So what's going to happen to the scientific community now that even Harvard professors are admitting that race is real...

So what's going to happen to the scientific community now that even Harvard professors are admitting that race is real? People have been told that race is meaningless for decades and that "the science is settled" but it wasn't.
What will be the consequences of this? There is no way people won't lose a shitton of respect and trust for the scientific community. It would be the equivalent of saying that AGW wasn't real ie. something that has been taken for granted for decades, with numerous policies based on the fact that it's true (Carbon taxes/modern education system), with billions/trillions spent on it, then suddenly it's bullshit.

By the way I am not denying AGW, simply comparing the impact of something that was taken for granted for so long to turn out false.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not sure. I don't care about race enough to really care and I don't know enough about genetics to have an opinion on what they said exactly. I don't recon very many people on this site actually understand genetics at a university level.


the lairs are in control, AGW is false, so none of this matters you dummy

Race is defined roughly by the geographic boundaries that separated early man. The remaining differences are cultural and will eventually be ironed out by interbreeding.

Anyone who disagrees, prove me wrong.. I want to know the truth..


>the only difference between an Indian and a pajeet is cultural

Please tell me how to activate the genes for a large forhead and a bbc. Since race isn't genetic, should be possible.

It's literally the same argument liberals use for everything. Take a scientific definition like sex and conflate it with gender. Make it a misnomer so no discussion can be had.

>bring up politics
Proof you should go back. Nobody said it wasn't genetic you mong.

>By the way I am not denying AGW
Of course you wouldn't dare say that, until someone in authority said it first

This guy did.

Yes! The anti-science liberal sheep have finally and permanently been BTFO. Every intelligent white citizen will now accept the truth and support the obvious conclusion that niggers and spics need to be rounded up and sent back to the diverse shitholes from whence they came. God Emperor Trump will then proclaim the start of the everlasting American Reich and everyone will be happy and friendly with each other forever.
And lastly, all the retar- er, brave warriors from /pol/ can return to their board knowing that their righteous work on Veeky Forums is finished for good.

Is it too much to ask?

Science always told us about races, it was censored because of jews.

Just look at this thread OP

Its literally just one stupid nigger unable to accept the truth while he talks shit about Europeans despite having no relevance to this discussion, and screeching /pol/ because apparently, to a nigger, the only people who could possibly hate their race is /pol/ whites. And not, you know, normal human beings. I know his attitude is enough to make me hate niggers, even the smart ones, show a vile narcissism.

This stupid nigger shows the length he's willing to go to deny evolution, to deny the fact that civilization selected for intelligence, to deny that the Chinese are more intelligence, to deny that being "oppressed" is an excuse for worldwide black failure, he denies genetics period. Do you think leftists are just gonna accept this truth so easily? No, its gonna get ugly.

>muh leftists and /pol/ and shills
None of that shit matters.

>The remaining differences are cultural and will eventually be ironed out by interbreeding.

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>God Emperor Trump

Most of us white nationalists realize that Trump is just a slightly-edgier neocon Zionist. No real change is expected from him.

It will likely take mass unrest and persecution of whites (similar to South Africa and Zimbabwe) for whites to organize on a relevant scale. Still, it's more likely that Western civilization will just slowly decline into a giant Brazilian favela and humanity will be fucked by a Malthusian crisis.

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Thread is cancer
Remember to report


>normie didn't even read the article
He literally states race is a social construct multiple times in the article

The largest name in the field is BTFOing SJW

I agree. One year ago I would say you are a conspiracy theory kook.

They're preparing us for a Eugenics war with China dummy. Racial differences will soon become irrelevant once basic embryo section and genetic scanning techniques allows us to increase the IQ of each generation by 24 points for the price of an IVF treatment.

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You conflate the SJW journalist with the professor.

Of course, /pol/ and other actual free-thinking people saw the reality instantly. Harvard is finally coming to it's senses and realized history is coming.

>1 in 1000
Is that even possible? What's the maximum number of eggs you can extract?
t. brainlet

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in vitro gametogenesis (or IVG), scientists are learning how to convert adult human cells—taken perhaps from the inside of a cheek or from a piece of skin on the arm—into artificial gametes, lab-made eggs and sperm, that could be combined to create an embryo and then be implanted in a womb.

And how close is that? How many eggs would it produce? Millions?

Depends on the age of the female. Women start out with 2 million eggs when they are born and by the time they're in their mid to late 30s, that's reduced to 10,000-5000. I guessed you marry a 23 year old,, you have about 100,000 eggs to choose from.

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Don't they have a problem with defects? I doubt we are anyway close to perfecting it to the point where we can create a baby without defects inbred next 1
20 years.

It's more a question of funding and effort. It was about 6 years to go from nothing to giving birth to healthy mice from IVG.

How about normal IVF? I hear the average is 15, if a woman has so many eggs then can't you just get something like 10000?

Problem is, costs would be too prohibitive , even as SNP gets cheaper as it scales. You're looking 1500 fixed price plus 200-20 dollars per embryo. So it could cost anywhere between 2,000,000 to 200,000 dollars for a 30 point IQ increase, where as 1000 embryos would yield a 24 point IQ increase for a much lower price.

For people who aren't billionaires or multi millionaire, 1000 embryos would be ideal.

So why don't billionaires do that? Old money will do anything to keep being old money.


Because we are still a few years out from this tech being viable. I'm sure by the early 2020s, they will be doing it.

How do they measure IQ from embryos? I thought we knew fuck all about the link between genes and intelligence?

Read the link

>So what's going to happen to the scientific community now that...

This thread has nothing to do with science

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We are getting there

Oh great more /pol/bait. Since it needs to be repeated every time let's explain why genetics don't justify your racism:

1. Genetics are a limit of your maximum output and the ease with which you reach that point. Think of how while professional powerlifters all share a common set of genes yet people without those genes can still go to the gym and get swole
2. No matter how bad someone's genes may be it doesn't prevent them from being a functional member of society. Unless you're literally mentally disabled there's no reason they can't participate in society in a normal manner
3. Being predisposed to certain behaviours does not mean they MUST exhibit those behaviours. To use the example in the first point, not everyone with the powerlifting gene becomes a powerlifter - humans still have a choice
4. Trying to justify treatment of a race differently because of their average genetics is stupid for two reasons. First is that the average tells you nothing about an individual and is useless for judging them on. The second is that regardless of how stupid or violent you claim someone is, they're still a human with equal rights

Why are you writing this shit as if affirmative action hasn't been in place for 50 years? It's not as if the only two options on Earth are 'treat everyone as an individual', which we haven't been doing institutionally since the 1960s, or some kind of far-right exclusion of non-whites.

Society has been actively presuming that race doesn't exist and making egalitarian minded policy based off that assumption for decades.