Nonhealth-related dietary restrictions

What do you think of these? Do you have any self-imposed restrictions?

Personally I think it's absurd, especially if it's for half-assed environmental reasons. I know this jewish guy who won't eat beef but is fine with pork.

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Fuck off you atheist redditor

>refusing to eat dog stew
Picky eaters amirite?

You can't argue against vegetarianism (maybe even veganism) from a ethical standpoint.

Not eating veal, s'pretty much it. I know it doesn't change the amount of veal produced in terms of demand, but still, could never bring myself to eat it.

the best diet in terms of health is one that includes animal products. i consider it more ethical to value my own health rather than to care about the lives of animals (which were bred to be eaten anyway).

>implying ethics and morality are objective

It encourages segregation because some people take it to an extreme and won't tolerate even the sight or mention of their banned foods.

I don't actually know what Halal is but it seems like half of the poultry section in my local store carries it and it's sometimes cheaper
Sell me on it

>I won't be consuming this bait, thank you very much

Cuz da cute widdle aminals? What about suckling pig? (Suckling means it still sucks it's Mama's tiddy)

They also aren't totally subjective either.
We all seem to agree in *general* that killing other people is bad.

Yes, we have all agreed that killing a fellow member of our species without cause is wrong. Yet, we are not even as a species capable of following this rule. What exactly makes you think we
>1 extend this privilege to other species
>That if someone said we should that you would be able to get billions of people to go along with it.

Eating animal product doesn't entirely exclude vegetarians. Indians have been living healthy for decades, although a large part of them is vegetarian.
For Vitamins B12 etc. There are supplements.
I want to add that eating vegetarian isn't automatically healthy. You have to be a bit more cautious about your eating habits
> (which were bred to be eaten anyway)
If we breed humans to hold as slaves, would that make holding slaves morally acceptable?

>If we breed humans to hold as slaves, would that make holding slaves morally acceptable?
Only if they are also delicious to eat.

12 million deaths a year due to dietary intake
>living healthy

I'm sure overall vegetarianism is better in some ways, but how is eating a tuna sandwich any better than eating a turkey sandwich?

Muh culture has a lot of loose rules about meat-eating, likely dating back at least to early Christianity but possibly even further back to the Pythagoreans, who were very influential in their time. Most of us today follow at least some of these proscriptions, but only a minority try to follow several of them.
- eat meat, fish or eggs sparingly, if at all (veganism is rare, since eggs and dairy are major staples, but about a quarter of us are vegetarian)
- don't eat beans and meat at the same meal (some say not to eat beans and meat in the same day); this is the most common one, followed by the majority of us
- don't eat meat on wednesdays or fridays
- follow the fasts (96 days of the year, though not all consecutive, where you're meant to abstain from all animal-derived foods; some people take it to an extreme and follow the 'dry fast' which also prohibits alcohol and oil in addition to animal products)
- use either garlic or onion, seldom both IE if you're cooking something, you use one or the other, not the two together. Literally all the women on my mom's side of the family are big on this one.

As for which I follow, I don't eat a lot of meat and I generally avoid eating meat and beans in the same day. I do that by having meat one day then beans the next, alternating between them. Having meat and beans together at the same meal just seems wrong to me, like spreading peanut butter on a ham and pickle sandwich or something.

No because the stock for the slaves would have to come from somewhere so you'd be enslaving regular people from the get no matter how you manipulate the later generations genes.

1. There is not a big difference between animals(specificly mammals) and humans. It's pretty hard to point to clear distinction.
2. I'm arguing that it's the right thing to do. I'm completely aware that change doesn't happen over night.

Having people crossing an imperative, doesn't invalidate it.(if someones says 2+2=7, then 2+2=4 still holds true)
Also there are some obvoius exceptions to vegetarianism, e.g. living in a desert where the only food is meat.

Same could be said about the first farm animals.

Halal and Kosher is the same thing

Veal being special because the animal was young is a dumb meme. Lamb is also specifically slaughtered young and really most things bred for meat (chickens, turkeys, goats, etc) are.

To clarify, it makes it special among beef, but not meat in general.

Are you under the impression that fish is permissible in a vegetarian diet?

Oh, for some reason I did. One of my coworkers picked up a tuna sandwich when we had some catered and she doesn't eat meat.

There is immense difference even between us and chimps let alone bovines. Disney movies have fucked your sense if the animal kingdom.

No we cannot say that the first livestock animals came from an animal on par with homo sapiens. The auroch wasn't very much different than modern bovines anyways.

I’m not religious but I flat out refuse to eat American cheese because it sucks, and I strive to severly reduce my consumption of meats other than chicken and traditionally farmed meats because of environmental concerns.

>12 million deaths a year due to dietary intake
Is that the USA?
It sounds like it should be the USA.

See the main thing is my opinion is that your first point laughably false. The spark of intelligence in humans is not found in the VAST majority of other animals. Things like dogs and cats come close, and I actually do believe that whales and dolphins are just as intelligent as humans, but most animals are too dumb to do anything but eat, sleep, fight, and fuck.

>Nonhealth-related dietary restrictions
You mean being an irrational picky eater?

Yes you can argue vegetarianism from an ethical standpoint. Producing milk and eggs still causes a lot of animal suffering. If you care about animals, go vegan. The only advantage vegetarianism has is that it's slightly less bad for the environment than an omnivorous diet. Still, veganism beats vegetarianism in this respect too.

You can argue literally anything from an ethical standpoint because ethics are arbitrary and you can include whatever you want in them

>If you care about animals
>I know how animals feel
Hahahahaha wew

Whatever meatcuck. Justify your cruelty however you want. Just know that your ancestors will look down on you.

? My ancestors ate meat ya fuccboi. My ancestors were crueler than me anyways. Straight up invented nigger trade.

Wew lad, I meant descendants. Hiding this thread out of embarrassment now.

your ancestors did not eat meat on a daily basis
your ancestors did not eat processed meats from walmart

Even if any of our ancestors didn't eat meat daily, it was only out of necessity, they sure as fuck wouldn't look down on people with the means to do so, quite the opposite in fact

I don't eat processed meats from Wal Mart. Stop trying to straw man. My ancestors ate lots of sausages and offal and most definitely had a form of meat (either flesh or offal) about once a day and an animal product like cheese, butter, honey, lard etc. for more than one meal.

Do you honestly believe that people will stop eating meat and look down on those who do?
That seems like a pretty fucking insane thing to believe given how delicious meat is

>use either garlic or onion, seldom both IE if you're cooking something, you use one or the other, not the two together. Literally all the women on my mom's side of the family are big on this one

Lol this is dumb as fuck and you are missing out one of the best combinations in existence

Yes, she does user. Are you special?

Fish isn't considered meat in a lot of places.

I really don't care if you don't eat processed meats, the majority of meat that's produced is processed and so the majority of meat consumed is. Everyone always says that they aren't the ones doing it, but someone is

Meat is animal flesh. This isn't a guessing game or an opinion or if you don't "feel" like it's meat, it's the unequivocal the definition of a noun.

is that way.

Halal is meat slain according to Orthodox Jewish, Orthodox Christian, or Orthodox Muslim tradition. i.e. saying a short prayer and quickly slaying the animal with a very sharp knife (mostly after stunning it with electricity so that it doesn't feel pain).

Kosher meat has other restrictions which I am not aware of.

>Is processed
No is butchered. The majority of meat sold isn't a sausage or other derivatives.
>Implying animal flesh is is the definition of meat.


It is literally the definition of meat, you mongoloid

No it is the flesh of animals that live on land. Where the fuck are you from?

Look I didn't make it up. It's a common misconception caused by latin translation issues. Stop being a twat.

Kosher is not eating offal, the sciatic nerve (no buttocks is the easy way but they also have a tool to remove it so you can eat the buttocks.)

You can whine about him being an atheist all you want your the one who doesn't want to eat some delicious Bacon, Achmed.

And don't forget 20 centuries of Western civilization specifically defining meat and seafood as separate things.

Sausage is delicious, fuck people who think processing is inherently bad

So to someone who doesn't particularly care either way, it's the same thing.

Thing is, that we can't define a trait that sets us really apart.
Is it intelligence? We defend children and people with strong disabilities, but any full grown gorilla could be more intelligent.
Self-awarness? Hard to test but there are a lot of species that recognize themselves in mirrors.
Using tools? Even birds do that.
Complex social structures, theory of mind, crude language etc. Nothing really sets us apart.
What one could argue would be concioussness but how do you test for that?

They have a historic health interest basis, so they are not really stupid. What's stupid is not revisiting the subject for hundreds of years in one's culture while a good chunk of the world has moved on. People are generally risk averse and we tend to imitate others only when there are benefits in their risky behavior, i.e. Eating/using certain plants, puffer fish liver, etc.

WTF culture is this? Coptic?

Hey OP, as insensitive as it is I suggest you to stop; halal is not only for food. That being said it is pretty assgay and not important. Something like kosher. Or peanuts. We need to stop caring about these cunts.

>Thing is, that we can't define a trait that sets us really apart.
How about the fact that we are humans and a genetically distinct population from them?

Following outdated superstitions just because they had some actual use in the past is still stupid

I'm a pescatarian because I think factory farming is cruel, but I eat eggs and dairy so I'm a hypocrite.

fish is factory farmed too

Not when you exclusively buy wild-caught it isn't.

Boycott completely.

I, like all Europeans should remember the 1,000yr occupation by dozens of different Caliphates, the last of which were the Ottomans. Halal slaughter is animal cruelty and unnecessary in modern times.

ok, but you can do the analogous for other, better forms of meat too

>Jewish guy who won't eat beef but is fine with pork.
It's b8 m80s

True, but I've lived so long without eating land animals that the desire is gone.

Lol same. Except sex not meat.

Most people classified as mentally retarded are still a lot smarter than gorillas. They can even hold jobs in society and get along. Also if you can't appreciate the obvious differences in complexities of self reflection and societal construction then this is where logical discussion with a vegan comes to it's natural conclusion. You think a bird picking up twigs with it's beak somehow amounts to me using a miniature computer to instantly communicate with a retard across vast distances.

I eat only grass fed beef due to paranoia. Sure it means I can't eat beef unless I cook it myself, but hey.

Halal and kosher is not the same thing, they got different restrictions. And halal is not about giving a fuck wether it is slain by prayers or shit but to avoid PORK. Those savages avoid is like a plague. I'm living in muslim country and they put 'halal' logos on everything, including SOAP or COOKING OIL...

Halal involves draining the blood of the animal after slaughter and making sure that the meat has never touched pork or anything that has touched pork.

The prayer thing can be done by the person eating the meat themselves but some of people say that it's not really halal unless it's done during the slaughter, but I've had Muslim friends disagree.

Kosher is the same as halal but it doesn't just stop at pork, it's also against seafood that doesn't have fins and scales, predatory birds, all insects except grasshoppers and locusts, and only allow land animals that have split hooves and chews the cud. Also their meat is usually salted with kosher salt after slaughter to absorb the blood and make as least blood as possible.

Is England nice this time of year?

This. I look at non-medical dietary restrictions the same way I do all that tribal rain dance shit they play on PBS. Oh, you can't eat the thing because your tribe says it has bad juju? Well fuck let me go get your loincloth and spear, you're probably uncomfortable without them you fucking savage.