Tfw too dumb to start reading as a hobby

>tfw too dumb to start reading as a hobby

get the fuck off this board then faggot

pls help me

Get a book of short stories to carry around with you so that you get in the habit of reading instead of the habit of using your favorite app or going on the internet

Read Salinger, Joyce, Hemingway, Carver, Kafka, Borges

even better just download some free shit on your phone, apple has all the dankest public domain shit nicely formatted and transcribed with no "lofts" etc. so put some of those on your phone and read those instead of clickbait trump stories on the news app

Fuck off
Get a physical book

>Fuck off
calm down nerd android has free ebooks too but they're just shitty scans so sometimes the typeface looks like shit if it's old

If you have eyes and are capable of recognizing letters and words you're not too dumb to read. You might be too dumb to understand but that's none of my concern and besides, your only choice is to read if you want to escape your dumbness.

>too dumb to not stop reading

there's nothing more plebeian than 'hobbies'

>tfw local bookshops only sell overpriced crap
anyone knows those feels?

Nah, I have an elder-god tier half price books near me.

Kafka short stories are kinda fucked up and imo not the best place to start for a new reader

To lift yourself out of a miserable mood, even if you have to do it by strength of will, should be easy. I force myself out of my chair, stride around the table, exercise my head and neck, make my eyes sparkle, tighten the muscles around them. Defy my own feelings, welcome A. enthusiastically supposing he comes to see me, amiably tolerate B. in my room, swallow all that is said at C.'s, whatever pain and trouble it may cost me, in long draughts.
Yet even if I manage that, one single slip, and a slip cannot be avoided, will stop the whole process, easy and painful alike, and I will have to shrink back into my own circle again.
So perhaps the best resource is to meet everything passively, to make yourself an inert mass, and, if you feel that you are being carried away, not to let yourself be lured into taking a single unnecessary step, to stare at others with the eyes of an animal, to feel no compunction, in short, with your own hand to throttle down whatever ghostly life remains in you, that is, to enlarge the final peace of the graveyard and let nothing survive save that.
A characteristic movement in such a condition is to run your little finger along your eyebrows.

what movie is this from?

Just finished a book and cant get over the verge to start a new one

>best shop sells overpriced crap but also has really cheap editions of good shit
>thrift stores have hidden gems, all cheap but on very bad state
It's not bad if don't care about aesthetics.

get a kindle faggot, it turns reading into a videogame, you can even "show them online"

is this supposed to be insulting to the text?

Read dumb books then, Harry Potter, ASOIAF, John Green, Moby Dick, the list goes on.


Is Dostoevsky too hard for someone who's only read high school-core his whole life? I was thinking about reading Notes from Underground.

the hardest part is trying to remember Russian names when they all have three of them

No, not really. In my eyes, Dostoevsky is known more of a genius for being a master of character and being ahead of his time.

Notes From The Underground is a good place to start as it's pretty short but the first 1/3 of it is more philosophical than narrative. (In fact, the book uses all 3 perspectives I'm pretty sure)

the ending also made me want to kill myself

And to add on, most great literature can be understood relative to the reader. As in, you'll be able to understand most of it, but there may be much more depth to it than you initially perceive.