He cleans his plate

>he cleans his plate
>he orders water
What are some other ways you can spot poorfags?

>he doesnt get water
What a disgusting fattie

>he leaves the house for anything less than 10 course/$250 per person michelin star tasting menus
>he doesn't get the $150 wine pairing
>he doesn't get the optional $65 grating of truffles

>not ordering dessert
>not tipping
>spending 20 minutes reading the menu, obviously looking for the most cost efficient options
BTW I do all of these

>he doesn't ask for a doggie bag

> His restaurant uses laminated menus
> he orders the rose’ wine

Going to a restaurant when you're not hungry and you don't intend on finishing the food in front of you is really pretentious and a flagrant waste of money.
I know you're joking but people really do do this, wasting food is not a class tell, it's sheer arrogance.

>ordering water
>its not promptly poured as soon as you sit down

Why are you trying to spot poorfags in a fast food joint?

>ordering non bottled water

>"water's fine"

>order water
>they don't give you a regular cup
>they give you a tiny foam cup so you have to walk all the way back to your seat shamefully trying not to spill your poorfag drink

My local mcdonalds started doing this shit too, they don't even have water in the dispenser, you ask for water and they give you one pre-filled water cup and you have to stand in line for refills.
I actually ask for 10 water cups now, just so I don't have to ask for a refill.

I know this is a troll thread, but this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.

>hey, what water to you want? over-charged or free?
>over-charged please!

Enjoy your flouride, spit, and lead.

>not willing to pay for quality

Must be easy having no sense of taste or class.

fuck off, tampon publixfag

>he asked for a cat bag

Yes, I would like to buy your Dasani™ literal tap water instead.

I don't live in a shit lib-city, so I don't have to wait half an hour for my chlorine-additive to evaporate off my water after pouring it into a pitcher. My condolences, I guess...

Don't fucking reply to me you fly-over fuck.


Oh you poorfags never cease to amuse.

hmm do i want municipal tap water, or do I want branded municipal tap water shipped from 5 cities over?

>I only buy beautiful Fiji, Evian, or other shit in upper echelons that you've probably never heard of

My Culligan man delivers better spring-water than I've ever bought bottled, which I fill my stainless growler with, you money-wasting dumbfucks. If your only two options are bare-minimum-municipal shit, and waste-money-like-a-sailor-on-shore-leave, then you seriously have my condolences.


>they make eye contact with the wait staff

>they ask for a refill on soda
I've never seen a thin person ask for a refill, ever.

>not ordering dessert
thats me i just go to the supermarket on the way home and buy a big tub of ice cream for half the price of the dessert and lasts me 5 times as long

You've never been to a restaurant in russia I take it. Yes they make you pay for water.

Pretty cool that blindfags have found ways to shitpost too

>he doesn't clean his plate


I order unsweetened tea just so the wait staff know I'm not poor.
They don't give poorfags good service because they don't expect tip

>order a drink
>they don't also give you some water
wtf? i want both nigga.

>it's a shit-lib thing to practice water treatment
death to america

>unsweetened tea
I believe that's called just "tea" you burger.

>he cleans his plate
That's the right way to eat you gargantuan faggot.
People who eat only halves of their food or leave a lot of food on their plate should be gassed or killed on the spot

>poor people eating in restaurants

Sorry friend but if you eat in restaurants you are rich

a tampa bay lightning guinea pig pepe?

>only rich people eat in McDonald’s

Many places have no beverages I like. Soda is right out, I usually don't drink, and I don't want coffee or tea later in the day. Juice? Get that pseudo-healthy bullshit out of here and give me the rest of the fruit.

Well here in the US if you ask for tea it will be sweet tea, and in my part of the country it will be very sweet.

I'm not sure where you think you are, but this is an American website made primarily for the people of America. We let foreigners post here but it's rude when you assume we care about your poverty nation.

Actually it’s a Japanese owned website hosted in servers in the UK.
Keep trying though, retard.

what if I am just thirsty?

If you order chai at an Indian place, it will be the cheapest black bag shit they could find + bulk spices.

LOL retard porn isn't even legal in the UK, same with weapons and anime


>not ordering water because of chemicals in the water
>being too stupid to realize that they use the same water in the sodas and teas only you can't taste it to tell if it is really bad

This is truly a new low for Veeky Forums you McChicken eating motherfuckers. I swear to fuck everyone here is a paycheck to paycheck McDonalds employee and pretending to be a pretentious asshole just because you watch the food network.

>ITT: we tell Jordan to Fuck Off
Fuck Off, Jordan.

Fuck off, Jordan.

fuck off Jordan

What's the fucking point of going to eat if you're not going to eat?
I don't eat dessert unless someone orders it for me. If I want dessert, I'll go home and eat cereal.
I tip anywhere from 1 - 5 dollars.
I spend 20 minutes reading the menu because i have anxiety. I'll usually pick something haphazardly when they ask me if I've made up my mind yet though.
Why in fucks name would I not take the rest of the meal that I fucking paid for home with me? Who's gonna eat that? You? Fuck that shit. That's tomorrow's lunch.
I have enough bottle water at home.
I drink Propel™ Fitness Water™ (Lemon™) since I'm always dehydrated. It tastes a lot better than the normal lead flavor I get in my house.

>Cleans his plate
bitch what i dont know about you but if i go out i better be hungry enough to clean my plate spending at least 20 fucking bucks on a meal

I can smell the ignorance trough my screen.
Fuck off Jordan.

Fuck off jordan.

People are only mad at Jordan for telling the truth. People don't like truth

Somehow i feel you're worse than jordan for supporting him.

americans really are human garbage

McDonald's is expensive, nigga. Real poorfag diet consists entirely of a bag of dried lentils they found on sale with a tomato they stole, and that's it.

The british once owned the world and now you can't even own a knife until you're 18.


This. + The same restaurants say shit like 1440 calories per drink. Nigga, can I have some beverage with that caramel sauce? I'm trying to wet my beak, not run an ultra marathon.

>someone has insulted america
>t-they must be british!!


Alexa says this is an American site

>Canadians and Australians take up less than 10% of the visitors
>Still do 90% of the shitposting
How do they do it?

it's not shitposting when it's the truth

>no it doesn’t.
Fuck Off, Jordan!

>he doesn't eat anywhere that doesn't have prices printed on the menu
>he never even glances at the wine menu, ordering the house swill everytime

fuck off jordan

Stop making the rest of us look bad jordan

>my part of country
>talking about shit happening in whole country
>talking about shit happening in the whole world
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do be American More Like?

I was raised poor, had to eat out of dumpsters to live. I appreciate food so I clean my plate, and water is amazing. I also tip 50%. So this is more of a "spot the fag who can't into nutrient intake and life appreciation" thread.

The odds of your serving matching your appetite perfectly are small.
Poorfags clean their plate because they've been conditioned to worry about starving.

Registrant Organization: Veeky Forums community support LLC
Registrant Street: 5042 Wilshire Blvd
Registrant Street: STE 34441
Registrant City: Los Angeles
Registrant State/Province: CA
Registrant Postal Code: 90036
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.2676081710

Now post the owners of the LLC.
And what does the registrant address have to do with the location of the servers?

It's an American company.

>I was raised poor, had to eat out of dumpsters to live.
>I appreciate food so I clean my plate, and water is amazing
Are you trying to prove OP right?

>If you clean your plate and you drink water, you're poor
>If you like fried chicken and you like watermelon, you're a nigger
Literally the same argument

That's as stupid as it gets. You eat the food you like, at the restaurant you like. I don't think chances are small at all.


The chef didn't match your portion perfectly you're just a poorfag who felt obligated to clean his plate or couldn't afford another dish.

Water is always patrician, pairs with everything. I'll clean my plate if I'm particularly hungry or eating from a small plate.

>it's bad to eat all of the food presented to you
>it's good to waste food

>it's bad to drink water
>it's good to drink sugar

if being wasteful and drinking liquid sugar is a sign of wealth, I never want to be wealthy.

Why are all of you giving that turbo tripfaggot your precious (you)s? Just ignore it and it'll go away.

Because it is impossible to do so faggot. The chef will not prepare food according your tailored shitty taste nor size of 'right' portion.

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!

>pay $15 for meal you could have made yourself for $3
>not eating all of it

The only people that don't finish their food are children and fatties.

Free refills has created a drinking culture where fags will just gulp down dozens and dozens of fluid ounces because it is free

Which is why you shouldn't be cleaning your plate retard.
Learn to fucking read.

>caring about $15
>"I-I'm not a poorfag"

>y-you're not supposed to drink water
>y-you're not supposed to eat all of the food you ordered
Cancer thread

>wasting food is not a class tell, it's sheer arrogance.
only the first part of that was wrong

>he spends extra money so he can impress people that dont give a flying a fuck about him
Lmaoing at this beta mentality.

>not finishing his dish
>Too retarded to order a new one
That's the stupidest thing i've heard today, burger.
Based on your previous reply you either don't like or full. Which is completely two valid reasons why you DONT order a new dish. Retard.

Poorfags are the ones who so insecure about their food that he cares about what other's eating.
Grow up, faggot.

You have poor reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

>nooo, buy a drink that costs money so it goes towards my tip!
Fuck right off.

>he doesn't eat defensively hunched over while wielding utensils like a weapon
get a load of this richboi lmao

> He does not request free ketchup
> uses the salt and pepper on the table does not request the premium seasonings.
> tips the waiter
> doesn't piss in complimentary water jugs

What fucking restaurants do you tards go to where they don't just bring out a jug of water for you to have alongside any other drink you might want to order?

>not eating all the food
Either you don't have parents who taught you proper manners or you don't have a kid.

>eating the food at all
>not ordering the most expensive meal and then ask for the check immediately
its like you want people to think you're poor

>>actually replying to bait