Have a bunch of Osage oranges. How should I prepare them? I feel a little nauseous when I eat the husk...

Have a bunch of Osage oranges. How should I prepare them? I feel a little nauseous when I eat the husk. Maybe only eat the center?

looks like a giant wad of green genital warts

is that some kind of space fruit

I lived near some trees that grew those things when I was a kid
We always called them brain fruit, do people actually eat them?

that there's a horse apple

A cursory internet search suggests the seeds are good but the rest is unpleasant.

>do people actually eat them?

fencing patch
rot resistant wood

maclura pomifera

those are not for eating

>how should I prepare them

throw them in the trash

You've earned +1 non-bumps from me. Nice meme fruit, chump.

Those are inedible. You'll make yourself sick.
They are very decorative, though, and look nice piled in a decorative bowl or other dish as a centerpiece.

>not monkey brains

Is this durin berry

You don't eat them.

This is poison. Osage oranges are only good for vermin control

1. Open trash
2. Throw regular trash in it
3. Grab said oranges and throw them in the trash
4. Mix well
5. Serve to bottom feeders at landfill

Preparation time: 2min
Number of portions: varied

you would know

i get that reference

Them's hedge apples, and they repel spiders. Don't eat them. Put them in all the rooms of your house (under the bed or in a closet) and it will repel all the spiders.

I live in Texas. We called them horseapples and we used them to play dodge ball during recess. I'm pretty sure at least three people in my elementary school ended up with brain damage as a result of us beaning them in the head with these things.

>get rid of spiderbros
>house becomes infested with flies and other bugs

That's jackfruit you mong that's delicious shit and yes you should eat them.
OP's fruit on the other hand..

You make drink out of it, it is poison control

When I was a kid I used to hit these with a bat. I also would chuck them at my neighbor's asshole kids after they stole my super nintendo games.


That looks like the "fruit" in the first 2 Fallout games

Holy shit hivemind

If you have enough house centipedes you don't have spiders or other bugs

Yeah, because I want those running around my house or crawling on me while I sleep rather than having a spider who stays to themselves in their web.

serve it with carp

Cthulhu fruit is superior