How do I develop a taste for vegetables on burgers? Or just vegetables in general...

How do I develop a taste for vegetables on burgers? Or just vegetables in general? I'm 25 and still order burgers without vegetables, also usually pick them off and give them to my dad.

You develop a taste for things by eating them.

No shit, really? But I don't like the way vegetables taste, specifically tomatoes, pickles, lettuce, onions, etc.

Dude, what do you want? Either eat them or don't. Do you think you can flick a wand around and suddenly your taste buds will develop to like vegetables?

Lettuce tastes like basically nothing m8, you're being a fag.

I used to eat only plain burgers, at some point I realized that the flavors from the meat and the bun overpower the vegetables so that you don't really taste them. I would never eat a tomato, but I like tomatoes on my burgers.

What kind of faggot does stuff like that? Just order it without the vegetables or take it them off and wrap them in a napkin. Anime was a mistake.

what the fuck is wrong with you, you literal autist. what actual food are you even able to eat


But I don't like it on burgers and in general, but I wish I did.

I don't know? Anything without vegetables?

I know you shouldn't care what people/society thinks of you, but ordering a burger plain is considered immature and autistic, especially if you're like in your 20's or some shit.

>but ordering a burger plain is considered immature and autistic
Because it is.

Shut the fuck up and eat your vegetables. You're an adult. Holy shit, did your parents never beat you?

Make yourself eat them, it's literally the ONLY way to develop a taste for something.
If you're that much of a stupid child try eating some vegetables that have been lightly cooked first.
But literally the only way to develop a taste for vegetables is to eat more vegetables. There is no magic solution.

>Somehow as a society we deemed it was immature and autistic to order things without vegetables.

In a way I know this and I'm ashamed, but at the same time I don't really give a fuck. It's 50/50 with me, like unless I'm on a date with a girl and she thinks I'm a child for not ordering vegetables on a burger than I probably shouldn't care.

I blame your faggot failure of a Dad for not making you eat more vegetables as a kid.

Just get the chicken tendies instead.

Start brushing your teeth with a mix of 50/50 toothpaste and crushed vegetable. Over time you can increase the ratio of veg. Worked for me anyway.

>Didn't force your child to develop a taste for certain foods
>Bad parenting

My dad is amazing, but I'm sorry you seem to think that being a parent means forcing your kid to eat foods they don't like.

>Brush your teeth with 50/50 toothpaste and crushed vegetables.

Wat, did you really do this? Sounds autistic as fuck.

Making your kids eat things that are good for them is good parenting.
Indulging your kid and only giving them what they want is bad parenting.
In fact quite a lot of good parenting is making your kids do shit they don't want to do.
I'm sure you're Dad is a really nice guy, but being a nice guy is not the same thing as being a good parent.

>Didn't force your child to eat healthy foods
>Bad parenting

Yea sounds about right.

Yeah I get the whole "Oh I let my kid eat fatty greasy foods because I didn't want to force him to eat something he didn't like" thing, and in a way the kid grows up to be fat and has a poor sense of dieting and what have you.

How'd that parenting skill work out for you now that you're a grown man who struggles to eat lettuce?

I don't like to use the word "struggle" I just simply don't like the taste of lettuce, or vegetables in general. It's not really struggling, it's just something I don't like.

No one gives a fuck what you eat on your burger. Eat a salad or just grab some raw veggies from the grocery store and eat them.

It's struggling. You're struggling to eat vegetables.
If you're not struggling then just shut the fuck up and eat vegetables.

>love vegetables
>hate tomatoes and lettuce on burgers

they get soggy and are flavorless (inb4 "you need to use your own tomatoes!") and end up subtracting from the experience

You're struggling to suck cock.
If you're not struggling then just shut the fuck up and suck cock.

>Eat a salad or just grab some raw veggies

Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

Your Dad is the cocksucker, OP.
Don't come around asking questions and then getting pissed off like a little toddler when you get the answer.
Maybe if you're Dad had raised you to be a man, you wouldn't have such behavior problems.

At this point just don't order a burger if it has veggies on it. I don't know what to say, you want to order a burger with veggies but don't want to eat veggies? It's not going to happen. Also from the sound of you your dad is probably a massive homo.

>Hey guys, how do I like vegetables?
>Eat more vegetables, user.

I'm somewhat glad this is upsetting people this badly, personally I would have just ignored the thread and not posted to begin with.

lol faggot, one of my favorite sandwitches is a BLT, and I always love a good burger with swiss cheese and mushrooms

Took me a couple years to get around, but I switched over when I tasted the best version of what I tried, for example, a place by my flat has an extremely good BLT and that got me into tomatoes on sandwitches

Just fucking eat it. I swear picky eaters should be gassed baka

Order a quarter pounder BLT or some shit lol

We're all fucking laughing at how stupid you are. Seriously, how fucking laughable is it that a grown man can't even bring himself to eat a vegetable?

>Lettuce tastes like basically nothing m8, you're being a fag.
nigger, if it tastes like nothing then why are you complaining about it being on your burger.

You could ease yourself into eating them by adding a lot of fat like butter. Also eat them inbetween some meat.
For me the difference in texture is one of the best points of vegetables.

start cutting your full dressed burgers in half and before eating the first half, put some salt and pepper on your tomato and eat it. take the vegetables off the second half if you choose. just keep doing it you'll eventually start to enjoy the full dressed burgers. It wasn't until I was in my early 30s I enjoyed onion tomato and lettuce on burgers

Tomatoes do not belong on a burger, ever. As for lettuce, pickles, onions, etc. you have to have them on a burger with appropriate matches.

Try at first to focus on the texture the vegetables gives the food. For example lettuce doesn't taste a lot but the crunchiness goes well in most burgers. Another thing you can try and do is thinking about how a vegetable augments the flavour of the meat rather than focusing on the individual taste of the vegetable.

what a pathetic manchild
I would feel so ashamed of myself

Find a vegetable you like and incorporate it into your meals. Then find more vegetables that go with your original gateway vegetable and you'll eventually find more that you like or acquire a taste for them

Veggies on burgers are disgusting. I like them on other sandwiches just fine, but a good burger should be juicy enough on its own that it doesn't need added moisture and in fact takes away from the rest of the sandwich because all lettuce adds is wet tastelessness, tomatoes are too sweet and watery, and added sauces just turn everything into a mushy mess.

Jesus christ what are you, like 13?

Idk. My mother always prepared vegetables with every dinner. Try some V8. You’ll get your daily vegetable serving within a few sips

is it just on burgers or in general?