I'm posting this on Veeky Forums...

I'm posting this on Veeky Forums, as a reply to a post in a thread I bashed out while pretty drunk about Stephen Hawking's death (I spelt his name wrong in the op).

I regret that you may not see this thread.

I wrote the original thread because I was a bit overwhelmed by news of Hawking's death... I read "A Brief History of Time" when I was young, started a physics degree at university. I very rarely post this shit on /x/, and I doubt I will ever post on Veeky Forums again (at least not about "this" stuff).

Maybe you'd like to check out my other drunk thread about paper wasps I wrote this reply out intending it for Veeky Forums, and it's quite long, and I sat on it for a while thinking initially to just forget it... but since I'd spent several hours writing it I thought maybe I should just go and post it on /x/... it is worthy of them, while you guys mostly won't want to know about it.

But I was thinking about how I may have once been who you are now... studying science, skeptical of religion and blissfully unaware of the occult. And then I was demonically possessed, diagnosed as schizophrenic, and visited by aliens.

I think the urge to study science, and maths, is a sort of philosophical drive. For example if you have some inclination to pursue the 'ideal' "truth" you may pursue science and maths, knowing that all the results are well proven. But one's philosophy about the world can become unbalanced if one's information isn't complete. If you don't have enough information (as we didn't in days past) then you may not know that the earth is round, or about the atomic and molecular nature of matter, or the microbiological nature of disease, and how poor is that?

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Other urls found in this thread:



And for the sake of "completing people's information" I occasionally make posts on /x/ about things that I have experienced during my "schizophrenia". I make the posts because I believe it's important for people to have this type of information, and I am aware of how difficult it can be to get this kind of information, having suffered tremendously myself to gain it. I generally make the posts when I'm drunk. And I'm slightly drunk now. And I believed that people on /x/, where paranormal activities and subjects are more frequently discussed, would be more open to what I have to say.

Now... I am being a little more explicit in this post as I am making it on Veeky Forums rather than /x/, and so I'll specify that I will actually create a website later in my life, when I have a chance, that describes my experience more completely. You will see how that is a necessary and reasonable thing for me to do if I am in fact "for real", and am not simply "making shit up".

A criticism I used to level at Christianity is that if Christians are building so much of their worldview on supposedly flawed assumptions then they are sure to make serious mistakes in their lives, and to suffer for it. And I know that many people have based their ideas about the world on flawed assumptions, on the small amount of information they were taught at school.

And the voices are talking to me now about it, and saying... it's romantic, you see? A large population of humans walking around in a state of semi-delusion, claiming things that are ridiculous... the beings are saying that the mistakes are harmless, that even the lies that are told are harmless, and that nothing can stop the truth from finally being revealed. But, anyway, I will reveal a part of the truth to you now.

My opinion on the whole thing can be summarised, But these subjects are worthy of serious scientific discussion... it's just that we have many subjective accounts and few proofs.

I am just briefly relating about 1/100th of my experiences here for you. It was inspired by this post and by my natural urge to play along with the visitors to relate these experiences... I'm not posting it because it's of academic merit, because that requires more work... work that I will actually do some day in the future, based off my experiences and available literature. My postings on Veeky Forums started as a tribute to Stephen Hawking, so feel free to bear that in mind.

So, although I sort of dread telling people (even psychiatrists) about my experience, I will make this post here. Because I know you won't be taught it at school (for the reasonable reason that these things are unprovable), but they are as real as the physics/chemistry/biology that are proven and that you are taught.

If you are going to bother to read this thread then you should certainly bother to read my original thread Here's the post (I will link to it from /x/):

This has turned out a bit longer than I had planned. And I'm on Veeky Forums, not /x/, haha. There are enough skeptics on /x/, let alone Veeky Forums. But ok, here we go...

I should explain some terminology that I use... I read in a book, "Autobiography of a Yogi", a description of the universe as being made of the physical plane (the world we live in), "above" that the astral plane, and "above" that the causal plane. I call the physical world the "physical plane", and physical world people and animals "physical beings", and I call the beings I communicate with "etheric beings" or "astral beings" (I used to just call them ghosts). The book said that the astral plane can be divided into upper astral and lower astral, and referred to those planes as "mental planes", ie your "mind" works in the astral plane, while your body works in the physical plane.
Ok, well, at the start when I met them they were talking about reincarnation and other spiritual subjects a lot (it was sort of on my mind at the time, doing a several week long fast in a tent). They said that in the future we will make custom designed bodies, a vessel if you will, that people can "incarnate" into. I can't really remember if they were talking about biological bodies, or something more high tech, but needless to say that would be in the far far future. They were clearly talking to me about it because I had half a physics/genetics degree (had just dropped out of univeristy, in fact), but I was very overwhelmed by their communications to me. I had gone from being a firm atheist/skeptic to telepathically communicating with religious aliens all my waking hours in approximately 18 months.

Some of the beings were incredibly relaxed or dismissive of death in our world, of physical/biological death. Where we'd be like "OMG YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE" they were like "Oh you died, you'll have to go reincarnate again", as if you can reincarnate like you can make a trip to the dairy. Before I did the fast I had just read "Autobiography of a Yogi"... that book is available online... it's pretty fascinating/inspiring. It starts with the author describing being born with memories of previous incarnations. Another book I'd just read was "Cave in the Snow" by Tenzin Palmo, which is about an English woman who was apparently a reincarnation of a Tibetan yogi... she travels from England to Tibet and meets her guru from her previous lifetime (apparently they recognise each other even though both have died and reincarnated). Then later on her guru dies, and she then meets the child that he's reincarnated as and they recognise each other again!

Most of the beings seemed to speak perfect english, although it was strange talking with them sometimes as they seemed to use my ideas and ways with language while talking to me, as if they were borrowing them from my mind and when they weren't around me they couldn't really speak english at all.

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I guess a good way to describe the beings would be to say that while I have half a science degree most of them were more educated and aware of spiritual subjects... religious subjects and philosophies, magick/occult type subjects. I think it is worth mentioning that some of them were highly intelligent, obviously more intelligent than us. Some of them had a very strange slightly magical way of "knowing"... while we "know" something that we've studied or learnt or observed, they seemed to be able to "know" things that haven't happened yet, or know things that are about to happen. One of them just mentioned to me that that is because they can see the ... err "thoughts", or such, moving around in the non-physical world just as easily and clearly as we can see objects in the physical world with our physical eyes. So they say it isn't really "magic", but when I first met them I was pretty mindblown by it. A lot of beings used to come and talk to me but as soon as they met me they seemed to know all sorts of things about me and about what I had been doing and writing, as if all this information was laid out in front of them for them to plainly see. Many of the beings were obviously of a different nature to us, I still consider it a small miracle that they talked or interacted with me at all. A lot of them called me "ham", because of my physical flesh-blood nature and my inability to know or think on their level.

Side note: some of them have similar races to us, blacks, whites, asians...

I guess the most interesting part of the contact was talking to them about the greater universe, that we aren't really aware of yet. Just as they seemed incredibly dismissive or relaxed about physical mortality they very casually and frequently referred to other planets... I'm pretty sure they had no idea how amazing and new these ideas seemed to me. I never really got out of them whether there are other habitated planets in the Milky Way, or how far away the nearest planet with life might be. They suggested that they are aware of planets in various stages of "development"... they suggested that their meeting with me was a significant step, or sign (they said Jesus' incarnation on earth was as well). The peak of my experience, at the start of 2011, was pretty unbelievable... a being who visited me was comparing what I was experiencing to Jesus. He said "Jesus needed heatpipes" (referring to CPU coolers) meaning that Jesus' experience or presence on earth was so extreme. Although they use english words a lot of telepathic information was communicated with anything they said... it is honestly impossible to describe it adequately to people who haven't experienced it (just as you couldn't describe the experience of tripping on acid or mushrooms or cactus to someone who'd only drunk beer).

They referred to Adi Da Samraj, who is an American yogi who started a religion (I had many visions of him and visitations from him or beings associated with him), and claimed to be the second coming of the Christ. A being claiming to be Adi Da talked to me about his experience of enlightenment (Adi Da died in 2008) that he had while he was alive, saying that becoming enlightened was like becoming 10 times more aware, or something... and he said that dying was like enlightenment x 10,000. Again, I can not stress enough, how bizarre it was to have these beings talking to me. But oh well, it actually happened, and it's actually useful information.

They said things like they have interactions with planets that are in a more primitive stage of evolution... a obviously black being said something to me like... "imagine me now interacting with a planet where dinosaurs still roam" while referring to the rap group "Jurassic 5". This is related to the idea of being able to communicate directly with other planets, which I discuss later. He said there are different lifeforms on other planets... he said something about a type of pterodactyl that was much larger than the ones that were on earth (not sure why). Many of the beings implied that the solar system is manufactured, and things like earth's distance from the sun and presence of water are not accidents at all. They said things like the extinction of the dinosaurs are deliberate planned events. One just said to me "say that we ate them". They often said that when people or animals die they "eat" them, although obviously they are not referring to a physical world activity, like being eaten by a lion. I guess I am unclear about what they meant, or how they eat people. Some of them went so far as to say that earth is a farm. They used to make jokes and cynical comments constantly about WW2, saying that the casualties were eaten (including those who died in the holocaust). The potential for conspiracy theories around them was insane, I had a lot of trouble getting them to calm down. I believe that this idea of them eating people is related to the idea of making blood sacrifices in religious and occult rituals. And there were many comments about drinking blood, and vampirism.

I'm just reminded, while I proof-read this post, of a vision that a being communicated to me... it was describing the destruction of a planet, as is possible by the death-star in star-wars... he showed me a vision of the planet exploding (in the physical plane), and the minds of the beings living on the planet expanding (in the non-physical plane, while their physical bodies are destroyed in the physical plane) off the planet as it explodes. Another being communicated to me saying "we have that technology" and communicated it to me as a kind of crocodile jaws (that could/would devour a planet).

It's really funny, relating to you earth humans the kinds of things that they communicated to me... many of them were essentially oblivious to the relationship that we have to each other. Suppose the relationship you have with the average human being... you can talk to them. If they are injured in front of you you would go to help them. While your relationship to insects is mostly observation. I would describe the attitude of many of them to me (and to humans on this planet, when they discussed them with me) was "observation". I have inherited some of this detachment from them.

Hmmm, what else. One said to me that earth is the "least populous planet in the solar system", saying that it's like a farm and non-physical beings live on the other planets. They also talked about beings who live on the sun. They said that it is possible to telepathically communicate with stars and planets - that stars and planets are sentient beings who can communicate. A direct quote from the peak of my visitation was when a being was talking around me (I should specify that when I say a being was talking it is a mental communication... like a thought. You could say it is a telepathic or psychic communication, but some of the beings I talk to dislike that terminology as it implies that the communication is somehow magic or supernatural, which it isn't) and another being who was present said after they had finished talking that they "were not a star... we test up". They were saying that the being talking was not a star... yes, a motherfucking star... and that they have some kind of test they use to determine who or what is talking at any point. Of course that also implies that some of the beings communicating there were or could have been stars. I think they might have meant "the psychic being group associated with the star" rather than "the star, really, really the star himself". While I use the terminology "physical plane" and "astral plane" or "etheric plane" to describe the physical and mental worlds many of these beings refer to a world that they call "up", and they say that I am "down". They would say things like "You are down" and "We are up"... it sounds a bit weird. I won't pretend our communication was really good.

In a discussion I had recently with a being I was considering the "telepathic" communications of stars in the Milky Way galaxy... the being said "the milky way galaxy is a communication network 'up'" - that is, it is an active communication community in the astral plane, while in the physical plane it is a collection of balls of gradually fusioning hydrogen.

There was a being present at my psychic encounter communicating for a while who was apparently "the earth". It said something like "if you keep bringing up the past like that" to some of the visitors who kept talking about evolution. There was a reference to the eventual death of the sun and how it will swallow the inner planets, which the "earth" being replied cynically to. It said to me that the polar ice caps were melting... I was lying on the floor at this point, motherfucked by a huge overdose of spiritual contacts, and I ignored it... it fired some kind of aching sensation through my arm and repeated to me "The ice caps are melting", saying that it could feel the ice caps just as easily as we can feel sensations in our physical body.

One of the visitors from 2010 was talking in 2011 when the earth being was there with us and he said he and some of the other visitors didn't know what the earth being was... he said "We thought there was a God in the room". The earth being was impressive. It was talking to some beings, and they said to it something about the earth civilisation, and the earth replied "But it's not a civilisation is it, it's a planet", referring to the brutality of nature (rather than the manners of society).

During the peak of my experience I had a strange expanded sort of sense of a non-physical world, and could somehow see or sense beings around me... and there were hundreds. A lot of them attacked each other, or would insult each other... and a lot of them tried to attack or insult me, which was mostly ineffective as I am a "physical being", and they can largely only interact with the non-physical world, or mind. The worst thing they seemed to be able to do to me is make me want to piss, shit or puke, which was sometimes successful.

So ahhh, I'll just finish telling you about the ideas of multiple planets... they said that there are groups of beings/people that you can recognise across many planets. One thing I found a bit strange was some of them who claimed they were Christian... I could not quite understand how an etheric being would consider a physical being to be the son of God, or a teacher, or something. But then they often implied that Christianity didn't start when Jesus incarnated on earth, but existed before then, and that it is some kind of large organisation and that Jesus of Nazareth was like their ambassador. But some of them seemed to be implying that there is Christianity on other planets, with a similar sort of person like Jesus of Nazareth who incarnates on these planets and starts the religion. They suggested that the major religions, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, Judaism, were all started by alien or spirit visitors around the same time on earth by the various teachers who incarnated (Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses) as part of the normal development of earth and the human race on it.

They talked about evolution and suggested that it was guided (just as they suggested that the solar system is synthetic (they said that earth is sort of like a space ship)), which is interesting. I think there are beings who can manipulate physical objects on a tiny scale, and thus they can affect DNA replication and recombination, making evolution rather more effective than the supposedly random process that we theorize. One suggested to me that they can select particular sperm... I find that believable, as they can interfere with coordination... so if they crippled sperm they don't want and guide a particular one with the genes they desire to an egg then they have some control.

They're just reminding me of things that happened while I'm writing this, they seem to have become a bit interested in this post. One visitor did a little demonstration for me in 2010... I had a multimeter, set to voltage. As I was looking at it the numbers were changing up and down, I think it was in the range of about .03 volts, with resolution of 3 decimal places. The being was telling me the numbers it would change to, eg he'd say "11" and the multimeter went to 0.011, and he was reading out these numbers to me rather quickly and the multimeter was following... it went negative briefly and still he was telling me what number it would be. He did this for about a minute. This visitation got me quite excited because the being had just interacted with the physical world in a way that could be used to prove the existence of these etheric beings or aliens if he would do it again in front of witnesses. However they have never repeated the trick.

Some of them have mysterious powers over computers and electronic equipment... they have often made my computer glitch or crash at particular moments... how do I know? This has been happening for years: a being will be getting angry at me, and when they do my computer will start glitching, or even crash. Or sometimes these kinds of glitches will happen in time with things the beings are saying... often it is when they are angry with me, but not always. They'll sort of get angry with me and then they'll swear or yell at me and at the same moment the computer will crash or glitch. It is hilarious because they are doing a "miracle" (so to speak), but don't realise it. They can be as naive as new born babies sometimes. I understand that I can't really prove that any particular computer glitch or hang was caused by them, but I assure you that from years of interacting with them that they can most definitely crash our computers.

Then the question becomes... how do they crash a computer? Just as they could affect the multimeter with some kind of incredibly precise control it seems they can affect our computers fairly precisely, as if our computers are very simple to them.

They mentioned to me that there is a genuine danger to our society (as it becomes more high tech and more reliant on computers) of critical systems being interfered with, and that beings may try to cause accidents in that way.

I'm not sure how important it is but since they only seem to be able to make slight changes (they can't fire lightning or anything) it is possible that our computers will become more vulnerable as the lithography shrinks, and that it would be possible to make a "etheric being/alien"-proof computer by using a larger process, higher voltage, etc.

Actually I just remembered something one said to me, this was several years ago... he said "crashing your computer was surprisingly difficult" ... and he added some kind of afterthought like "this is a compliment to your engineering". So, there, sort of confirmation.

I should mention that many of the beings are able to manipulate insects... since 2010 I have had dozens of strange experiences with insects, they will fly over to me or fly around me in circles for a while, and then fly off again. Sometimes the beings talk in time with the movements of the insects, as if they are interacting. I was in KFC a couple of weeks ago and was vaguely aware of some being in the area... when I sense a being I generally won't interact with them... and then when a being around me (actually, on me, as many of them can literally fly through me, like you'd imagine a ghost flying through walls) said something in perfect time with the movement of a fly that was flying around the being I sensed said "oh you can talk!" as if a bit suprised. Weird things like that happen to me all the time when I leave my house, which I try to avoid (although it is slowly calming down, over the years).

And suddenly changing subject (I am just writing this as the beings indicate it to me) regarding guided evolution, one of the beings mentioned that the "unused" areas in DNA in organisms are like a repository of potential genes that beings can use. They suggested that DNA strands are created in advance, ie you build a workable gene in an unused part of the DNA, and then once it's finished you introduce it to the active genes. They suggested that during the first 3.5 billions years of earth's existence, which was the primordial soup stage, a lot of genetic work was done and genes were "set up", although I'm not sure if I believe them about that. While everything I actually saw or experienced is quite real to me, very little of what they say to me can actually be proven, so I tend to listen to things they say that I find believable, while a lot of what they tell me I ignore. No doubt I ignore a fair amount of information that is actually true. You can definitely find far more creative and openminded psychics than I. But while mediums call their contacts "psychic channeling" I call mine "schizophrenia", so you see I have that bit of extra skepticism.

They have repeatedly mentioned that living creatures on earth are labelled, like a barcode, however I wasn't really clear about whether the labels are something that we could detect, like a particular pattern in an unused area of DNA, or if the labels are non-physical. They said that in the world these sorts of labels and other information exist in layers... there's the physical layer, and suppose there's a label or code in an unused area of DNA that some of these beings can read and understand. But we couldn't really understand the code yet. And beyond that there'll be a label or code or other information attached to an object that not all these aliens or etheric beings can see, but some of the "higher up" ones can. And then above that there are more labels and codes that are only visible or interpretable by even higher up beings.

Like they suggested that the solar system is created, and evolution is guided, they suggested that physical beings have trademarks and patents associated with them. I can't really get any good information from them about this system, but they keep referring to it which leads me to believe that it must be real. An interesting idea some of them throw around is related to the evolution of different human races... they say this evolution into blacks, whites, asians, etc was organised and deliberate, and that different races are owned by, or associated with, different aliens. They said that the different physical bodies (black, white, asian) affect the "psychic" or "spiritual" or mental development of the being or soul that lives in them. This is related to that idea that we will custom make bodies for people to incarnate into. They often mention to me that there are various groups involved with earth (and other planets) and plenty of competition.

They said that it is possible to detect the presence of particular non-physical beings around a physical being from a person's physiology and movements. They said movement in certain patterns indicates the presence of particular types of etheric beings. And their other comment about "detecting aliens or ghosts" was that they can be detected by analysing language... certain language styles are used by certain beings, and thus by analysing our human writings with computers it will be possible to detect the non-physical beings that were present or involved with the writing. They suggested that this kind of analysis is performed by them already... just, one day we (physical plane, earth humans) will be able to do it as well.

They suggested that we could study psychiatric patients as they are interesting examples of alien or spiritual communication or contact instead of committing them. They suggested that many psych patients are in fact scientific experiments, and while they are simply committed or ignored in the physical plane they are studied by non-physical beings for their unusual "properties". Of course these ideas lend themselves to conspiracy theories, which I regret, but there's no way around it. Some of the beings were obsessed with mind-control, and their possible ability to manipulate people. And they spent plenty of time trying to manipulate me, often in some pretty ridiculous ways.

I remember a comment one made, he said something about how he studies manipulating people and tries to control people on planets in other galaxies. I really don't know how we got all these aliens to come and "accidentally" share all this information with me, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth, eh.

It has taken years for them to calm down. It is only now that I am starting to recover my ability to live and work in the world like I could before the schizophrenia. Until a few months ago I had extreme trouble reading, because beings would interfere with me. I seem to be able to read ok again now, but for some reason when I watch long technical videos after about 15-20 minutes the beings will suddenly freak out around me. I was watching an hour long video of a lecture about centripetal force and another video about embedded programming for quadcopters and both times I couldn't watch the second half of it because I was virtually attacked by the beings.

>Some have theorized in the past that when the planets in our solar system align, the effect of the gravitational pull may allow for better interaction with ghosts and spirits.
I can confirm this, the peak of my meeting was 2010/2011, and there was a fairly rare planetary alignment in 2010 (the beings talked about the planetary alignment quite a lot (again it's the sort of theme of them being more educated/aware of religious/spiritual/astrological type ideas while I am more educated in science/engineering)). They said that the solar system acts like a type of antenna, and that planetary alignments and such have a real communication effect.

My 2010 meeting was extremely chaotic, there were beings all over me and my house, I couldn't escape them. When I left my house, which I tried to avoid, some of them would come with me. Many of them were obviously upset about what was happening, just as I was not necessarily enjoying being schizophrenic, and many of them found it hilarious, like it was some kind of prank, like a /b/ raid. But I can tell you one interesting thing... famous religious people like Jesus (and Adi Da Samraj) seem to be "impersonated" by multiple different beings, and I think it's related to how many people believe that they can communicate with Jesus. Imo the being they're communicating with isn't really one omnipresent person, but a swarm. I had dozens, perhaps hundreds of visitors who claimed to be Jesus. Some of them were obviously a bit insane/delusional, but many weren't. One talked to me about the crucifixion, and dying.... he said there is enormous fear, and that "The fear is insane". He was referring to the idea that death isn't actually "real", ie you don't die, you just move to a different plane, and there is nothing to be afraid of. And I had fewer, but still a large number, of visitations from beings who seemed to claim to be Adi Da Samraj. I had a visit from a being who mentioned Thelema, fwiw.

One being who was obviously from a very high world used to talk to me a bit... I was fidgeting with a knife for a while and he said "you empowered it", as in, I had transferred some kind of magic or occult energy to it. All of these guys' philosophy and attitude was related to the idea of eternal life. He said "death is a curse", ie it's a sort of devil-illusion... and living with a belief in mortality is a curse, an unfortunate spiritual condition, as the reality is immortal life. He was not the only being I communicated with who held that attitude.

A lot of their discussion with me was about communication... what we may refer to as our "mind" and our "thoughts" is actually a communication device in a material medium (not electrical impulses in a physical brain, and not thoughts happening in a spiritual super-existence beyond all physical form and examination). They seemed personally interested in developing their minds (intellectually) and psychic abilities... this is related to the idea about Stephen Hawking and his method of communicating, which is by repeatedly pushing a switch. Because of the sort of 'purity' of his way of communicating they said it means he can sort of maintain a focussed connection to certain etheric beings.

An idea they communicated to me more recently was that because of the slowness of Stephen Hawking's method of communication it is somehow more helpful for them. Personally, when I write something serious with them I have to reread it 5-10 times or more to make sure it is grammatically correct and legible... so I sort of understand why Stephen Hawking's disability is an advantage in their world.

They said that there was a particular being who guided Stephen, or taught him (actually they say we are all guided in our scientific and other endeavours). They love these kind of ideas/subjects, and talked about Einstein and Sir Rutherford (another New Zealander) and how they were guided to make their discoveries... but overall they seemed more interested in famous religious teachers, Jesus, John the Baptist, famous yogis. They often talked to me about who taught me when I was young, as if I was aware of any non-physical beings teaching or guiding me when I was young which I certainly wasn't. I did read "A Brief History of Time" though.

One of them was talking to me and said something like "a low tech society like yours", saying that earth is considered low-tech to them. I'm not exactly sure about the time-scales these guys were referring to, eg will we be high tech in another 1000 years? 10,000? A million? I remember one being who seemed sort of english was talking to me, and afterwards another being commented that the english being's society is millions of years old (and high tech).

So it's a bit strange... when I met them I had this weird feeling like they were copying "us", by being asian, or english, or black, when in fact the asian or black or english groups of aliens or non-physical plane beings are separate from and much older than earth, but they do development or such on earth... as if we are their children, or their project or something.

One of their ideas about communication is that it is in fact possible to communicate directly with aliens and people on other planets and the like, but we simply haven't developed those kinds of tools or techniques. But they suggested that certain religious saints and mystics have developed some of those abilities, and that their alleged miracles are caused by their interaction with beings from more advanced races. Some of the beings were emphatic when explaining to me that there is no magic, nothing is supernatural, if you see a miracle or a UFO or anything it's just you witnessing advanced science. And they suggest that we are interacting with such high tech societies now, and all the time. They suggested that there are many new aliens and beings on earth at the moment because our technology is starting to develop. But what technology would we have on earth if we survived for a million years? It is slightly unimaginable. And if we had such technology what motive would we have to use it? As you can see from religious "miracles" the motive (if you believe their teachings) of such beings appears to be altruistic. And many of the beings visiting me seemed to shamelessly help me with things and show me things, presumably so that I could tell people about them rather than just for my amusement. It seemed like altruism gone out of control to me a lot of the time.

They mentioned cryptography, saying something about the "security" of your "mind" (of your psychic abilities, of your non-physical communications)... I didn't really understand what they meant... how could you use a computer to cryptographically secure your "thoughts", but w/e. A fundamental sort of concept or discovery from the whole experience was that your "mind" doesn't contain your "thoughts", but that thoughts are in fact a communication... if we can sort of lose the idea of a skull containing a brain with thoughts in it and imagine that the mind is an antenna that is connected to the (spiritual?) universe around it... I think many spiritually inclined people and mediums are naturally aware of this. The aliens find this common error of considering the mind to be electrical impulses in a physical brain fascinating and hilarious. They have commented to me at times that the mistake is costly... much scientific research is done based on false premises, and many possible advances are missed. Many of them speak as if all these mistakes will be corrected in time, and everyone will know everything there is to know about ghosts and aliens as all these subjects currently considered spiritual are analysed and defined and become science. I believe that this may be related to us eventually being given access to alien's databases of knowledge and discoveries, rendering all our existing scientific discoveries trivial. Of course, we need to make firm contact with them first.

Regarding the nature of the non-physical body, a being said to me that "it has veins and muscles"... he was implying that it is "very real".

They really were a bit obsessed with science, saying that when our technology advances we'll be able to study these non-physical bodies and phenomena and have medicine for them. They started writing a little book with me where we kept ideas about non-physical bodies and phenomena, which unfortunately was lost.

Another idea they referred to rather frequently/casually was the idea of 7 chakras that you can find mentioned in Hindu and Buddhist and various other spiritual writing. I tried to find the chakras during my meditations but I don't think I was successful, except that I seemed to be able to accelerate my digestion by focussing on where my third chakra ought to be. They made some kind of experience for me where beings spoke in turn from the position of the 7 chakras, from lowest at the base of the spine to the highest at the top of the head. Curiously the higher chakras (6, 7) looked and sounded asian. Some of the visitors had some kind of idea of an asian guru or sage or yogi that they were always referring to, who lives high in the spiritual world and has divine knowlege.

>holy smokes this guy might be onto something. someone notify the investors
A subject that the beings seemed extremely interested in/obsessive about was supercomputing. While talking about scientific progress a being said "problems that you will solve later with your computers"... that was a female being talking about scientific progress or development, saying that there were problems or discoveries that we can only solve with supercomputers... that the limit of our scientific development or discovery will not be due to lack of experimental equipment, eg we can't make a big enough particle accelerator, or something like that... it will be limited by the speed of our computers, our ability to process all the information. Like the idea that you can detect non-physical beings from a person's movements or their use of language, but you need a computer that can analyse all that information. They said that there are problems in psychic communication or spiritual development or such that require supercomputing, eg we can study the physical world with telescopes and microscopes and everything, but to discover the non-physical world.. the mental and spiritual worlds... we will need computers that can analyse all that information. These days anybody with a smartphone with internet is carrying a thousand libraries around in their pocket, but when I was young there was no internet. I don't really know exactly what the visitors were referring to with their obsession with computers and supercomputers, I suppose it must be as unimaginable as the advances of computing in the last few decades.

For me "schizophrenia" has been an awakening... apart from the specific experiences I had, I now feel as if I can "see", while before I was blind. I am aware of the psychic nature of everything (and every living moving being) around me. I am aware that we are all psychic mediums.

Refer to my post Anyone can educate themself in all of these subjects and phenomena. Of course you are unlikely to be taught about them at school, for the reasonable reason that these things are currently unprovable. These realities are like a secret sitting in broad daylight.

I have left much out of this post. If you think of studying science as the burden of having to study 20 libraries then studying the occult may be considered the burden of having to study 20,000 libraries. I wish you good luck.

What you've just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling incoherent posts were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Anyone who has read your posts is now dumber for having read it.
