How does one into plating? Any good resources to check out?

How does one into plating? Any good resources to check out?

Modernist Cuisine - The Art and Science of Cooking

dont, its pure waste annd vanity...its a chef masterbating and the spoon-sweeping jizz on the plate


Aside from getting 10/10s instead of 8/10s in food rates, there is literally no reason.

depends, trying to do something like OP's pic at home is obviously stupid

doing something like pic related is nice

Sorry flyover, but it's scientifically proven fact that the visual impression a dish gives influences how we perceive its flavor.

only 2 ways. 1. pile shit up 2. spread shit out

You eat with your eyes first. Proper plating actually does make the food taste better but only from a mental state. Height is important, giving various dimensions is important, and using the plate like a picture frame is important.

That being said, I despise swirls or zigzags of sauce. That shit belongs at least 4 decades ago. And moving the food off-center just shows an excess of plate and less frame making you see white and the goddamned table rather than the food.

Plating 101 is to put the soft stuff (e.g. rice, potatoes, salad etc.) in the middle/slightly to the side and put the solid stuff (e.g. meat) on top. Remember to clean the plate from excess drops etc. Like here Pic related is how I did it last time, I suck but it impresses the normies anyway. I don't feel like you need much more than that for home cooking.

Only the gays care about this

What does it say that you bumped this thread then?

that's joe rogan tier level of oil, dude

>how do I make paintings?
>don't, it's pure waste and vanity

I've been working on this myself. Really its just a lot of trial and error. Put stuff together, take it apart. Consider how you want the food to be eaten. Try to match your flavors and textures in ways that keep the progression of the dish interesting. My favorite part of my job right now is playing with colors and shapes and textures.



plating is automatic failure

>dude plating is the fucking worst, I'm not paying 100 dollars more for this shit!!!
This is quite honestly the most retarded statement ever made about food in general. Not only does plating take literally a minute or two at most at the very end of the cooking process, no one is paying any extra for the plating. Literally all the money is spent in sourcing ridiculously specific ingredients. Now if you have a problem with that, sure, go to another place. But plating is just the common pleb's scapegoat to justify never having spent more than 12 dollars at his local applebees and feeling insecure about it.


I have to say the saucing in that pic looks dreadful, but you got at something really important here: the best plating takes into account how the dish is supposed to be eaten, rather than just going for pure visual effect.

This. Plating is a natural extension of a great dish. Time is spent sourcing ingredients and finding the best techniques for showcasing those ingredients. Plating is only extending that sort of forethought and consideration to the end product.

Big plate is out in full force I see

and meanwhile applebee's corporate has hired six-digit consultants to dictate the exact way to plate a hamburger, and regularly sends spies to franchises to get cooks who don't follow the diagram fired.
you're not escaping from plating as long as you have plates, at best you're getting the culinary equivalent of 4chords.mp3 or titties.jpg, just as precise but made so even brain-damaged children can appreciate it.

It's all a learning experience right now. This is the first time I've been in the position to actually spend time on plating. Even so, it's still not an ideal setup so things get rushed. I'm happy with what we've been producing out of my tiny pseudo-kitchen though.

We also do small plates.


It also about lighting, setting and photography. So many dishes look shit because they were taken in shit lighting, shit settings with a shitty phone or camera.

This is very true. As I've been learning to plate I've also had to learn better techniques for photographing food. All of the pictures I've posted here with the wood table background as opposed to the flat black are more recent. I've started using a different room in the museum for the pictures rather than in the kitchen because there are floor to ceiling windows on one side that lets in a tremendous amount of natural light.


and sometimes rectangles.


>and regularly sends spies to franchises to get cooks who don't follow the diagram fired
shit, I gotta fund that and support that ancap level kvetching

certainly not like that

Mate that oil is gross af

Does anyone else really not give a fuck about plating? Even if I make something for guests, I tend to just "throw it on the plate". I try and make it look normal to guests, but I won't do "professional" plating; and if I'm alone, I couldn't give a fuck what it looks like on the plate.

Can someone enlighten me why should I pay more dollars for the chef to put some flowers he picked from side of the streets on top of my steak that I wouldn't even eat? Garnishes are bullshit

garnishes aren't want drive up the price

Study photography and composition, then apply it to plates using food as your subject.