Without the kingdom of heaven, or other such theological endgame, to where, or what...

without the kingdom of heaven, or other such theological endgame, to where, or what, is the march of secular progress headed?

A technological utopia. Inventing God and the kingdom of heaven.

Progress ended with WW2.

>inventing god

singularitists, pls stop

What replaced it? Survival?

I think the theological endgame, from what I've gathered from Peterson lectures, is to provide an ideal to strive for that will allow us to traverse any dominance hierarchy.

Sounds Anabaptist

How can I even talk about such a thing? I'm a religious person. There is no "secular progress." That is an absurdity.
It is so inherently absurd to our two logics that I could ask you the same thing and have it be an entirely different and entirely sincere question.
So I ask you: Yes, where indeed?

To you, how does techno positivism, environmentalism, et al look? Are you one who values life, or one who awaits death?

Technology alone cannot keep men happy for long...

>never understanding Christianity
Your body is the temple of God.

The opposite. Slow and cancerous.
Every value, every deed, every statement for sale and government regulation.

>camus and sartre "ruined your life"


>techno positivism
I don't recognize it.

We are charged with stewardship over the earth and protect it.

>Are you one who values life, or one who awaits death?
As one who loves God and Christ, I have *love* life. I *look forward* to the "world to come." As for what that looks like, no man knows.

>being this mad

wew chum

at worst it ended at Y2k

Domination of the stars and spreading human life to every habitable planet. What other point could there be to all this development. Sitting around on our own dicks on this tiny rock waiting for a different rock to obliterate us, or some gamma ray burst to pass right through all of us and sterilize the whole planet in one shot? Or a million other reasons why we need to spread out and not keep all our genetic eggs in one tiny basket.

>inb4 *sniff* *throat clearing* um well actually super luminal velocity is unachievable *tugs shirt* *pushes up glasses*

Fuck off, they said that about literally every scientific and technological breakthrough since fucking stone man sat down and tried to make fire. It cant be done is the motto of degenerates. Nothing ever looked like it could be done with that contemporary understanding of science and then the next generation looks like fucking cosmic wizards in comparison.

Maximal survival and prosperity. Those are the biological imperatives that should guide every decision we make. There is nothing else.

Now go figure out the necessary science and make us some damn starships stemfags. I don't care of you have to 3d print every piece and use stolen plutonium from the Libyans. Rule 76.

That's why my endgame is becoming a woman

I think the Chinese have it right. Strive to create the greatest happiness with the greatest stability, and then apply people's energies towards technological progress. The ideal clearly isnt democracy, but a completely transparent global autocratic bureaucracy with a contract with the people to maintain their basic rights, with prosperity and quality of life removed slowly.


There's no compelling evidence that a singularity couldn't occur

do you actually think that's a direction? this place is embarrassing now

there's absolutely nothing wrong with being mad you stupid cuck. SMOKE DAT WEED MON IT MAKE DEY CAPITALIST SLAVE MORALITY SUFFRABLE

>the greatest happiness with the greatest stability
That isn't a "value." That's two values, measured against one another. That is not the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom is not divided against itself.

It is part of the global elite's ambition to keep mankind on this planet. Allowing us to colonize outer space to a point where the colony can achieve self-sufficiency and independence from Earth's natural resources would spell out doom of the dynasties of the current powers-that-be. They can't risk that.

>this is your brain on memes

yeah, totally

Yes, go outside and look up. That's the only direction left to go.

And what about when you shut your eyes?

relly makes u think

Seems self-evident to me. There's no particular endpoint anyone is trying to reach. Rather, progressives want to improve living conditions to enable people to enjoy what little time they have here.

me too thanks

>kingdom of Heaven
sounds tyrannical, to me

it would take us under a million years to traverse our entire galaxy with nuclear pulse technology(technology we could produce right now if we had to).

we don't even need FTL travel to dominate the stars, just patience. greatly extending lifespans via genetic engineering solves this just as well as increasing travel speeds.

Do you not still see the stars when you close your eyes? Do you not see where you came from and to where you must return?

Its like you don't even have a transcendent existential cosmic consciousness bro. Earth is the womb of human life, it isn't going to be the permanent shelter and coffin as well. Its time to cut the umbilical and go.

>I would vote for whatever leader and whatever program got things moving. Any combination of different evolving technologies that gets us out there. The economic value should be incentive enough. Just the sense of pride and destiny should be reason (however irrational and self ascribed). Life will never be perfect here. We cant wait for the perfect time to go, it will never come. Nor should we wait until things are so terrible we have no choice. We should devote our resources to expanding human capabilities and existence to thier greatest potential. It seems out of reach and people cannot envision what it would take. But when ever was that not true about everything great done by humanity? Should we just have staid in the trees picking fleas off each other all day? We are barely just a few steps beyond that point. We shouldn't pat ourselves on the back now and think we are so great.