True Immortality is possible

Mind/Brain Uploading is the only way to achieve true immortality. Though you need to be wealthy to buy it.

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It won't be you tho, might as well just make a bunch of clones.

So basically,
>literally who cares
>convincing sexbots
>literally who cares

Also I think anything above A would probably take at least 30+ years from their supposed latest date.

You would die thought, even if technically your conscience is transmitted to another physical storage, your mind is technically a copy, thus not your original self.

destructive uploading is a farce that kills you and replaces you with a copy of yourself that didn't even know you died
pattern continuity is bullshit

Even if you copy your makeup it wouldn't be you

>le transfer muh consciousness like it's stored on a hard drive meme
Is this possibly the worst offending pseudoscience spouted by normies today?

Enabling the eternal Jew, I like it! Retards.

Yep. Stupid fringe-normies.

>IFL Science My Dudess!!

some of us dont wear makeup and fucking knee socks faggot

>not wearing makeup
I hope you never achieve immortality

but D is already here

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Attached: the_cross.jpg (1920x1080, 51K)

Its fooking 2018, where is my fully BCI controllable robot?

I'm curious if it would really matter but I still can't really wrap my head around this entire concept. You, i.e. your conscience, would be transferred instead of copied. Wouldn't that be the original you?

It matter to YOU, the one you are now, which would be left behind in a mortal body.

Or killed, I guess, if they didn't want anybody around to squeal on their little trick.

But what does my mortal body have to do with my conscience that is essentially the core of me?

Your consciousness could be copied into a new "body," it would think it was you. But you would still be you.

To prevent that, they could copy the consciousness into the new body by a process that destroys the original consciousness (kills the original you), or they could just arbitrarily kill the original you on the grounds that "otherwise you haven't gone anywhere.

In ether case, you are killed, or you are still you in your original body even though there is now a copy that thinks he's you.

thermodynamics says every organized system will eventually disorganize, digital or otherwise
real immortality is impossible.

>would be transferred instead of copied.
Could not be. Consciousness is a process, ongoing, within your bran. You can't transfer that process, other than by moving the brain physically, which won't protect you from the aging of your bran.

It might be possible to copy the process (though I doubt it) which leaves you back at

But what if instead of copying you they somehow move your entire conscience into the Internet. Wouldn't you still be the same? Am I missing the point completely? I'm sorry I'm a brainlet.

Mind/Brain uploading is the only true form of absolute immortality as it enables the possibility of surviving the heat death of the universe.

Thus it infinitely eclipses any other types of so called immortality as mind/brain uploading is the only one that actually enable you experience/witness the true definition of "Eternity" and "Infinity".

Information/Data/Consciousness could theoretically survive the heat death of the universe.

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>Consciousness is a process, ongoing, within your bran. You can't transfer that process
Just suppose you could transfer it without having to create a copy at the destination. Would it change anything?

If my consciousness could be uploaded to a computer. Would I still be mentally ill?

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this board is called Veeky Forums for a reason..

>bitcoin miners hack my virtual intelligence
>become bitcoin miner for the rest of my eternal existence

ITT: sci-fi bullshit that will never happen

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>mfw people with no understanding of philosophy of mind talk about anything related to consciousness

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So I simulation of my consciousness gets to exist forever while I die.
Not immortality.

Why the fuck did you make this thread again if the old one is still up>???

Are you telling us or something?

We're fucking Veeky Forums.

We already know.

*laughs in power outage*
*laughs in any number of failures that can corrupt data*