Recently moved into uni flats and decided to roast a whole chicken in the oven. Put olive oil salt and pepper on it...

Recently moved into uni flats and decided to roast a whole chicken in the oven. Put olive oil salt and pepper on it. After 20 minutes our kitchen was filled with smoke making it hard to breathe and leave me crying like pic related. I checked the chicken and it was barely cooked and still cold in the middle. I've read that olive oil can smoke at high temperatures but it was only at 180 c. Was it a broken oven or the oil?

The oil.

if you were something other than a retard you'd look up 'smoke point' and include the oven temp in your post

but you didn't do these things, b/c you're a shit posting jackass, your thread should be deleted, but it won't b/c Veeky Forums janny is always MIA

You said you used "olive oil" but you didn't say what kind. Extra-virgin olive oil has a very low smoke point. If that's what you used then that was the problem. However, if you used normal aka "light" or "refined" olive oil then that wouldn't cause a problem.

There are other possibilities I can think of for a communal oven--it could be broken. It could be dirty as fuck. Did it smoke when you pre-heated the oven? Or did it only smoke when you put your food in it?

I coat my whole chickens with evoo before roasting at 400F which is higher than your 356F and never have that issue. Given it's a uni living quarters oven, my guess is it's never been cleaned.

>my guess is it's never been cleaned
Your guess is right but that's assuming they use the oven. Aside from frozen pizzas, my 3 roommates never use the oven only used the stovetop to boil hotdogs. The microwave was a fucking disaster though because they all used it and never cleaned it. Either me or my gf had to.

If OP is talking about a communal kitchen shared by dozens if not hundreds of people then chances are that someone uses it and nobody cleans it.

Olive oil is for salads.

it's a dirty oven
olive oil doesn't start smoking at 180c u ingrates

Why do you chucklefucks keep talking about "olive oil" without specifying which kind? Whether or not we're discussing EVOO vs. refined olive oil is all important.

EVOO smokes below 180C. Refined is good to well above that.

>Had an oven smoking once because someone doesn't rinse the oven cleaner out

Why, thank you for the handy guide. :D

It’s the dirty ass oven. The bellends saying it could be the olive oil if it’s extra virgin are retards. No commercial oil is gonna full the kitchen with smoke after 20 mins in the oven, and people cook with extra virgin olive oil all the time.

There might be some dead baby rats cooking underneath the oven, happened to me one time.

Jesus Christ nigga how can you even live like that

Of course 20 minutes is going to barely cook a whole chicken.

It's definitely a dirty oven, probably a lot of grease on the bottom and other caked on shit.

Use light olive oil for baking instead of extra virgin olive oil

I doubt it was the oil. Clean the oven, make sure there's nothing on the heating elements.

>It could be dirty as fuck.
This. A shared oven in uni flats? It's going to be apocalyptic.


What is that in a real temperature scale? I've cooked with olive oil in the oven up to 400f and haven't had that problem before.

>EVOO vs. refined olive oil
i have never once in my life seen olive oil that wasnt extra virgin

Rough day?

OP here. I turned the oven on at 200 c and left it for 20 mins with nothing in it and smoked like shit again. Something is stuck to the bottom

extra virgin olive oil can be used at 180c, since it does not actually heat up to the oven temperature

there's something wrong with your oven or you put some other random shit in there

go to the cooking oils aisle at your local store

thank you so much for providing us with closure

Really? What country are you from?
Everywhere I have lived (Japan, Denmark, England, Germany, South Africa, and 3 US states) the majority of "olive oil" in the supermarket is refined. It's only the expensive "top shelf" stuff that's EVOO.

I have not lived in Italy, but I have visited on business and everywhere I saw olive oil for sale they had all sorts of grades ranging from EVOO to pomace. I'm really curious where you'd find EVOO only.
