Convince me that English is NOT the best language in the world

Convince me that English is NOT the best language in the world.

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Define 'best'.

i don't know what you mean with ''best'', but is the better known and that's why i'm trying to read and write things in english

Don't bump shit threads.

english owes its hegemony due to being the most common, the most flexible, and having the largest vocabulary yet no intonations nor cases nor gendered terms such that any pleb can speak it yet the inconsistent rules full of exceptions render it difficult to master. its fate is to destroy all other languages due to it being the path of least resistance leading to mutual intelligibility, after which it will collapse upon itself. english is the universal receptacle. it is the great whore of babylon's prolapsed anus.

Here you go.

Where can I buy your book?

Too much "o"s

Lmao spanish sounds so dumb

Italian is meant to be sung aloud whereas English is meant to be pondered in silence.

it's cheaper to steal tissue from a public toilet

japanise because of anime bruh =]



No language is better than other. Claims like these are a serious case of WE-WUZism

Because how will we ever have a unified human race without unifying the language? And how will we do that without moving from the highly flawed languages that already exist?

Are you sure that English has the largest vocabulary? Source please.

Your not convincing anyone.


I love english, its easy as fuck (not my native language) but come on, there are more than one billion chinks. Thats a lot of chinks. They also have money and influence. How do we stop the chinese from eventually steamrolling the language landscape?

It's just a coincidence is also the language of israel's biggest dogs

Poems sound like shit.

Italian is meant for poetry, exactly.

very much this

Ihmeiset kummastuttavia, outoja asioita pohtii; kuten vaikkapa miksi ihmeessä?

You have already failed then.

I don't what it means but it's wonderful.

Didn't get enough Norse influence.

Finnish sucks. Estonian is much better.

It got (almost) the full vocabulary of three separate languages.
Norse + mostly Norse syntax
And original old English.
Then you can add another tens of thousands of new words from random places.
And greek science words.

TL:DR English got three times the vocabulary compared to most languages.

Fuck off post modernist

>Il existe des gens À CE MOMENT MÊME qui ne parlent pas français

Turkish language master race reporting in.

One must read Nazim Hikmet in turkish to know what i am talking about.

Except it sounds like a faggot is talking.

Forgot and aditional link

Remove Slav out of Romanian.
And you got the best Latin language, excluding original from 1AD.
All others sounds so fucking feminine or flamboyant. STOPPI YOU'REO NOTTE NORWEGIANSEIO

Latin and its dialects exist

>original from 1AD.
What did he mean by this

Is that Finny's Wake?

t. Sofi Oksanen

That those before were plebeians, even if they claimed to be patricians.

Just listen to a conversation in Chinese and wait for your ears to bleed. Chinese will never seriously infringe on the west because it is arguably the ugliest of all languages.


Even farther back

French sounds like ass. Reading it is more than enough

Literally how can English be a good language if it doesn't have any unique properties whatsoever? Embarrassing lack of conjunctions and particles, ridiculously rigid vocabulary despite its limitations in everyday topics, essentially no sense of transitiveness and intransitiveness, disgustingly stiff in rephrasability.

I know I can't stop the EOPs' whining even if I go meta, but I'd like at least one guy that genuinely thinks English is a better language for literature than [insert any language here] to explain his reasoning. And no, being easy to learn and spoken by many people are not the signs of a language fit for literature.

>ESL spotted
yeah no shit

prove that one is better than another m8

My post was missing this part
>-is what he probably meant.

Replace all mentions of "English" with "German" and you'd have another true statement.

The ability to conjure meaning is not equal among all languages. Many languages are well versed in a specific topic or aspect of their lives. Inuits have multiple words for ice and colors of it. Arabs have seven words for rape and Aboriginal languages may only include amounts of one, two and many.

You English speakers think the "o" at the end of a world sounds retarded, but that's only because you can't pronounce it properly. It's almost a silent "o", spoken with a whisper

"Hablo latín con Dios, italiano con los músicos, castellano con las damas, francés en la corte, alemán con los lacayos e inglés con mis caballos."

French is a better sounding language.

Spanish and italian have the same positive qualities plus they don't sound like choking on a million cocks when you speak them.

True. They're different though. I feel like Spanish is more "lascivious", while Italian is more rigid, probably due to its bigger resemblance to Latin

Italian is absolute garbage of a language and only Italians think it's great.


t. French butthurt


German --> rigorous
Chinese --> industrial
Russian --> classy
English --> retarded
French --> gay

I'd say they match the states

Dotykam cię niewysłowienie
palcami ciepłej wyobraźni
lecz w oku twoim ni na mgnienie
nie zalśni nawet błysk przyjaźni

zagarniam cię w ramiona wzroku
węchu dotyku słuchu — biorę
naręcza twych spłoszonych kroków
lecz ty się zawsze wymkniesz w porę

by wrócić w snach tak zwulgarniała
zaborcza sucza wyuzdana
jak zorza spermą rosy zlana
w przepychu samiczego ciała

i tak się w tobie mojej zmaga
z wiotką różową i niewinną
kurwa wspaniała i świątynna
odziana w grzech spowiedzią naga

bluźniercza wierna zabobonna
od szeptu przechodząca w rechot
łzom siostra chybka druchna śmiechom
moja madonna
Za ten strach co mam w sobie, za winy i długi
Znowu biegniemy rozliczać się z drugim.
Po co mi patrzeć w lustro i twarz swą spowiadać,
Jeszcze mogę wiatr chwycić i znowu ujadać.
Lepiej jest przecie gonić niźli być gonionym.
Popatrzcie, jak już merdam odważnie ogonem.
Deszcz krew obmyje. Burza się przewali.
Byśmy tylko wytrwali, gnali i szczekali…

Aby napisać wiersz współczesny
wystarczy z dowolnego kawałka zadrukowanego papieru
(np. gazety, afisza, zmieniającego się w zależności od koniunktury
podręcznika, obwieszczenia, klepsydry,
donosu, ostrzeżenia, zarządzenia porządkowego nr 3, katechizmu,
legitymacji pewnego pana w cywilu itp.)
kierując się prawidłowością przypadku
(nawet, jeżeli to będzie puste miejsce
w przedwojennej gazecie)
dowolny fragment,
byle na maszynie i na papierze formatu A-4 (ostatecznie należy
przestrzegać jakichś reguł)
i podpisać własnym nazwiskiem

otrzymany w ten sposób tekst wiersza współczesnego
można następnie wysłać do obowiązującego w danym czasie miesięcznika,
jako dokument obowiązującej w danym nam łaskawie czasie przeszłości,
nasz tekst stanie się bowiem wtedy aktualny,
łącząc w sobie najważniejsze cechy wiersza współczesnego:
jednostkowe z ogólnym,
dialektykę z sofistyką,
walkę pokoleń z walką o wygrzane stołki,
przeszłość z teraźniejszością,
zafałszowanie z prawdopodobieństwem,
walkę płci z ideą wielodzietnej rodziny,
walkę idei z kurewstwem,
prawdę z niemożliwością,
zmarnowane życie z trudnościami obiektywnymi,
moralność z polityką,
poezję lingwistyczną z gazetą,
ciemność z jasnością,
rękopis z legitymacją,
kontestację z potakiwaniem,
dobro ze złem,
marihuanę z wódką itp. z itd.

można też go nigdzie nie wysyłać
i tak, poza pewną publiczną tajemnicą,
jak zostać ambasadorem żyjąc w Państwie Środka,
prawie wszystko jest wiadome

Hungarian exists.

>implying you wouldn't choose the far right chair over any other.
You're probably going to have a lot of back problems later on.

>implying I would choose one of those
I choose the Italian chair, my dude.

>non cushioned armrests

>he wouldn't choose the comfy brazillian chair

bravo estonia

the world famous "tamborete" or, for those who are already intimate with its love, the "banquinho"

>not the superior polish chair

>not posting the real brazillian chair

Brazilian here, I would rather stand than sit on that thing.

Persian is great. Enormous lexicon, huge number of rhymes, and very little to no inflection. At least for poetry, is say it's the best

>not the Dutch chair

lol no


>even if I go meta

I think you're looking for another word or you skipped a few sentences

Me saying I'm going meta is me going meta.

10/10 desu.


Brazilian portuguese is the most sounding language I've ever heard.

I'm a ninny loser and I suck dick


Brazillian here. Arab sounds a bit better sometimes.

Another brazilian here. Sometimes I hate this language. As poorly as I speak it, I am grateful for being able to speak it however.

>calling out samefag on a post where i literally said me
Don't just leak your power level like that, man

Third one isn't me

The third one is actually the only reason I called you out. The timing between and just screams samefaggotry, like you were trying to make it look like someone else was lauding you.

>even if I go meta

LOL, fuck you asshole.

I am the author of the third post and I can assure you I'm not him. I had just opened the thread and I saw the last two posts, so I read and replied with my appreciation.

Yeah well I am the author of this post.

What's your fucking problem?

Pick one.

>Someone left their umbrella at the party.

>Those deer are cute.
>That deer is a pile of gore.

>I see that you, our bravest scout, is engaged in reconnaissance!
>I see that you, our bravest soldiers, are engaged in battle!

Fuck implications.

That one you just replied to wasn't me. I'm done here. Bye.

As a spanish speaker, I can say that english is so limited to words and expresions.

No, he definitely isn't sure. Greek has a far larger vocabulary. Chinese too, I think.

Anyway a large vocabulary does not determine in any way whether a language is good for literature or not. Petrarch even intentionally reduced the vocabulary he would use for writing his masterpiece, because he thought the good and poetic words are to be selected.

English may have a huge vocabulary, but even the native speakers need to look up words in the dictionary when they're reading a postmodern tome. This is not very normal, to be honest, and gives you an idea of how pretentious are both the postmodern writers and those who claim English has the biggest vocabulary.

A vocabulary is not meant to be an accumulative list, but an instrument based on usage. For what reason do you think dictionaries, despite being reissued every year, are always of the same size? Because some words are added and some are removed, due to their very limited use. I don't know how it is in the English language, but apparently, reading this thread, they have no idea how linguistics works. Well, let's leave them in their ignorance I guess.

German -> Structured
Chinese -> Efficient
Russian -> Expansive
English -> Excessive
French -> Comfy

>English -> Excessive
Lol it's not excessive at all

I'm literall sitting on on of those right now. Should I kill myself or accept the hue in me?

Killing yourself is always the right solution

there is no best language, that shit's a spook.

Western civilization is in its Empire stage so it's natural that english is dominant among elites and authors but once the west reaches its decay stage another language will displace it i.e. Mandarin which I don't favor at all

Bsialdooxks jzisoos jxisoks

I should write a book in gibberish

It'll be so confusing people might like it and praise it as some form of art or call it trash...I don't know

The point is german (same with swedish) doesn't have the same amount and just a much less borrowed words.
English has almost the complete base vocabularies of french and norse. Just that is 2 languages already.
Most languages hover around 300000 words, English got over 1 million.