the head repeatedly with the bowl*


Soup, of the chunky variety

Knowing the answer does not affect my life in any way, and it doesn't satiate my curiosity either, so I don't give a shit.

is that text from a far side comic? cause if it's not, it should be

It's a marinade

Broth is, by definition, a savory liquid made by boiling meat, bones, or veg.

This. Also, broth by definition precludes any liquid other than water, and must be boiled; cereal and milk fails both criteria.

the text is from the image in the op, friend

it's still a beverage


Cereal is one of the oldest foods in the book people.

my brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The milk disappears. It's just part of the broader cereal dish at this point

Weirdly, it seems that that meme is the actual origin of that line. I expected to find something about it in a movie but haven't gotten even a single hit.

Well it should be made into a far side comic because it's perfect for one.

this is the reason I go fucking crazy when people call tomato sauce a gravy
sauce is cooked down from many ingredients
gravy is built up from a base

>on a trip with friends family
>his mom makes spaghetti
>you want gravy?
>not sure who eats spaghetti with gravy
>starts ladling sauce on everyones plate
>skips mine
>I just eat dry spaghetti

blocks your path

It's still milk, so it's a beverage.

It's technically a dressing if you want to classify cereal as a grain salad

If you want to be pedantic I'd say its soup.
If you don't want to be pedantic it's fucking cereal.

Fuck off.


>Knowing the answer does not affect my life in any way

But your wife's life depends on it

I'm not married tho