
As a kid growing up, I drunk lots of milk. I've been hearing and reading lately that Milk isn't actually that healthy for you and that the dairy industry is kind of a scam?

How much of this is bullshit? All of it?

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No other animal drinks milk after infancy. That should tell you everything you need to know. I still drink a ton of it because I like the taste, but it's not necessary for health at all.

>No other animal drinks milk after infancy. That should tell you everything you need to know.
It tells me that I am superior to all other animals.

drinking shitloads of milk everyday is probably not very healthy, but don't believe all the crazy shit veganfags say about milk
they're no better than bible-thumpers claiming they have "scientific proof" for the world being 6000 years old

Are you a big boy, OP? If so, it's probably because of the milk.

No other animal has developed much of anything, so for us to compare ourselves to them is silly. Sure we may share a common ancestor many millions of years ago, but we a light-years ahead of the next animal.

animals dont spend their days on Veeky Forums either

Vegans would tell you that milk is akin to slaughtering a cow.

>No other animal drinks milk after infancy
well yeah, because milk is secreted by the female with the expilict purpose of feeding her young and feeding grown-ass animals milk would just be unefficient
humans are the only creatures who can actually afford to drink milk their entire life, because they use other animals to produce it and can afford to put luxury before food efficiency

The dairy industry has been scamming everyone about the importance of dairy. It's not necessary, but neither is any other specific food. Dairy is a good protein and calorie source for someone who exercises. If you don't do any exercise, stop pretending you give a damn about your worthless sack of shit body.

Milk is like any other food, it has good and bad things about it. Don't ingest it excessively, you don't need to drink it every day but a glass now and then won't kill you.
As you get older, it'll probably become harder to digest it so that's probably a good time to stop drinking it

My Northern European ancestors developed a genetic adaptation to easily digest dairy into adulthood. I'm ok with this.

Kids that grow up not drinking milk end up looking like those scrawny antifa faggots

Calcium isn't all that important, you get what you need out of any sensible diet. Milk if fatty, sugar water. It is designed to help infants gain weight as fast as possible.

Drinking it on occasion, or using it as an ingredient is fine.

I love milk I can easily drink a gallon throughout the day. If I ever become lactose intolerant I will be pretty sad and post here about it would you guys bully me or make me feel better if that happens??

It's good for you. I just had a quart with lunch and I've drank it my whole life and I'm in tip top shape

>Cats and dogs don't drink milk if you give them some
Son are you retarded?

It's not good nor bad for you. It's water with sugar and fat.

Just drink lactose free fatty

And a gram of protein to every fluid ounce. It's a gainz God.

au contraire, calcium is one of the easiest mineral nutrients to be deficient in, along with magnesium and potassium and maybe zinc

with dairy's calcium coming under fire for dubious if not detrimental effect, its even harder than previously thought to get your calcium

Dairy's calcium is solid anyone who says it isn't is a pseud.

No other animal cooks their food either.

>implying ants don't herd aphids to drink their "milk"

some monkeys have been seen sometimes drinking the milk of other animals
some mammals sometimes adopt other species' kids, and let them drink their milk

>t. big dairy

The problem isn't the milk, its (((((their))))) trickery.

Go ahead OP. be a weak little man tittied brainwashed kike milk cuck

"Daddy daddy please get me some more milk!!! Daddy daddy!!!"


Lol yeah that's why so many babies develop early onset osteoporosis...
Yes, industries advertise their products whether they are good or bad. Cola companies spend much more than the entire dairy industry and which is better for you? Btw what year of college did you say you were in?

human milk is slightly alkaline while bovine milk is acidic

the differences dont stop there

Actually dairy milk falls at pretty much neutral which is why citric acid or lactobacillus cultures are needed to acidify the milk for making dairy products like cheese and yogurt.

Yeah cows milk is 6.5 on a pH scale and 7 is considered absolute neutral. So pretty much neutral.

cool brah, feed your children cows milk through infancy. that way i wont have to deal with a next generation of your progeny

Depends on where your genes come from
If you're from a scandinavian heritage you might be able to process milk far better than others.

Huh it's almost like the most successful society on Earth didn't do exactly that and then BTFO out of the whole world.

In the US the use of rBGH growth hormones in dairy cattle are unquestionably dangerous which is why US dairy products cannot be exported to other 1st world countries where concern for citizen well being supercedes corporate interests. If you use dairy products that explicitly state the milk was produced w/o them it's fine. You'll have to pay more though, but you can at least safely drink it.

Almost all fluid milk sold in stores explicitly stated there's no rbst then industry made that switch almost 20 years ago.