I keep seeing the word "Psuedointellectual" being thrown around...

I keep seeing the word "Psuedointellectual" being thrown around. What makes a psuedointellectual different from a real intellectual. Please give examples.

We had this thread yesterday.

>Please give examples

See pic related. Pseud above, Intellectual below.

how many shitty same threads do we need
read the fucking dictionary definitions and stop

Pseudo-intellectuals pretend to have read and thought deeply about their subjects, but in fact:

* They stole their ideas from smarter, usually more obscure people, without adding anything other than their own wording.

* Or they'll make vague, general comments about something, in a way that sounds profoundly worded, but if listened to afterwards, will clearly be empty of meaning. Like this post and its responses.

This image may be helpful, OP.

>Joe Rogan

How can somebody that doesn't pretend to be an Intellectual be a Pseud?

A pseud is someone who opines on topics without being an expert on them

I think this picture adds to the confusion. How are Chomsky and Zizek pseuds?

Because they're popular of course

Intellectuals lurk, pseuds post.

So, everybody?

Pseudointellectual pretends that he has read obscure books on Sudanese carpet weaving board. Intellectual plays Counter Strike: Global Offensive 14 hours a day.

So I'm both???????????????????

You say yes, the dictionary says no. You can opine on topics you don't know about without being a pseud if you are making it clear you don't know about the topic you're opining on. This is why people say things like "As a mother..." or "As a coal miner..." Joe Rogan regularly plays down his own intelligence.

Joe Rogan is not a Pseud because he doesn't pretend to be smarter than he is, and he doesn't virtue signal intellectualism. That is practically his appeal. He is, however, an absolute Pseud magnet, because he's a not very smart person who loves talking to people that sound smart and actual intellectuals have no interest in going on his show.

Replace his picture with Petersons.

Because Chomsky is a decent linguist who fancies himself a political analyst because he came to the conclusion America is to blame for everything

Don't know enough about Zizek to say he's a Pseud.

You can opine on a topic with a meager understanding without being a pseud. That leads to learning. A pseud would opine on a topic with no understanding.

Yes. You're in superposition until someone observes you.

Pro-tip: nobody ever will

Chomsky wouldn't be a pseud if he stuck to his lane but he's an extreme example of "Engineer Syndrome" and believing because he is highly competent in some fields his opinion is valuable on all issues.

So in other words, you disagree with him so he's a pseud? Sounds like you are a pseud.

Opining on a topic with little knowledge of it is extremely irresponsible, especially if you have a large audience.

He's a Pseud and an Intellectual simultaneously.

a psued would ask this question. an intellectual wouldnt.

Glad to see Stefan Molyneux in there. I don't agree that some are pseuds though. Namely: Zizek, Sam Hyde, Gore Vidal and Harold Bloom. The rest can go to hell.

>Engineer syndrome

kek what a trap. Veeky Forums is brutal

meme status aside (and yes im aware of the irony) dawkins really doesnt belong there as a legitimate biologist

Only allowing 145IQ+ highly qualified people to opine on topics, who are the only people Veeky Forums doesn't consider pseuds, would create significant blind spots in society and would actually make society worse.

If we define that as pseudointellectualism, which by the way makes no sense because giving an opinion doesn't inherently mean you're attempting to pretend (pseudo-) to be an intellectual (intellectualism). It would also make it impossible to become an intellectual without first being a Pseud because you wouldn't be allowed to give your opinion on anything until you became a real intellectual.

You can be a Pseud and an Intellectual simultaneously. Dawkins is a Biologist that thinks he's a religious scholar.

One of his most famous books is about religion tho.

The point is that it's important to be able to identify when someone is spreading rumors, myths, conspiracy theories, and other disinformation, and if someone is sharing their opinion on a topic about which they have little knowledge, it's not unlikely they are doing just that. We should look to experts for authentic information on things, not celebrities.