Is it easy to read La Divina commedia se l'italiano non è la sua lingua materna?

Is it easy to read La Divina commedia se l'italiano non è la sua lingua materna?

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Io no sò.

>Io no sò.

Yes it's easy to read in English. English is your first language right?

>English is your first language right?
Nope :)

>Non sa leggere in italiano

At least use a side by side translation ffs.

The fuck would you ever do that for? Thats the same shit when muslims tell you to read the arabic version of the Quran because the english version is "mistranslated and portrays islam in correctly". The divine comedy is fantastic every line of it, but you don't need to read it in its native language to appreciate it to its fullest.


però so leggere in italiano, ma non so se il vocabulario è molto difficile per essere un testo dell'età medievale

>Thats the same shit when muslims tell you to read the arabic version of the Quran because the english version is "mistranslated and portrays islam in correctly"
>in correctly
rly makes one think

Well, I fucked up. I'll promptly go rethink my life.

What English version should I get

jaja el hombre pizza

perro caca

But then again, both the english and arabic version make it out to be a death cult. Mudslimes will lie to you and tell you otherwise.

that was my point, muslims don't want people to see the correct version of islam


Amen, Brother

Dante was a poetry virtuoso, a master craftman and an incredible erudite: the choice of words, phonems and syntax are all deliberate, and they are all lost in translation.
Reading Dante in English is equal to reading Dante for the plot.

Thats the same thing they said about the prophet Muhammed.

Dante's craft is truly prodigious, and it has been studied thoroughly for 700 years now: it's a main aspect of his art. It's like reading Shakespeare in Italian: sure, you'll understand the characters and the plot, but you will still lose most of this aesthetic experience in the process.

I get what you're trying to say, but you don't need to learn a second language to fully appreciate it.

>Reading Dante in English is equal to reading Dante for the plot.
>implying this is a bad thing

Puoi riuscirci solo se usi un'edizione annotata in italiano contemporaneo. L'italiano di Dante è difficile

sai una buona edizione annotata?

What is then?

>tfw too stupid to learn another language
Should I just kill myself?

weird meme considering Hitler shot himself

Quella della Mondadori è molto buona


So bored of this shitty meme.

So bored of your shitty presence.

grazie mille! proverò a prendere questa edizione qua in Brasile, credo che sarà difficile e doverò importare dall'Italia

>to fully appreciate it
If you want to fully appreciate it you have to know Italian, that's what I'm saying. Just like for Shakespeare, a great chunk of the creativity and insight of this art is contained in the craft, of which Dante is one of its most revered contributors.

Too bad that you're wrong.

Si trova anche su ebay, bello

Buy the Landmark edition, you burro do caralho.

>Too bad that you're wrong.
Wrong about being bored of a shitty meme?

ah vero :)

Bring your shitty presence outta here pls

mama mia pastacholi meatabolli bippity boopo


Question for Italians ITT: is there an equivalent for retard speak like this but in English by Italians?

This might be relevant

10/10 reply

its not a meme you mongoloid, lots of great writers could read different languages and read classics in their original, like joyce for instace, or thoreau, that talks a bit in his book about 'having' to read the iliad in the original greek to properly enjoy it, which he did.

It's-a me, Mario!

It is a shitty meme. Everyone is already well aware that something is lost in translation, and no one is asserting the contrary.

Given there are many Italians ITT: how do you rank your main poets?

Dante is king, but who's number two? Leopardi? Ariosto? And then who? Tasso?

Ungaretti. Fuck all the rest, including Dante.

I'm asking for the common meme ranking in Italy, not for your personal opinion (which is sensible surely) tbqhwyl

>implying that is a common sense about who's the first, the second, the third and son.

I'd say Leopardi, if I had to guess. But different ages means different values. We don't put all them on the same table. We aren't dumb bongs.

Of course, you don't need to rank them one by one; but I imagine Aretino or Angiolieri belong in a lesser tier compared to Tasso or Petrarca, right?

In terms of what, you fucker? Petrarca influentied others poets like no other poet of his time, be it italian or not.

In terms of being a good poet, duh.

The problem is that:

>Italy doesn't export its memes to the world
>contemporary scholars will never give the slightest opinion about who's better than who, to sound more "objective"
>non-scholars speak zero Italian and/or have no clue we're stuck in a dilemma where Aretino = Ariosto, unironically, because no one will judge anything to establish some kind of hierarchy.

So what you want is a Bloom-like type of fag? We don't have those, thank god. Ariosto is "better" than Aretino because Orlando is bigger than anything Aretino ever wrote.

But you can't compare non-related poets. I mean, you could say Pound > Eliot, but could you say Pound > Milton? It would be a weird statement, for sure.

This reminds me of an infamous page where Dali coolly compares Picasso, Da Vinci, Mondrian, Velasquez and himself, by giving out marks like 13/20 or 19/20 to each one in different areas: inspiration, colour, originality, etc.