Falling this hard for the meme

>falling this hard for the meme

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100 in 24 hours
easy as fuck, spread the amount out over the hours so you don't get sick/full belly

fuck me i might be a fat ass but im not that much of a glouton

This. I could probably do it in the course of a regular day just lying in bed watching anime.

With an array of sauces to put on them, an oz of weed, and my well stocked mini fridge of beer I may be able to accomplish said challenge. I don't think I would be able to shit for a week tho. And someone would have to be doing mcd runs for my inebriated ass.

No sleep and 4 of those an hour, yeah no mate. You will fuck yourself.

what you cant handle no sleep for 24 hours?

yeah you stay awake for 24 hours while eating that amount of food

not hard when your a gamer

but they don't have challenges like these for Canadians

He's gonna die.

Fucking pussy


They don't have timbit or donair challenges?

guess we found the for me poster

>36000 calories
>literally ten pounds gained in a day

I could do that in half the time

considering the fact that I ate 15 in one go once for a bet and barely even scratched the surface, 100 is doable in less than 3 hours for me.

>80 grams of sodium

That's death

>all of that sodium

I like the CBO better.

Are drugs allowed?


How much does a McChicken weigh? 100g? Even if it weighs only that little, 100 of them would be equal to ten kilograms of very fatty and calorie dense food. I wonder if he even did the math before attempting that.


>A tiny japanese woman eats 100 McDonald burgers
>reddit core can't do shit