Don't be like dave. fuck dave

don't be like dave. fuck dave.

Dave will have the last laugh when he teams up with Gupta to complain to HR.

a few years I actually complained to the HR lady about someone cooking fish curry everyday in the lunchroom. A colleague of mine later told me that HR lady was bitching about me to her. HR lady was the one cooking the nasty fish.

Fuck Dave.

I'll eat whatever I damn please fag, no one's going to stop me


I mean it's that or ramen. Break rooms always smell like chicken bouillon and turmeric.

As long as Dave eats in the break room I have no problem with it. It's when people bring strong smelling foods to their desk / into the office that I get upset.

i would just finish my day by putting a bag of popcorn in for 10 min.

Fuck you microwave nazi i will do as i please.

Fuck yes, this.

>bring strong smelling foods to their desk
>stop liking things I don't like
This site has more children on it than anything else. Asian mooot was fucking retarded to buy it.

Serves you right for being a pathetic little loser complaining to HR and keeping the need for their job alive

He has a point though. Office workers are relentlessly middle class in their sensibilities, because why the fuck would anyone work in an office if their goal was anything other than a middle class lifestyle? And a common conceit among the middle class is taking offense at strong food smells (and flavors), particularly fish, onions, garlic and spices. It's stupid and silly, but so are a lot of the trappings of the middle class.

Why do people get so triggered by the smell of tinned tuna? It's not that unpleasant.

It smells like a sexy cat food vagina

Came here to post THIS! xD Thank you for sharing a similar thought process, my kind sir.

I think the passive aggressiveness of this note would piss me off more than someone reheating tuna casserole. Those little smiley faces and hearts and shit.

I find it extremely unpleasant.

What about popcorn is that allowed?

>instead of walking up to david's desk and asking him if he could not put in smelly food she publicly attacks him in a passive agressive way while positioning herself in victimhood
Women in the workforce were a mistake. I would fire this bitch for destroying team cohesion and not handling this silently with the team leader

yes please

Jokes on him, I put a dead fish inside the Microwave cover.

A guy in my office used to get butthurt over pic related because it was "fishy smelling"

Luckily he got fired for playing WoW on his support desk computer during work hours

My family would refuse to eat and one even vomited if I used fish sauce. People need to get over their obsession with a diet consisting of Velveeta shells and pizza.

I won't bring kimchi into the office, but everything else is game. Y'all don't like it, buy me a less appalling lunch. I'd happily eat that instead.


Kimchi doesnt even smell bad if it's made right

That feel when I eat tuna straight out of the can and can't do it at work

Kill yourself, you gay anal SJW millennial /utg/ kike faggot

This letter sounds like it was written by a special snowflake, so I hate the fact that I kind of agree with it. It's not the kind of thing that should have to be said, complaining about it just makes someone sound selfish and touchy, but I'd like to just imagine we could live in a world where most people are just naturally considerate.

But like, first world problems "wahhh, someone warmed up fish in the microwave and now it's stinky! wahhhh!". I've worked plenty of jobs where the occasional bad smell was the least of my hardships. Time to get over it.

That said, I currently work in a garage with a bunch of Chinese underlings. They microwave their lunch every day, and I don't know what some of them are eating, but it all smells like hot farts and garbage.

The middle class is fast becoming irrelevant. 90% of office jobs are fucking made up bullshit anyway.

>taking pride in being inconsiderate
Let me guess, you are not white

Oh damn you're right there's no way a white person could ever be inconsiderate

He straight up threatens to fire Dave for his stanky fish pie bullshit, that's active aggresive. Also sounds like Dave works for whoevwer wrote the note.

It's not part of white culture to pride yourself on it

Sounds like dave isn't working there any longer

Lmao have you ever been to America

Passive aggressive office kitchen notes are the fucking worst. I swear it's always the exact same type of woman that makes them too.

All kimchi smells like farts. I like mine old and tangy.

it's DAVE not david you illiterate fuck

I know a white person who almost always smelled like shit. I think she barely showers or something. It was kinda sexy though.

I said white. So no.
Maybe she had autism. I didn't mean to imply that white people aren't inconsiderate, they just know it's a bad thing.

I hate all kinds of fish although tuna and shrimps are ok. I would never vomit from the smell though. Something is wrong with your family.

>Maybe she had autism.
I also thought of that, not because of the smell though. But because she was very socially awkward compared to the other girls.

Had a female co-worker constantly burn her Cheese Popcorn.
Smell got in the ventilaton system and stunk up everything.
Boss gets mad, tells her to stop.
Does it anyway.
So he removed the lunch room.
No more refrigerator, microwave, sink, tables everything all gone, no more coffee machine, stopped the bottled water too.
Guy even removed the refrigerated water fountain and now it's just a regular one.
Couple of women complain, says state law requires a "break room".
So he adds a 6x6 deck next to the building, sits next to the dumpster, puts some plastic roof stuff and some screens.
Hot as fuck in the summer, freezing in the winter, stinks like shit.
Woman calls some state regulator, comes to look, says he is full compliant with state law, tells her to get another job if it bothers her that much.
She writes a letter to local paper, makes him look bad.
He makes a new rule, no more food in the building, none, water only at your desk.
She asks him who he thinks he is, tells her he is the boss and owns everything, tells her too bad.
She finally quits.
We got our break room back.
But no microwave, he said not going down that road again.

>But no microwave, he said not going down that road again.
Cheap microwaves cook food unevenly. That whole passive aggressive mess could have been handled with $350 purchase where the glass plate doesn't heat up and the popcorn button works right every time, down the millisecond.

My break room has 2 side by side cheap microwave at work that states:
"Self cleaning--you dirty it, you clean it"
Microwave near peoples offices states "no popcorn" because it would be constant burned popcorn or aromatic work-efficiency-draining popcorn smells all day.

On Fridays, one secretary operates a morning Popcorn machine that people dip into from morning til after lunch a they go in and out of the breakroom. This seems ot handle everyone's cravings. We are sick of popcorn until the following Friday.

Dockworkers, and Warehouse men know this feeling without even eating. Some occupations entitle horrible fucking smells.

i had a friend back in highschool who bought chocolate milk and donuts and microwaved them on high for ten minutes and waited for them to explode. Somehow he never got caught

Microwave some brussle sprouts with a vinegar garlic sauce as revenge.


What state regulator would approve of an exterior break room?

my big question is why yall niggas need to eat popcorn for 12 hours straight every friday

Get the stuff in the pouches. Doesn't smell as strong. No liquidy fish juice. Comes in different flavors if that's what you like.

>kimchi smells bad


A guy I used to live with microwaved his socks because they were wet once. The smell was unbearable. I never used that microwave again.

South Dakota.
No employer is required to give breaks of any kind, paid or not, during a work period, no requirement for a break-room either.
The deck "room" is to comply with a "clean" area for a nursing employee to pump breast milk.
In this state its a gift to get anything other than a paycheck from an employer.
When I left there we no paid sick days, 5 paid vacation days (you had to take them in a contiguous block) and the 5 federally mandated holidays.
No 401k, pension or anything, no direct deposit, we were paid by check at 5 pm on the final workday of each month.
Pay was outstanding, so I did not give a shit.

>make ultra hot curries and heat them up in the microwave at least once a week

Suck my fucking dick

>Wife makes curry
>Microwave it next day
>Everyone in the office walks by to ask me what I'm eating
>Someone complained to HR because my good smelling food was bad for productivity
Wageslavery is SUFFERING.

I have a coworker who thinks any cheese that isn't string cheese smells like vomit. Fuck you and your broken genetics.

what would happen if i ate a tin of sardines in my cubicle

welcome to conservacuckland.
post your wife's recipe

youre going to get arrested

Everything anyone has ever cooked in my office has tasted good. Hell, I even used the oven to roast garlic for the entire day.

What the hell is your guys' problem?

>eating food at work
Why not just eat before and after?

My wife's curry
>Coconut milk
>Peanut butter
>Ground chicken
>Garlic and Onions
>Lemon Juice
>Curry powder
And we have it over rice, sometimes noodles if I want noodles because I'm the man.


>part time job in California with paid vacation, life insurance, and IRA here

Midwest BTFO

Why do people clog up the breakroom refrigerator with a bunch of nonsense? Just bring the food and drinks you're gonna consume that day.

I work near a fish shop, whenever a worker comes in you tell instantly. I feel bad for them because I imagine the smell lingers even after several showers and their car and house probs smell too

fuck you
fuck dave
don't tell me what to do, if i don't have some common fucking courtesy, grow some balls and confront me as a person
you are an adult and make mistakes, bring it to light and make each other grow

i know a girl like that, she is a hippie and showers in patchouli oil.she also doesn't shave. and she wonders why dudes don't go on second dates with her.

yes a place where the pay is so good men don't bitch, only numales and women complain and quit. sounds awful.

You seem weirdly proud of this.

Dude sounds based tb&h. Going the extra mile to keep up the pettiness is its own reward. Sucks that everyone else had to get thrown under the bus.

>the land of the free

Got a job at a gym a number of months ago. The break room smelled like rancid fish at all times because every guy working there was trying to be the swole-est of swole guys.

Wouldn't be a problem but breaks had to be taken within the gym and out of sight of customers, so it was either sitting in a toilet stall or sitting in the break room.

I got so pissed about the smell that I went ahead and hacked up the end of the plug cable.

"Must've been a rat." Had the benefit of no more fish getting cooked all day as well as getting much stricter rules about keeping the break room clean in general.

It has seemingly led to the really weird issue of someone bringing in 2 Little Caesar's pizzas to eat by himself all through the day. Figured the guy was trying to bulk or something but according to the other gym bros he thinks its nutritious. I thought this was impossible but then he started talking about converting his car to run on water so now I know he really is just that dumb.

Autists are aversive to showers, too much sensory stimulation

>I said white. So no.


It would be extremely painful

>the virgin lunch preparation

No one was stealing the fage, it just did as advertised, and became 0% yoghurt


this is the best thread on ck


>that time my slav roommate microwaved chocolate muffins that had hasj in them
>nearly burned the house down
>inside of the microwave had melted a bit

>Pay was outstanding

ya'll acting like fucking gibs. $ > benefits. if the benefits were that important, you can just buy it yourself because you're getting paid more.

>implying HR departments need something to do in order to survive
I could tell you stories about HR and the people you encounter that would make your blood boil faster than any Hurgin recipe

This is fucking obscene 'management' that punished and pissed off everyone just for the sake of controlling one bad employee who should have had direct action taken against her specifically.

i work in a room with 5 kitchens in it, all different types of food, and if your food produces a bad smell you will be told

japanese kitchen are worst culprits

Sounds delicious user

I would make it point to microwave durian with fish sauce.

>microwaved durian with fish sauce
Are you the devil?


>letting people steal your food more than once

I'd literally poison my food and claim I'm building up poison resistance for fun.

Is there really a brand of zero-fat yoghurt called Fag?

>I said white. So no.

You're a big nose


>I'd literally poison my food

Literally a crime.
Even diuretics are pushing it.

You deliberately eat appalling lunches?