
*lands on your food *

extra protein thx

As long as it stays away from my beer we're all good.

That's where his tiny cousins come in.

*waves hand above food*

Motherfucker start begging.

Never let these flies get on your food that is a green bottle fly and they eat poop and dead things gross.

Literally cannot eat food that had its sacrity defiled by a fly

>literally shits out you're food

>literally regurgitates your food, storing it in hardened vomit cubicles


Are you /b/tarded?
Bees literally shit out honey once theyve digested pollin.
Fucking noobs

Yer I know that's why i said : Bro I know bees and shit, a good friend of mine is a hive master or whatever their called

A fencer, they fence bees in. Very territorial people.

*throws food in trash*

Thanks a lot, fucking fly, I hate you so bad.

Bees don't eat pollen, they feed it to their larvae,
Honey is made from nectar which they carry in their crop but dont digest, honey is made in the hexagonal pods in their hive

Bee gather pollen
Bee give pollen to hive
Whole hive eat pollen
Bee gather nectar
Bee pass nectar to other bee many times
Water evaporates out of nectar
Bee store honey in comb
Larvae eat honey
Whole hive eat honey when pollen scarce
Human eat honey because mmm yummy

Thank you Jesus

I don't even care about flies

Ticks, no-see-ums and chiggers can fuck right off

Have you actually used that thing? How viable is it? It looks fun.

I use airsoft to bust those little mofos
Fun to bust them out, not so much to clean

Bought the first gen for my dad, the loading gate is brittle as fuck, but the damned thing works. He loves it, and now I want to buy one for myself. DO NOT USE ON WASPS.

crunch crunch

This is absolutely incorrect.

You cant say "DO NOT USE ON WASPS." without a greentxt story.
Lets hear it


...but y tho

Aries it turn into a super wasp

Europeans won't understand this. They don't even have screens on their windows to keep flies out

I may shit water later just from the disgust of this viewing on my meal if i take another bite /entirely true

I was thinking on buying an NAA mini chambered in .22 short and loaded with ratshot for wasps, junebugs, elderbugs, and other sundries of small critter.

I don't think anyone makes .22short shot loads.

Look up the salt gun. It's a little shotgun thing that fires grains of salt fast enough to obliterate insects but not harm anything else

The nigger of the insect world

>The nigger of the insect world
That would be cockroaches.

I smashed one of these dudes during my Monday night Sandwich shift and it got on a piece of salami. It was only one slice though, easily replaceable~!

Three things god should not have created: Persians, Jews, and flies.


Flies would be Mexicans since their job is quick cleaners

Allow me to interject, roaches are decent enough, they probably have some sort of impact. Stinkbugs on the other hand, are an invasive species, bringing nothing but pain and suffering. They are the nigger bugs, assassin bugs act as bug Klansmen, however, they also go after other bugs such as flies, because flies are Mexicans. I brought hundreds of assassin bugs into my house to slay the st*nkbug menace, and now I'm paying the price. Who watches the watchers?
The noble wasp.

Roaches are fucking awful due to how explosive they breed.
If you got them then its either too late or your going to have to do something fast before their everywhere.


mosquitoes are the jews, but I guess that goes without saying

Gnatty Lite

>Pentatomidae are a single invasive species
hmmmm really percolates my paneer

Now that I googled it, I think you're right. Damn... there goes my idea for hard-husked insect genocide...

they don't shit out honey, they puke it out

*handloading intensifies*

>la cucaracha
>not Mexican

Fucking idiot can't even into bees

I know an old lady...

More like mosquitos, cockroaches and flies.
Otherwise jews, blacks and muslims

Thank fuck for bees.

Seriously. Hiring a bunch of poor people to manually pollinate our food-plants sounds tedious and expensive.