What the fuck is magnetism? Like, it just works. No particles, nothing. America egsplane

What the fuck is magnetism? Like, it just works. No particles, nothing. America egsplane.

Attached: genericMagnet_2.jpg (428x427, 12K)

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side effect of electricity

but it is electricity

You cannot have a magnetic field without having an electric field, but you can have an electric field without having a magnetic field.

Each pole of a magnetic field has a north pole and a south pole; the south pole points to geographic north while the north pole points towards geographic south.

An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off.

Electric currents and the magnetic moments of elementary particles give rise to a magnetic field, which acts on other currents and magnetic moments. The most familiar effects occur in ferromagnetic materials, which are strongly attracted by magnetic fields and can be magnetized to become permanent magnets, producing magnetic fields themselves.

As a consequence of Einstein's theory of special relativity, electricity and magnetism are fundamentally interlinked. Both magnetism lacking electricity, and electricity without magnetism, are inconsistent with special relativity, due to such effects as length contraction, time dilation, and the fact that the magnetic force is velocity-dependent. However, when both electricity and magnetism are taken into account, the resulting theory (electromagnetism) is fully consistent with special relativity.[10][16] In particular, a phenomenon that appears purely electric or purely magnetic to one observer may be a mix of both to another, or more generally the relative contributions of electricity and magnetism are dependent on the frame of reference. Thus, special relativity "mixes" electricity and magnetism into a single, inseparable phenomenon called electromagnetism, analogous to how relativity "mixes" space and time into spacetime.

Magnetism is, in a sense, an "illusion".
I don't mean it's not something which can push or pull.
But it's a relativistic effect of moving charges.


There are no magnetic "particles". Quantum theory says magnetic monopoles COULD exist, but none have ever been found.


Basically this.

every electron has a tiny magnetic moment due to its spin. for the most part, what we normally regard as magnetism arises as either electromagnets or ferromagnets.

electromagnets use current in a coil to organize the magnetic moments of the electrons.

in ferromagnets, the material has unpaired electrons whose spins can also spontaneously align (paired electrons have opposite spins and cancel out the magnetic moment).

Attached: Ferro.png (656x289, 85K)

Monopoles are theoretically possible

when an element has a last one spin in its last orbital, then it is paramagnetic.

Electrical monopoles yes, magnetic no. It's literally the first law of magnetism.

>Each pole of a magnetic field has a north pole and a south pole; the south pole points to geographic north while the north pole points towards geographic south
That's actually not right. The earth's geographic north pole is a magnetic south pole and vice versa. Everything else checks out tho.

Not trying to support the OP.
Monopoles are overwhelmingly likely not to exist.
But they're not absolutely ruled out.
Dirac showed that if there was even a single monopole, then electric charge has to be quantized. The fact that charge is quantized does not, however, mean that there are monopoles.

All would not be lost if one was ever found. If they did exist, both Gauss's law for magnetism and Faraday's law would need to be trivially modified with an additional term, and the resulting four equations would be fully symmetric under the interchange of electric and magnetic fields

its special relativity applied to the electric force

Just because we have yet to observe magnetic monopoles doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.

Are you talking about Gauss’ Law of Magnetism? user, that law is just a statement that if magnetic monopoles don’t exist then the divergence of the magnetic field is zero. It doesn’t prove the non-existence of magnetic monopoles and the same equation can be modified to support the scenario where such monopoles do exist.

The only thing we can say on the matter is that, so far, we have insignificant evidence for the existence of magnetic monopoles.

I’m going to drop this interesting article here since it’s on topic:


It is an interesting exercise demonstrating the relation between electric and magnetic forces. It also demonstrates how calling a force electric or magnetic is superficial and dependent on the frame of reference.

>America egsplane.
Now I understand why magnets are so useless here, magnetism only works in america!

I knew that but it's one of the best explanations I've seen.
I'll save the link.

How do they end up using an equation from relativity when the scale is subatomic?

Attached: ouch.png (645x729, 105K)

>equation from relativity
>relativity uses lorentz contractions
>came from electricity and magnetism

You talking about magnets OP?
The atom is the magnetic field. And when they're lined up the field protrudes from outside of the magnet.

It's what happens when you make a aetheric void, a field spirals out and back in the the void point. Least I think.

Magnetism from electrical current is your spacial force, like ripples ripples in a lake.

Because it works.
You think Relativity doesn't apply when you're dealing with atoms or parts of atoms?
Tell that to the people at CERN. They'll be very interested to know they've been doing everything wrong for decades.

Read the link in again.
The experiment would give the same results if the charged particles were Chicken McNuggets instead of individual electrons.

Certainly a non-standard "explanation".
But no one believes in aether anymore, no more than phlogiston is taken seriously.
explains quite well why magnetism 'isn't real'. It's just a convenient way of looking at moving electric charges.

No that's silly because then you're talking about conductance inside the conductor, with electron flow.
In that case the magnetism would be residual electron waves, but there's two components to the field to make up electricity.

Don't fall for the, "Magnetism isn't really there", of course it's there you ca feel its effect.

Then what is all this noise about relativity breaking down at small scales?

Attached: patgif.gif (500x348, 478K)

Go watch Veritassium, he explains the natural magnets pretty good.
MinutePhysics dabbles with relativism and quantum mechanics, so watch only if you're into that.

that's particle theory. to be a field you need a particle to propogate your force which doesn't work by just putting a graviton into quantum field theory

>magnetism 'isn't real
I mean, the article doesn’t say that magnetism “isn’t real” anymore than it says electric forces “aren’t real”. It’s just saying that both forces are one in the same and what you call it is dependent on the frame of reference.

How the article links both forces together is why I enjoy it so much.

The article is intended to showcase the link between electric forces and magnetic forces and how they are frame dependent, first and foremost. Treating the protons and electrons as classical particles simplifies the math and more easily showcases what I stated before. If you start treating the protons and electrons as quantum particles then the math gets very messy very quickly and obscures the messages.

On the flip side of things, it isn’t necessarily incorrect to treat these particles as classical particles. The units mentioned are macro scale. No mention of micro or nanoscale quantities unless you force it. If you wanted to, you could replace the protons and electrons for basketballs and baseballs and have them contain whatever charges you want.

Holding electricity and magnetism true yields relativity.
Holding electricity and relativity true yields magnetism.

I wonder if a type of magnetic effect can be derived from relativity and color charge as well.

>not one FUCKING MAGNETS post

Should I be proud or disappointed?

Both until observed

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