If you're not in the USA KFC is a delicious, nutritious meal

If you're not in the USA KFC is a delicious, nutritious meal.

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>tfw will never eat бoкcмacтep at moscow kfc with my gf ever again

Хyитa. Лyчшe бoкcмacтep в KFC oткyшaть.
Aнoны, кaк вы дyмaeтe, a кaкaя eвpoпeйcкaя cтpaнa пoхoжa бoльшe вceгo нa нac пo мeнтaлитeтy? Mнe пoчeмy-тo кaжeтcя, чтo Иpлaндия. Tyдa peaльнo тpaктop coбpaть?

KFC = Kentucky Fried Crap

Ecли чecтнo, pyccкиe oчeнь paзныe, чeм вce. Чyть-чyть пoхoжe кaк нeмeцкиe, нo мeнee cтpoгиe. Иpлaндцы тoлькo пoхoж нa питьe, oни тaк yчacтливee.

No such country, but Eastern Europe is the closest.

It's really strange to me that everywhere outside of it's country of origin KFC does good business and has respectable market growth.

What the fuck is US KFC's problem?


I had KFC for the first time in years a few months ago, it wasn't bad.

Europe probably has better livestock.

Great blog.
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everything BUT the original recipe chicken is good from KFC
WTF fix your shit KFC

Lol, stick it to them sister

>Fried pieces of chicken
>Fried small pieces of chicken meat
>Fried smaller pieces of chicken meat
>Fried pieces of potato
Wow, very healthy.

Heart Attacks

You missed the popcorn chicken.

Probably as good a theory as any.

No. US, Australia, Brazil, India and Argentina are the world's livestock producers but no idea what relevance that has to KFC. You can raise chicken in a toilet stall. You can raise wonderful quality and numerous chickens with a modicum of wide land for free range chickens.

Nah, they'd have to work harder to replace the dying customers. Doesn't make sense

There are better fried chicken chains in the U.S. than KFC tbqhwyf

There's better fried chicken down the street at the local charcoal chicken, doesn't stop me from getting a stacker meal every now and again.

>pure foods

Not really would rather have korean fried chicken any day of the week.

> Be Chinese
> used to nice, clean, luxury KFCs with actual silverware and table delivery
> people dress up nice and eat politely like a decent sit down restaurant
> go to 'Merica
> KFC's cost 1/3 the price and are filled with loud ass black people yelling at each other at the top of their lungs
> food is also shit

WTF? Shit's backwards.

That explains a lot, user. As an American I wondered why on earth KFC is so popular in Asia. Now I get it--it's totally different than what it's like here.