Were phrenologists onto something or was it totally a meme science

Were phrenologists onto something or was it totally a meme science

Thats to say is it possible to make any estimations of a normal persons neurological characteristics/capabilities from their head shape?

your image is indicating to look for an occipital bun and determining if a person is morally sound; the occipital bun is largely associated with high Neanderthal genetics, of which true Africans have none. Basically, Neanderthal genes are what separate us from apes.

guy on the right is fucking deformed. The actual head shape of the left guy is much more normal, it's his face they made looked fucked and aggressive while the guy on the right has a normal happy face

Nice thread. We also need more discussion of alchemy, astrology, and homeopathy too!


I mean to say to exclude people with extreme deformities like microcephaly which obviously indicates cognitive defects

Can the brain be developmentally affected by the growth of the skull.
Its not that pseudo-scientific of a question

It was certainly not a bad hypothesis, but except for serious deformations, its irrelevant.

>tfw even phrenology is right

my girlfriend has bumbs on those two danger spots and that makes sense because she's a fucking cunt m8.

From my experience in life, I would trust a guy with the right head shape and take cautions with a guy with the left head shape

The brain is very soft tissue.
No way it deforms the skull.

Phrenology is quackery. Curiously, the founders always found the highest mental and ethical functions in people who looked just like themselves.

Does she look like this?

>The brain is very soft tissue.
>No way it deforms the skull.

Other way around retard, the question is whether the skull deforms the brain

Reminder Veeky Forums has been ahead of the game for years on the phrenology renaissance

For whatever reason its totally true. There are plenty of thinga that correllate but also some that don't. But at the same time there's a sort of bias that creates a chicken or egg thing, because so many people have this belief and it determines how people are treated and how people are treated influences their behaviors. People who look sketchy get treated badly or just avoided completely so it's hard to say if it's causation or just correlation



Me on the left


>meme science
Lrn2meme fgt pls

You tell me, user.

Phrenology (skull bumps) is total pseudo without any merit whatsoever.

However, physiognomy (skull+jaw dimensions) is extremely practical, especially in dogs. Dolicho, meso, and brachycephalic proportions in canines indicate deviation from the mean wolf-stock, and largely indicate that shorter, rounder heads are less behaviorally capable than ones closer in shape to wolves. Complete GMAP testing has associated tyrosine and phenylalanine genes with skull proportion and behavior - short-headed dogs are stupid, repetitious, scatological and aggressive; long-headed dogs are skittish, and more "intelligent" for dog standards, in a less impaired visuospatial memory.
Therefore, pitbulls, pugs and chihuahas are "devolved", while collies, poodles and greyhounds are equal to or occasionally surpassing their ancestors in the behavioral qualities which belie measurable intelligence. It's not because they are l o n g b o y e s , but because they are not SMASHED and TOADLINED.

This cannot be applied to people because we do not have an identifiable set of equivalent alleles. However, jaw dimension and projection (virgin vs chad faces) like so
are accurate heuristics for testosterone and prenatal bone-forming mineral health, which obviously influence the brain in a secondary way.

>tldr if you like pitbulls you're a brainlet

I swear my left was my right until now, is this mandela effect ?

This is literally just an early prototype of the Virgin vs. Chad meme.

>they are the children who seem to cry, but do not.