How do you start writing a novel for the first time, Veeky Forums?

How do you start writing a novel for the first time, Veeky Forums?

You don't

Unless your using a formula, no one can tell you OP. Writing processes vary so wildly, that the scary part is that you have to learn yourself.

What a terrible first post. What is to be gained from this? Nothing, except a window into the defeatism of the pessimist.

As autistically as possible.

Yet it still has more artistic value than any novel you'll ever write

You've got to learn the rules, but you can't learn them without experiencing them.

In other words, practice, and through a process of trial and error you will discover what works and what doesn't.

I'm having a lot of fun try exactly this. I'm a total noob, i've only written poetry before, so I'll see if I can make anything entertaining for people.

It's weird, I don't even know why I'm writing, I just am and I'm enjoying it.

that wasnt me (op)

anyway, how autistic would it be if i sat down without much thought if any put into plot and just made shit up as i went along? I would go back and heavily edit it later of course. Coming up with a plot arc is incredibly difficult for me, but i'm great at random esoteric ideas.

one word at a time

This. Pessimists are literal cancer, they serve no purpose in the world and whenever I hear a pessimist speak I feel like smashing the face with a hard object, or ringing their faggot necks.

But on the plus side, they will never achieve anything.

Go for it and post results, I'd be interested to see what you have.

In fact why dont you do it now for us to see or give me yoru name so I can follow you up later.

>purpose in the world

Sounds like you're all spooked to shit dude

Is it better if I try to grasp as many content as possible and, only after reading many books, attempt to write?

write in tandem to reading.

This is the first thing I will ever write, and chances are it'll be complete trash. Knowing my habits I might not even write anything at all. But on the off-chance I do, I'll post it using this trip.

You....start with a sentence. Then another, and another.

If you guessed that you're going to need more than three you're on the right track here, dumbfuck.

Find a novel you like at rip it off.

first, assume it's going to be bad

Buy something to write with

Unironically this
You can't learn anything without imitating. It's how you learned to speak and now it should be how you learn to write.

>not just having a lunatics dream, being forced awake by it and than frantically slapping everything down in notepad because it feels like your brain will explode if you don't get it out
Do you even write bro?

“Man is very imitative and obtains his first knowledge by imitation, and then everybody takes pleasure in imitation” - Aristotle. Be inspired by works you enjoy. Plato and Aristotle give two big Greek thumbs up!

There are tons of books about how to do this. I suggest you read them.

Artists go to school to learn to paint.
Sculptors learn in formalized settings.
Poets study rules of verse.

Writing a novel is not some trait you are born with. Study the art form. Learn from teachers.

The Art of Fiction, Gardner.
Aspects of the Novel, Forster

Read books on how to write screenplays to learn about story. Fucking seriously. This is so helpful.

And finally, just try to write one. You'll learn. But for fuck's sake, if your novel doesn't have a plot, please give it one.

Just bee you'reself