Can you really make free energy with a magnetic monopole?

Can you really make free energy with a magnetic monopole?

Attached: PhysRevLett.119.png (500x250, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Bohm_effect's_equations

If the lorentz force still applies, then no.

>magnetic monopole

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How does a magnet know to divide itself when you cut it in half? Why can't you split the 2 poles?

Because we haven't foubd a magnet that behaves that way. If yoy foubd one, you will become famous.

No, you cannot. Not even if monopoles turn out to exist.
Out of curiosity though, what sort of scheme proposed that you could? Some "over-unity" website or video?

Why can't you produce a rope with only one end?
The magnet "knows" nothing.

What would what that magnet different than all other magnets?

>describe the properties of objects that haven't been discovered
But you could say the more obvious thing would be that the field would have the same equations except a non 0 divergance.

How does a circle know to have a center?

What makes current magnets not able to form monopoles?

Same reason you can't cut a string and get two strings, each with one end!

Fucking hell you are dense. It's an empirical observation.
Don't listen to this retard, bar magnets aren't the only magnetic fields.

[math]\nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} = 0[/math]


When you can produce a magnet where the field lines don't form closed loops (they don't end at the poles, you know. They continue right though the magnet) THEN you can call others "retards".

Until then, shut up and go back to /x/.
Or learn basic physics.

I was talking about your shitty "explanation", there's no more fundamental property of the universe (we know off) that makes the magnetic field have divergance 0, so theoretically it's not excluded by anything besides our observations. Non of that implies that I beleive in magnetic monopoles and free energy bullshit, but rather that explaining a "why" of a Law only makes sense if there is a deeper thing in the fornalism. In classical electromagnetism, you have to start maxwell equations, so you cannot explain why.

Also, it's a big misconception that magnetic field lines must form closed loops, the only requirement is that the diverance of the field is 0.

>field lines must form closed loops
if they didn't the electron flow would stop. think about it, if you only had one pole of a magnet you would lose all the electrons out without them having a returning point no push and pull motion just push or pull, continuously until the force is depleted.

Not every magnet is a bar magnet ffs. Check the field generated by circular circuit that is bent just a little outsude if it's plane. What there aren't are sources or sinks. The lines can wind around forever without closing.

We can't make free energy with an electric monopole, so i don't see why we should be able to do it with a magnetic monopole (if it existed)

It's already free energy. Where does the electrical current from a dynamo come from?

Show me an open-ended field line.
Even in Dirac's analysis, every North monopole has to connect to an equal South monopole somewhere else in the universe. It's just that quantum mechanics prevents us from seeing the link. See >–Bohm_effect
The connecting field lines are unobservable.

Explain better or attach diagram.
A current carrying loop that doesn't lie in a plane?
If you want to imagine the field lines form a toroid, go ahead. A line (which is only a visualization aid. There are no zero-field 'gaps' between the lines) might go round and round in some complex pattern -- but they still close. There are no field lines which just terminate in mid-air.

Maxwell's equations are just empirical statements that no monopoles have ever been found. If one DID turn up (and I think we're in full agreement that's not likely) the equations would be modified. Just an extra term.
Right at the end of's_equations

Maxwell's equations posit that there is electric charge, but no magnetic charge (also called magnetic monopoles), in the universe. Indeed, magnetic charge has never been observed (despite extensive searches) and may not exist. If they did exist, both Gauss's law for magnetism and Faraday's law would need to be modified, and the resulting four equations would be fully symmetric under the interchange of electric and magnetic fields.

Nothing major would happen to the rest of physics. SR and GR wouldn't change a whit and QM would only be slightly affected.

In what sense are you using the word "free"?
I just paid my electric bill.
Field lines are not nearly as usefull as one would think, if you already have the field, the field lines are only posing a more difficult problem which is to find integral curves to a field, which doesn't simplify the problem.

>How does a line know which way it points if you divide it in half? Why can't I split a line into two points.
More mathematical perspective (it's in sci hub)

Thank you captain obvious

you are retarded

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sorry I meant to say create

Where did the universe come from then? Seems to me it was made from nothingness. Nice backfire faggot

this is a very nice post senpai , could be great if you rephrased it abit .

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If you don't know differential geometry/topology and functional analysis you are looking at nothing but shadows.

Right. Field lines are only a visualization aid.
But the link says they "do not close after only one loop". Which I take to mean "they do close after several".
"Infinite density of field lines even with a finite field" sounds more promising.

But I can't find anything beyond the abstracts. Not without paying more than I can afford.

>can you really make free energy

You can make free energy if you don't charge for it.

from tiny compact sized of all energy called singularity

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You can think of each particle making up the magnetic dipole as a very tiny magnetic dipole

Could you use 2 magnets and make one north and the other south and therefore have 2 monopoles?

Don't you mean to convert from one form of energy to another?

>free energy
I hate you fucks.

They don't understand the law of conservation of energy

Isn't this the type of stuff people should have learned in middle school? Isn't it actually just obvious? You can literally never get more out than you put in. They made an entire anime that literally parallels physics with this shit. Children understand this concept from a Japanese cartoon. I just can't grasp how this is such a difficult concept.

Yes it's a very simple concept.
Let's say to power a light it takes 10J of electrical energy that gets converted into 5J of light energy and 5J of heat energy but in total it's the same amount in to that that has came out simple.
Too many brainlets about.

Funny part is that physics is my weakest subject but I still understand it.

the energy flow due to the electron alignment doesn't change, the poles just happen to be the ends (the perpendicular /horizontal) of the alignment, thus:

>>>> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >>>>>> flow

>>eeeeeeeee>>flow ......>>eeeeeee>>flow

N >>>>>>>>eeeee S flow


yer breaking a flowing tube in half the flow keeps going the same direction, so you wind up with the same thing only smaller - one in end one out end, two pieces or more - same deal

No they keep forming loop an infinite number of times and the second one is in sci hub.

So a magnetic monopole is impossible because it would lead against law's of physics?

Absolutely, with G*d, anything is possible.

Monopoles don't exist. No matter how many theoretical papers are written about it, nature will not allow monopoles. Why would you want to make free energy?

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You can't make free energy