What are the arguments for worshipping Satan?

What are the arguments for worshipping Satan?

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Honestly? If you don't believe in a capital "A" afterlife and you don't mind looking like a contrarian all the time, then do it because it's just about as good as worship of maybe 8/10 of the things you can conceive that someone might worship.

You'll wind up a wicked cool demon lord in heck

Honestly it seems absurd to worship a late addition to a certain religion, which requires belief in said religion to begin with to work. Why not go straight to the source and revive pagan traditions that were falsely painted as satanic? You attain a greater appreciation for the Illiad.

i had no idea she was 20, this is good news.

Are you a massive faggot? Were you raised in a Christian home and now hate your parents? If yes to either, converting will help you along the path you're on

Paganism seems like the way to go, but at the same setting up twelve altars and offering a decent portion of the cow to each of them seems like a lot of work.

Since Prometheus tricked the gods into accepting only the inedible parts, sacrifice is pretty easy. You want to eat a lamb? You sacrifice the entrails, and eat the lamb. Easy peasy. And you don't need twelve different altars, just pick one to be your favorite. It's actually a lot worse to sacrifice to all of them, because odds are you forgot one and they get angry at you.

Also if you follow Pythagorean teaching, sacrifices are even easier. You don't necessarily have to adopt vegetarianism (that's more of an orphic thing), but millet cakes and honey are acceptable sacrifices.


I've misspoken. In Hesiod it gives the ruse as consisting of bones and fat.

Its the laziest of the ideoligies,
There are no demands other than to keep doing what you are doing.
And do what you want to do with out much guilt.

I would assume one of the primary arguments would be a belief that Satan wasn't actually such a bad guy.

It might help you to kiss Lia's plump lips

Satan is literally the Christ of the Old Testament, need I say any more?

I'll follow up on this and ask for reading on theistic Satanism. Historical shit is fine. I'm under the impression that every Satanist is an MMO addicted LaVeyfag or a DSO-influenced """"""""""""""""metaphysical"""""""""""""""" satanist larper

Makes it totes okay to masturbate
Engage in anal sex

And actually ritualizses them so that you might have a go at the altar of flesh during a particularly vaporious black mass.

Women probably want to join becuase satanism also fetishizes the breast and feminine qualities, like decetion and seduction. Quick road to power for them.
Quick way for a guy to blow his load.

live heaven on earth vs live heaven when youre dead

I've only read the Iliad but in that it seems the Gods seems content with just the smell of meat being cooked.

Animal sacrifice seems like nothing but a cozy BBQ with your mates.

I'd recommend books by Johannes Nefastos from The Star of Azazel.

>The Star of Azazel is an occulto-philosophical society, whose objective is to inspire its members with new possibilities for seeking truth. It has its theological foundations in theistic Satanism and shares much with early Gnostic Christianity. The society’s theosophically-oriented ideology is based on the Theosophical movement begun by Helena Blavatsky in the later 19th Century.


Fosforos is the book you should start with, after that read Argarizim and then whatever you can get your hands on. Argarizim seems to be available on their site, for Fosforos you might have to do some digging. There should be some pdf:s also. www.viidesaskel.fi have their publications and other occult books for sale, in finnish and in english. The site seems to be down atm though.

Pretty sure Prometheus tricked Zeus into choosing the shit parts of the animals as sacrifice.
Good justification to let people keep the good stuff.

No, I just read the book and that God guy is a little much tbhf

Pleb detected

The bones. Also some flavors don't even require animal sacrifice at all, see kys

Satan is actually Lucifer, bringer of light, the demiurge has tricked you into thinking he is evil. Worship of Lucifer is transcendence of slave morality that the masses foist upon you.

are you one of them Hollywood pedos?

If you mean literally the Satan from the Bible it makes no absolute sense.

If you believe in Satan from the Bible and worship him, then you believe in the Bible, and therefore it says that Satan is actually the weaker one and will get rekt by God when time comes, and you also will go to hell for eternity. Unless you are into some masochist stuff I don't really see a point.

If you want to "worship" it in a LaVeyan type of way, well... I can see some reasons

being 16

They weren't falsely painted, their worship required sacrifice of animals. I don't agree with any religious ceremony more than that (other than for the valuable literature espoused during) but I assume that ceremonial services were kept in so to come to a compromise with the pagans who still wanted to appease some God's who most likely don't give a shit or don't exist at all.

This is naive. Paganism was generally speaking incorporated not demonized by the early church. The pre-Christian Empire though tolerant for the most part began stamping out religious excesses long before assuming any official 'religion'. And these were political, not religious, measures.

trolling your religious parents. Or maybe autism