Are there some valid, non-fedora-wearing-edgelord tier books about atheism?

Are there some valid, non-fedora-wearing-edgelord tier books about atheism?

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science books

The Irrational Atheist

I'm not memeing, read it, and confront it

Atheism shouldn't be something you think about. It shouldn't be an active choice. Just like, don't do religion. Don't make your life all about actively not doing something that's stupid.

But then the athiest's have nothing to feel enlightened and intellectual about, which is the entire purpose.

>Science books are about atheism or even religion in general

OP here, my question is not a bait. I do consider myself an atheist, but I'm not the /r/atheism kind. I read The God Delusion by Dawkins a few years ago, but I found it to be mainly anti-christian mental masturbation. I'm looking for an genuine, interesting read advocating atheism that doesn't degenerate into "lel christcucks r so irrational!!!11"

No. To be atheist is to be by definition an edgelord, rejecting the objective reality and beneficence of Christ.

the socialists

le ligotti connspiracy :^)


It's going to be hard to find something comprehensive because atheism isn't a centralized idea. Every book would have to be mental masturbation to every individualized religion. That's why it's so annoying to argue with theists. They have no religious text or organization that can be attacked, but they have derived their own set of personal beliefs that they wish to push on others. I do not believe in any god, and I don't wish to push that belief into others, and I see no need to go into detail about something that has no effect on my day to day life. It's not my job, nor should it be, to speak out against all religions on an individual level. I wish not to tear down the homes of others, simply because I do not have a home myself, yet I cannot show others my home and it's construction, as I have none to show. Yet, society has pushed me to have to explain why some specific architecture is bad.

Read philosophy, while few dedicated entire books to atheism, you can see their atheism in their works.

Atheists are the most arrogant people on the planet.

Atheists avoid fedora tipping by understanding their initial faith deeply before rejecting it.
Someone posted a thread where Zizek said something about how one needed to step over the corpse of God to understand His death. Zizek made the point that his atheism was through Catholicism. Most fedora-tippers are atheists through a lazy understanding of their bargain brand Protestant sect, which makes them obnoxious.
Note: I don't remember exactly what Zizek wrote but it was a good thread.

Check Voltaire. Everything modern is indeed infused with fedora.

What makes a book fedora tier?

second most arrogant, user.

feeling threatened by it and having no legitimate response

Why the fuck would you want to read a book about not having a theistic brief system? That's fucking retarded to begin with op, and on top of that you're specifically looking for books that back beliefs (or lack thereof) that you already hold rather than works that contest your preconceived notions which would force you to grow by more completely facing arguments against those notions. Sad!

Were you wearing a fedora while you were typing this post in your mom's basement?

By the same logic, how do you cope with the notion that you only want to think that way about the responses?

>Reading to expand your knowledge rather than reinforcing existing ideas is fedora
Back to

>implying one can't read for both purposes
Just how retarded can you even get.

Step over God's corpse and read pic related

The only way to legitimize eurocentrism as a bad thing.

Arguing about Gods by Graham Oppy is a landmark work for academic atheism. Check it out.

Denial of Death

lol. How many words would an atheist book contain? Three? God isn't real? What are you going to write about for more than three words for your cringey anti-Christian novel.

Dear journal,

Today I learned that Christians can wear fedoras too.

Thank you all for your answers so far.

>God isn't real
Those are four words you retard

The Miracle of Theism is respected by the relevant scholastic philosophers, maybe check that out.


Feuerbach - The Essence of Christianity

The illusion of immortality

This, honestly. The entire fedora thing has come back full circle, and now religious people are acting like smug cunts again while using as their license the Reddit fedora atheist stereotype, which I haven't seen in action in freaking years. And any legit argument in favour of atheism is basically pissed away with that comparison.

In turn, it gives me just as dim a view of the average religious person on the internet as of those fedora atheists. Dismissing someone's beliefs with insults is the same shitty behaviour, no matter in who's service it is done.

tip harder faggot

mmm hegel baby

Maybe in America, where it's actually contrarian. Living in northern europe everyone being atheists is only evident by the fact that no one ever talks about religion.

Read Nietzsche I guess. The only really serious atheist tbqh.

Even he was a conditional atheist. Would God resurrect he would welcome Him. I think. He didn't exactly hate religion.

that's a fucking trilby

doesn't the atheist have any desire to form a metaphysical system for himself? for instance, if you couldn't vibe with thomism, would you not seek out to find a philosophy which rings true to you? it seems the atheists i know reject philosophy out of hand in favor of scientism.

>God resurrect
what exactly do you think Nietzsche meant by "God is dead?"


Pick one


What does it mean to be enlightened and why do you need God or religion for it?

Lol. Fucking Christians are so stupid it's cringeworthy

Because we are right

I am a Christian personally, but even so I would read Zizek's comments on religion. It is quite interesting. He says that forcing oneself to not believe in God means that at some base level one still does. The French Existentialists do not deal with it explicitly but are still good.

>I'm a Christian because atheism is retarded!

Wow . . .