Nietzsche was, in fact, what Stirner called a “pious atheist.” Like Feuerbach...

Nietzsche was, in fact, what Stirner called a “pious atheist.” Like Feuerbach, Nietzsche has no interest in eradicating the sacred by taking his world as his own; he merely wants to replace god — and the human essence — with the “overhuman” (Welsh’s accurate translation of “Übermensch”). This is still an ideal placed above you and me, a higher value to which we are to sacrifice ourselves. Thus, despite Nietzsche’s analysis of morality as a historical and social product, he remains a moralist, through and through.

tldr Neetshe was fucking spooked.

Nietzsche worshipped strong men like a woman.

>Refusing to embody a degenerate disease-ridden drug addict is a spook so do it, and lead everyone else to do it through threatening to call them a spook

Stay pressed babe

Don't flirt with me, deviant. You are deserving of a helicopter ride, in which will be concluded with your corpse diving into the oceans.

>an ideal placed above you and me, a higher value to which we are to sacrifice ourselves
can you give any textual support for this


>re-defining "meaning" so that it's something all men search for
>muh opinions
irrelevant to stirner, nietzsche was a hack.

Being an egoist is hard though because we can want contradicting things at different moments. Why should I give into one of my desires rather than another? At least the artistic life of the Ubermensch promises something more than just being the product of my unconscious in a vulgar way.

>you have to do something because if you don't do it you're spooked
The exact opposite of what stirner said you dumbfuck, are all NEETcheeans this fucking retarded?

fuck off brainlet nietzsche was the greatest philosopher ever

I mean is the Ubermensch really a fixed idea.

He would say that he worshipped health like a sick man.

This is wrong and wrongheaded.

Nietzsche posits his ideal of the Overman as his OWN subjective ideal, knowing entirely that it's subjective and individual. He offers to other individuals that they can strive after this ideal too if it pleases them.

Nietzsche is a more poetic, more cutting, and more explosive form of Stirner. He starts off from Stirnerism (everything must necessarily egoism, spooks) and extrapolates it to create his own individualistic, aristocratic ideal which suits HIM, not in a spooked way but in a way which pleases him, and possibly others of the same mind.

Hope that clears it up.

meme philosopher vs meme philosopher

max stirner + schopenhauer = nietzsche

debate me

That's not worth debating.

So would you say, in an aeroplane over the sea?

I once knocked two of a man's teeth out for using Stirner in an argument as though he were a legitimate philosopher, and not only was I now punished, he was expelled.

Stirner doesn't even deserve to have the shitty sketch of him that he does. He's nobody.


Nice fantasy you got there.

Neetcha! was lucifer rising .pdf

I liked him as a philologist

>being emotional like a girl

>Nietzsche has no interest in eradicating the sacred by taking his world as his own; he merely wants to replace god

He was concerned about the ramifications of the death of the fundamental sub-structures of social and self consciousness, he had no fear in replacing them, he just didn't know how. Neither do you. Or Stirner.

Fucking idiots on my Veeky Forums.

undergrad: the post

>I'm OP and my feelings are hurt, the post.

you totally misunderstood (or just ignored) the OP and instead just spring-boarded into a labored and inexact display of what you think you know about Nietzsche, which is obviously very little

Both are correct. xDDDDD

I didn't misunderstand, i instantiated his reasoning, which i can reverse engineer because i am smarter then him, and rebuked it.

Nietzsche understood the meta-truths present in the biblical structures of narratives, and wished to warn, and provide safe passage through the predictions. He did not want to replace god, he wanted people to understand that the concept of god must be controlled, and redefined.

>He's nobody.
You could say hes a... creative nothing!
*Ba dum tss*


Stirner was too blind to see the usefulness of the spook, had he ever considered that the ego and his own is a spook too?

You would think he could smell his own shit while he sucks his own dick, nah famalam

Nietzsche 1
Stirner back to elementary

No, Nietzsche's ethics are based on the creation of values, completely different stuff.

It's impossible to not be an egoist, you dumbdumb. That's why spooks are spooks, because you've never even really seen one. You've only naively accepted the fact that you're some sort of discrete unit who can overpower/be overpowered by other assumed units, when in fact all there is are different interplays of focus and pressure, not separate things.

>the product of my unconscious in a vulgar way
Which is much worse than the product of your unconscious in a classy way, right? With that, you're only proving OP right, and Nietzsche is still a moralist, and his idea of an übermensch is a mirage because it is never truly outside of society, outside of value judgements and good-and-evil. Which makes Nietzsche's Dionysianism only a front.

>Stirner was too blind to see the usefulness of the spook
Read the book. He doesn't care if you want to be spooked, and he never makes any claims about his philosophy being remedial, quite the contrary in fact. He also doesn't care about you spooking others to benefit from them. The man even excuses a mother murdering her own child for selfish reasons. Utility is not his point.

>had he ever considered that the ego and his own is a spook too?
The ego you speak of is not the Unique One, and he dedicates the last chapter of the book to explain why.

>This is still an ideal placed above you and me, a higher value to which we are to sacrifice ourselves.

Wrong. It is in no way higher than the procession of the equinoxes. This is all ephemeral posturing compared to the simple reality of celestial procession.

Stirner is a meme. Humanity is only going forward when we rediscover ancient thought.

If ancient thought is so good how come we forgot it.

The higher ups helped us forget. They wouldn't want us asking the wrong questions too often. Might throw a spanner in the works for them.

>Stirner swallowed the evangelical atheist meme before it was cool

To some extent, yes, being an ideology, but it's also the proto "just be yourself", so, again, to some extent, no.

>The higher ups helped us forget.
That still doesn't account for ancient thought's fallability.